"If AG Chaowan will take off, Shangguan Wan'er and Sun Shangxiang are equally disgusting, and I can only say that they are junglers.

There is a gap.

"Good guy, if you say that there is a gap between Chuchen and Heaven's Punishment, don't you really want to try it?"

Try a private message to celebrate the New Year!"

"Young man, you are brave~

While the audience in the live broadcast room kept expressing their opinions, Lin Tian looked at the current situation,

The optimal solution to the situation quickly appeared in the mind.

After pushing down the first tower of the development road, the original plan was instantly overturned!

Because according to the current situation, Lin Tian feels that this is a once-in-a-lifetime push.

Don't miss out on that kind of opportunity!

the reason is simple.

One is that Azerubo doesn't have a big move!

Second, Yinuo Sun Shangxiang only has half blood!


The third is that RNGM is in very good condition and is fully capable of accepting the group.

The most critical point.

At this time, the game time has reached 3 minutes, and the first wave of RNGM players flashed,

Basically cool down!

A combination of the above.

Lin Tian, ​​the brain of the RNGM team, quickly commanded: "The plan has changed, everyone is in the middle

The road gathers and pushes a tower!

"I will show you the vision from the side, and we must make the most of our team system as much as possible.

Use it, don't delay!

"Remember, pay attention to Xiaoying Wan'er!"

a time.

The cat god replied as he walked: "Got it, brother Biao, our slingshots cooperate well, I sincerely hope that if you

If possible, click the tower as much as possible!"

Initially: "Got it!

Pious: "Understood!

Six at six: "I'll keep an eye on Wan'er, this time we all have flashes, so I'm not afraid that he will slip away and enter!


Lin Tian made a final decision, and said: "Then let's do it, we will sink the AG Super League with the strongest posture."

Play with this galaxy warship!

Sink the AG super play club with the strongest posture!

For an instant.

Everyone's blood began to boil, and winning AG Chaowan would become the only thing in their minds.


The situation changed again.

The bottle looked at the RNGM people walking, and immediately wondered: R, what else do they want to do?

Do you want to hit a tower?"

"Heaven's Punishment walked from the red area of ​​the AG Super Play Club to the gap on the side of the first and second towers. This position

It seems to be a little deep!

“But it provides the perfect view!”

Huang Daxian took a closer look, shook his head and said: "I 100% want to attack the first tower, AG Super Play

Will you dare to open it this time?

The voice fell.

Xiao Lu then said: "I think the AG Super Play Club can try to kill the Heaven's Punishment, he

Now the location is seriously out of line!

When saying this sentence.

The voice in the AG Super Play Club team also had the same general meaning, and Xiaoying Waner said without the slightest hesitation:

I'm on first!"


The combo in hand started to take off!

In the direction of the red BUFF, Xiaoying Wan'er's second skill [Feibai Zangfeng] is thrown, and the two big moves are activated

Start flying towards the boar area!

"Touch the button!

Although they have blind vision, they are all top players and can basically guess what Lin

The approximate location of the sky!

At the second tower!

Real Aisi Taiyi is also thinking about flash bombing!

It's too late to say it!

Lin Tian moved directly into the wild boar pit, because it caused damage to the three wild boars,

The figure has appeared!

Xiaoying Waner saw this.

The second flash hit the last big move!


"Silver hook and iron painting!

The collision of the second skill and the big move, playing passive high damage, and at the same time the ink is constantly flowing

Drops fell on Lin Tian's head.

Seeing this, Yinuo Sun Shangxiang couldn't bear it anymore, and tumbled into the distance, but the two sides were still a little far away!

There is no way but to quickly click on the big move!

【Ultimate Ballista】!

"Aim for the end of your life."

At the moment when the cannon was fired, the shadow head of Lin Tianer's skill quickly marked the only remaining Ono

Pig, general attack down!


After the blood recovery number appears, punish the wild monsters directly, and the green light of the dead wild boar makes

Flood into Lin Tian's body to raise another mouthful of blood!


At the same time, he pressed himself to recover, but he was interrupted by the ink after only recovering a mouthful of blood.

Get back in shape!

Wait for Wan'er Feitian's ink to drip.

Yinuo's big move hit.

Lin Tian still has one-third of his blood volume, but it was the moment Xiaoying Wan'er fell to the ground.

, two long-range consumption attacks.


One shot directly half blood!


The yellow shock wave swept across, and the smile left a quarter of its health!

"Seeking good luck and avoiding bad luck is the instinct of the weak!

Lin Tian's eyes were fixed, one shot and one skill hit two stages of high damage, and he easily accepted the smile

Wan'er's head!

"King Lanling killed Shangguan Wan'er!




Immediately press the four skills to be invisible!

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