The lineups on both sides are too perfect, but this is what creates who has the advantage and who

Win half the game.

at this time!

on the game screen.

When Lin Tian was wandering alone in the blue zone of the AG Super Play Club, he encountered a situation where he switched lanes to fight against Lu Qingbing.

Xiaoying Waner.

The warning flashed on Xiaoying's head, but he didn't show the slightest panic, and continued to remain silent.

Color goes to the line.

But if you observe Xiaoying himself carefully, you will find that his fingers stay on a skill all the time.

Come on, he wants to fight back!

Shangguan Wan'er is a hero!

As long as the opponent does not have a witch, and the passive interspersed damage is full, the blood volume of a set of combos

At least 4000+!

Warnings continue to flash!

Three seconds later!

Lin Tian's eyes flashed a sharp edge, and he quickly leaned on Xiaoying, acting as a hero model for the two

The moment of overlap!

Let's attack!

Two skills in seconds [secret skill shadow eclipse]!

The moment the shadow dagger entered her body, Xiaoying Wan'er immediately used a skill [seal spell attack]

, Quickly press the big move to fly!

This scene.

Let all AG Chaowanhui and RNG.M fans be nervous, this is a heads-up match between two people, both sides

The remaining four are all facing off in the red zone!

"The pain will be over soon!

Without waiting for Xiaoying to hit the second time, Lin Tian first pressed a skill to play a dizzy effect,

And connect with a common attack at the same time.

Immediately press the big move [secret attack]!



Then receive Ice Punishment in seconds, a set of A21A3 can be used in less than 1.5 seconds!

Just as Xiaoying was about to press the skill, the shadow dagger hanging on his head suddenly exploded, 24% of his life was lost

The value of damage instantly kills Xiaoying!

"King Lanling killed Shangguan Wan'er!"


Total Annihilation!

Looking at the gray screen of the mobile phone, Xiaoying shook his head helplessly, and said: "The damage is too high, even the trick

Can't press it out. "


Give him full damage this time, and he will definitely kill Lin Tian!


Lin Tian couldn't think of the thought in Xiaoying's heart, and he had already planned it when he was wandering.

Count all the damage.

at this time.

In the KPL venue, the slow playback of the kill just now was also played, and the bottle explained in a low voice: "God's punishment

The basic attack starts with the second skill!

"A skill triggers the shadow dagger to stun and then receives a basic attack at the same time. This is to kill all Lanling Kings.

The damage has hit the limit!

"Use the big move to receive the punishment instantly, and then the dagger exploded to accept the head of Xiaoying Wan'er.

The strokes are really picturesque!

After seeing slow motion.

Huang Daxian's eyes showed a touch of admiration, and he sighed: "This injury is really just right,

If Heaven's Punishment does not include those two basic attacks, maybe the ending will change. "

Little Lu nodded and said, "He's too thin.

This scene.

Completely destroyed hopes of a comeback.

In the red zone.

Combining pious keeping promises and slingshots, you can kill Chuchen Pei Qinhu thousands of miles away!

When Azerub was thinking about trying to start a team, the team was completely out of touch with him, [-] cheap

In a blink of an eye, Sun Shangxiang cut all promises directly!

Yinuo Sun Shangxiang, who has no money, is like tickling [-]. At this moment, he

Only then did I understand the suppressive power of [-] Lianpo.

One person chasing Yinuoaisi and two people running!

Azelubu, who was single-cut in the back row, was beaten to death by the group!

The gap between the two sides continues to widen.

The outer towers of the AG Super Play Club were constantly being destroyed. In just 7 minutes, even the highlands in the middle road were destroyed.

Already suppressed!

RNGM's winning rate gradually reached 99%!

at last.

At 8 minutes and 37 seconds, Lin Tian said calmly: "Brothers are ready for a wave,

Do not drag.

This sentence.

Like a life-threatening talisman, it was printed on the foreheads of everyone in the AG Super Play Club.

With the words out.

All members of RNGM attacked the high ground tower on the bottom road, and after expanding the gap, they continued to consume

AG super play will be five people!


After piously keeping the promise and firing a promise to resurrect, the team battle started completely!

Xiaoying Waner enters the arena!

(Nuo Zhao Zhao) Lin Tian saw the opportunity, and he was dizzy with two consecutive strokes, so that he was punished to stand on the spot and quickly

Open the mouth: "Stay, stay, stay, Wan'er, stay there!!!

For an instant.

RnM team voice started to set off firecrackers!

"I can follow the control, first second first second!"

"Click to die!"


"Taiyi Taiyi, be careful of Taiyi flashing!!

"I'm shaking!

"Yinuo is about to stand up, the Sky Team is going to cut him, I will keep an eye on Azelubu!

"I'm growing up, I'm growing up!"

"Second drop!"


"Waves, waves, waves!!!

With the rapid team battle voice, five members of AG Super Play will fall down one after another.

When Xiaoying and Yinuo fell down.

Actually it's over!

After killing Azelubu and Aisi Taiyi, the human form will be scraped at [-] Lianpo

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