It’s really not good from the outside!

Lin Tian didn't stay in the training room either, but returned to the player's apartment!

After a wash.

Lie on the bed and open WeChat to chat.

Since entering the training mode, the chat records between Lin Tian and Xiaotang in the past three days, only

Good morning and good night!

Xiaotang also understands that in the final sprint stage of the spring competition, if he can not disturb Lin Tian's training,

Just don't interrupt training as much as possible!

after all!

She doesn't want Lin Tian to leave regrets!

"What are you doing?

There was no response from Lin Tian's message, and there was still no response after several consecutive messages.

If you are undecided, you can ask your best friend!


Reminded by Xiaotang's best friend Ling'er, Lin Tian entered a certain 70 person shop in Xiaopozhan.

Watch the live room.

"Well, so many people."

Lin Tian was a little surprised, and then looked at Xiao Tang who was seriously reading the barrage in the screen.

have to say.

The air bangs and the oval face look very girl-next-door, which makes people unconscious

There is a sense of intimacy.

Anyway, I have nothing to do tonight, so Lin Tian just happened to watch the live broadcast to relax.


"What song do you want to listen to?"

"Ring, ing, Ring" right? That's this one, the two vibrato version

Tian happened to have learned a little bit. "

Xiaotang quickly released the accompaniment after watching the barrage of water friends to confirm the song!


【Elongate your ears, be alert~】

【Nerve cells, fully alert~】

[Your call will never be missed, Ring, Ring, Ring, polyphonic ringing of love, yesh


When the beautiful voice meets the sweet song, the two have an instant chemical reaction.

a time.

Let countless water friends seem to return to the ignorance of going to school in 980, awakening the ignorance left in the hearts of young people,

That most beautiful shadow.

After this song has been adapted, the whole melody becomes extremely cheerful, and the overall feeling is like

Is in the emotional heating period.

The warming up period is the sweetest in a love, and this song captures this point, so that

Can achieve full Douyin explosion!

The sweet singing continued, and the water friends in the live broadcast room became more and more excited, and the barrage filled the screen instantly

The entire live room screen.

"I love it, Sister Tangtang sings so sweetly!"


Playground, she's wearing diapers

"Damn it, there are diapers? The mother-fetal single is so fresh and refined by you.

You are amazing!"

"It's decided, this time I'm planning to show my cards and confess my love, 60-year-old Aunt Wang,

I am coming!!!

"It's all a group of talents, alas, I can't be the only one who turned my first love into a wife? No

Can't you?"

What netizens don't know is.

When singing this song, pictures of her and Lin Tian kept flashing in Xiaotang's mind.

It's simply an emotional fit made in heaven!

Singing is the same as acting, both pay attention to feeling!

Feel it this time.

The appeal of that voice is obviously doubled!

End of a song.

Xiaotang smiled unabated and looked at the barrage content, and suddenly the live broadcast room was covered by the special effects of boarding.

The user 【天天天天天天娱】has activated Governor's

, and left a message: "It sounds good."

Chapter 240 Five Sweet Blessings from Xiao Tang!

Someone boarded the boat, and it was the governor worth 2 yuan!

Although the small broken station has changed a lot, but for the aspect of live broadcast, in general, it is still

There are consumption restrictions!

Like other live streaming platforms.

If you open a VIP with the highest standard, you will get a base of 10,000+, and the gift price is getting more and more expensive.


It can be said.

Other live broadcast platforms are trying to find ways to increase the price of gifts or titles, only small

The price of breaking the station is relatively low!

When the 2 yuan was thrown out, reminders appeared in the live broadcast room of the whole station!

[System]: The user is ranked as the governor every day in the live broadcast room of the unknown host Xiaotang

Come on, hurry up and watch!

a time.

Countless viewers went there one after another, and the number of viewers instantly increased by 30, becoming a million

Great live room to watch.

After seeing Xiao Tang's standard face like first love, countless water friends in the live broadcast room were boiling at this moment.

"Mom, I'm in love!

"No way, this Gou Rui is ignorant, why is there a beautiful woman who doesn't know how to push the home page to me?

"Every time I see a beautiful live broadcast room, I will click in, for fear that the big data will think I don't like it."

Look, this little broken station is not sensible this time!

"Ah, this anchor looks familiar, who is it?

"The good brother in front is too old and toothless, and he is basically familiar with beautiful women. Isn't this engraved on DN

Is there something in A?

The skyrocketing number of viewers in the live broadcast didn't surprise Xiao Tang, when she saw Lin Tian D

, Habitually picked up the mobile phone that was placed aside.

Turn on the screen and take a look.

[Male God]: "What are you doing?

News time 22:47!

【Plastic Girlfriend】: "Your man has come to look for you, so bye bye!"

News time 22:52!

The two messages both illustrate a problem, the "local tyrant" who boarded the boat in the live broadcast room is hers


After understanding the identity.

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