Climb to the top with another's expectations!

This is a mutual agreement!

After Xiaotang waited for the AG Super Play Club to sit down, he proficiently said the opening remarks and let the AG Super Play Club sit down

Members introduced themselves in turn.

The voice fell.

Coach Awoke, who was sitting on the far left, said slowly: "Hi everyone, I am AG Super Play Club

Head Coach, Awoke!

"I'm the winger of the AG Super Play Club, Aze."

"I'm the mid laner of the AG Super Play Club, Xiaoying."

I am AG Super Play Club

After a brief introduction, Xiao Tang took a look at the card in his hand (cfaj opened his mouth and said

: "Well, thanks to all members of the AG Super Play Club for coming to the interview booth.

"Although the team unfortunately stopped in the loser's bracket tonight, please adjust your state and do your best

Prepare for the Champions Cup!

"I believe you can achieve better results, come on!!!

After Xiaotang said this, the six members of the AG Super Play Club also ignited their fighting spirit.

They don't have time to sink, lose the big deal, the champion starts all over again, from where they fell,

Get up there!

Before Xiaotang could ask a question, Chuchen said, "I finally understand, I and

The gap between God's punishment turns out to be

Say half.

Chuchen looked at Xiaotang's exquisite face, showing her admiration for Lin Tian, ​​and teasingly said

: "I want to ask host Xiaotang, do you have girlfriends?

At this time.

Yinuo also showed a smile, and said: "Sure enough, it's the way to become a god of the Hundred-Duan Wild King. We can't beat it."

too normal

Xiaoying shook his head lightly, and said with envy: "Heavenly Punishment is really a god, the brothers in the live broadcast room

Ladies, put your envy on the public screen!

A sentence of ridicule.

The official live broadcast room was instantly chaotic, and audience barrages continued to pop up.

"Envy envy envy!!!

"All the members of the AG Super Play Club let themselves go, Chuchen feels like they have let go of their burdens all of a sudden.

, is this to taste the bitterness of love?

"If you want to be the wild king in the arena, wechat has seven rooms. When you can control women's minds, the wild

District? Isn't that handy?

"That's right, we can tell by looking at the red number of the lipstick. You can distinguish different reds at a glance.

It's a ruthless man in the wild!

"Urgent help, my goddess asked me to give her lipstick, and then a bunch of question marks, what is the lipstick,

Does anyone know how to return it?

"I suggest to delete your goddess and give it to those who are prepared. The water here is very deep. You

Can't hold it, boy!"

The bullet screens in the live broadcast room kept popping up, and the interview was also proceeding slowly.

After listening to the ridicule of everyone in AG, Xiaotang's pretty face flushed slightly, and now almost the whole Internet knows her

The relationship with Lin Tian is unusual!


Only two of them know.

The relationship between each other is still in the heating up period, and the relationship has not yet been fully determined.


They still enjoyed the process very much.

After adjusting, Xiaotang also asked the first question, saying: "After the early morning and tonight's

After losing, have you thought about changing your style of play?


Chu Chen answered without hesitation, and then explained: "Look at our wild king Tian Punishment, don't

Change is no match for him!"


Xiao Tang answered softly, but was interrupted forcibly just as she was about to answer.

"Another thing I want to say!

Seeing Chuchen rushing to answer, Xiaotang answered and waited quietly for the next article.

Facing the live broadcast camera, Chuchen showed a malicious smile and said, "Ahem, I

I want to say something to Huahai of Jiangcheng eStar.

"I was beaten so badly by God's punishment. You were hammered by me every day in this training match. Prepare to

It's okay to accept the fear of super ghosts.

"Super ghosts are not ashamed!

This kind of trouble in disguise made everyone in Jiangcheng eStar watching the game startled.

Also as Chuchen said.

In the training matches between Jiangcheng eStar and the AG Super Play Club, almost every time the AG Super League

Play will crush to win!

The wild area is often completely suppressed in the early morning!

Although Huahai is extremely powerful, compared to Chuchen, the million-level wild king, the two are far behind.

There is still distance!!!

In this regard.

Huahai gave a wry smile, and responded from the air: "What's the matter with Chuchen, I think I will

Being punished by God to kill super ghosts?


Turn on the broken thoughts mode.

After the interview, the audience turned their attention to the big screen!

at this time.

The team documentary of the AG Super Play Club is being played slowly, which also announces their Spring Split

The journey is officially over!

At the beginning, it was extremely tear-jerking, and I congratulated "Yucheng AG Super Play Club as the opening of the documentary.

[When everyone is used to your excellence]

【That means】

【The world has higher expectations for you】

【How to respond to this expectation, only work harder than yesterday】


The AG super play will record the screen constantly flashing, let the AG boss Fei who is still watching the live broadcast at this time

Fei sighed heavily.

The whole person looks a little lonely, as if he has aged a few years in an instant

After the documentary aired.

It is already explaining to the world that their AG Chaowan will miss the championship again!



After this sweep, AG Super Play may be able to get a qualitative improvement!

At least.

Early morning has realized!

At the end of the documentary, countless fans of the AG Super Play Club cheered and cheered!


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