The roar of the bottle and Huang Daxian made all the audience stunned.

a time.

Only then did all the audience notice that there is a Jiang Ziya in this hand

Feeling, this comes to their mind.

"Damn it, there's Jiang Ziya!

RNG.M throws the cat god against the road, I haven't noticed that there is also a ginger

Tooth~, I was dumbfounded.

"Cat God: Then I go?"

"This kind of overall situation, this is the devil, right?

a time.

Countless voices of discussion resounded through the KPL-venues.

Because the cat god Jiang Ziya gave very few shots, so few viewers remember the RGM method

The teacher is a Jiang Ziya!

After Jiang Ziya's last change, his passive [Demon] experience mechanism was planned


From the original increase of 10 experience points every 14 seconds, the change is to increase experience points of 120 points every 168 seconds!

Although the total amount of experience points remains the same, it will be triggered every 2 minutes!

This is why.

The reason why Lin Tian dared to let the group start at [-]:[-].

Because he understands!

The last bit of experience will be completely filled at the moment when 2 minutes arrive!

The bottle looked at King Lin Tianlanling who was already at the fourth level, triggered the mouth of Jibu, and said: "Chuchen Pei

Capturing a tiger is [-] seconds and [-] seconds. "

"Heaven's Punishment backhand is when the second skill hits Chuchen Pei Qinhu, causing him to fall into a 90% deceleration


"Then the big move was directly moved over the wall and hit Yinuo's Sun Shangxiang, and the two of them were close to each other.

Good luck!

"One skill!"

"Receive two basic attacks and take Yi Nuo away!

The back row of the AG Super Play Club was completely torn apart, and Xiaoying Wan'er on the side hadn't reached level four at all.

Use the second skill and go sideways!"

"In the early morning, one more shot against piousness and keeping the promise, the blood volume reached one-third, and the dagger of heaven's punishment exploded

His blood volume dropped again!

"A basic attack is easy to accept!"

"Heaven punishes King Lanling to get a double kill!!!

This change in the situation has left countless viewers in deep thought.

This one.

The smell of gunpowder on both sides is too strong!

The small group battles in the wild area continued to be played. Originally, in the time period of 2 minutes, the two sides should

It should be at least three people and level four.

But the truth is.

After this wave of team battles in the AG red zone, only Lin Tian reached the fourth level alone.

It is still due to the experience bonus of the cat god Jiang Ziya!

When the news of Lin Tian's double killing was broadcast, RNGM fans were instantly excited!

"As expected of my heavenly brother, so fine!

"Not to mention anything else, it seems that I am right to use the astronomical telescope to watch the game.

Use your eyes!"

"Level [-] Lanling King enters the arena, this wave is really devastating!

"If there is no big move, it's really hard to say whether Yinuo can be cut to death, after all, Aisi's head is predicted

When I was in the police, I wanted to lean on Yinuo's side!"

"That's right, Brother Tian is too good at time management this time, and he just happened to be stuck in the first place of the cat god Jiang Ziya.

Wave experience bonus!

"Maybe this is the e-sports Luo Zhixiang!

When RNGM fans cheered.

The director also slowly released the replay of the team battle, and the camera focused on Lin Tian.

Time to punish anti-blue!

The experience bar has passed half of the two levels!

After killing Chuchen Pei Qinhu, his level experience is close to level three, when he walks back to his red zone

, relying on natural experience growth to reach the third level!

After brushing Piggy and Red!

The experience circle bar is halfway through the third level. At this time, the situation in the enemy's red zone is getting more and more anxious, and

Lin Tian started to rush to the team battle center!

When going to the side of the team battle!

The game time is exactly 2 minutes, relying on Jiang Ziya's experience to reach the fourth level!

This scene.

The director specially replayed it again, three times slower to allow the audience to witness more clearly, Lin

How did the sky rise to four!

Everything after the team battle seemed to be within Lin Tian's expectations!

After the replay, Huang Daxian sighed: "Heaven's Punishment is really good at controlling the details."

It's outrageous!

"It's too scary." Xiaolu also echoed.

"It's really strong!

If the bottle hadn't been swearing at the commentator, he would have used a few words in Huaxia's beautiful tone

, to express the mood at the time.

at this time.

In the Huya live broadcast room.

After Yueguang saw this scene, his eyes almost popped out, and he said in disbelief: "He

How could he be so perverted?

Such a shock.

Just like the saying that is popular on the Internet, shocking the moonlight for a whole year!

Seeing Yueguang's outrageous reaction, countless water friends began to gloat and send out bullet screens one after another


"Hateful Heaven's Punishment, almost took away our moonlight's eyeballs, his heart can be punished!!!

…for flowers 0…

"Moonlight, don't get excited, isn't it just that the AG Super Play Club is going against the wind again and again, calm down

Calm down, don't panic!"

"That's right, isn't it just that AG Super Play will be headed against the wind again! We will definitely do it if you drop [-] million, come on,


"This is simply murder, Yue Guangguang is just a child who deceives the skin, he shouldn't admit it

Received so much!"

"I have to say, Heaven's Punishment is really a master of time management, it's so terrifying, it's too shocking

Point it out, it's too insane!"

The barrage kept drifting past, and every word and sentence was like a knife cutting through Yueguang's heart.

The AG Super Play Club is indeed going against the wind again!

It was Lin Tian, ​​the key gentleman, who stood up again, which really reminded Yueguang of the old Fei Fei

Niu, Cat God, Nuanyang, Jiucheng!

These are peerless players who surpassed an era, and in their season

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