"Don't say anything, brothers, I'm a traitor, what kind of shit Jiangcheng eStar, I don't know

, RNGM must win!!!

"Holy shit, as a fan of Star E, I say, well done!

"Tonight's song special will not be poked~

Song after song was sung.

As the time approached zero, the number of viewers in Xiaotang’s live broadcast did not decrease but increased.

The number of people has exceeded 150 million!

Of course.

The number of 150 million people is naturally worthwhile. After all, the live broadcast platform often wants to look good.

The value will be multiplied several times.

But even so, the actual number of viewers is nearly 30, which can be seen from the home page recommendation

What a terrifying blessing!!!

Because it was almost two hours of listening, Lin Tian sent barrage in order to protect Xiaotang's voice

Said to go to rest.

After the barrage appears.

Xiaotang took a sip of water, and said with his throat closed: "Congratulations to the number one brother in our live broadcast room Tian Tian

good night every day

983 [Great Governor] Tiantian Tiantian: "Hurry up and download the broadcast, see you on the field.


Lin Tian started diving in stealth mode, Xiao Tang saw that there was no movement, and teased: "That big

People won't allow it to be broadcast, bye~

At this time, the time is almost one o'clock in the morning. According to the usual live broadcast time, it's okay, little

Sugar has long since gone to bed.

Of course.

Special situation tonight.

Seeing that Xiaotang was going to be broadcast, the water friends also sent bullet screens to say goodbye.

"Sister Sugar, good night~

"Rest early, and continue the live broadcast tomorrow night!

"I suggest that Sister Tang don't live broadcast the king, tonight's music session is really good,

I'm all numb!

"That's right, even though you are very skilled, I still like to listen to your singing, first love Diwei

Dao is by my side~

"Don't stop them talking nonsense, Mrs. Tang, hurry up and download the broadcast, Chirp~

Wait for ten seconds.

Xiaotang turned off the live broadcast, turned on the phone while lying on the bed, and looked at Lin Tian's chat box but couldn't

Dare to send a message to disturb.

After hesitating, he still chose to put down the phone and murmured: "Don't bother Brother Tian to rest,

It will interfere with his training tomorrow. "

Turn your head slightly.

The Disney photo of two people on the bedside table came into view, and a sweet feeling came from my heart

Born, accompanied by her falling asleep.

On the other hand, after waiting for half an hour, Lin Tian also put down his phone and began to rest.

The two are not parting.

The arena will meet again.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is the night before the semi-finals of the loser group.

In the RNGM training base.

The five people headed by Lin Tian are starting to review the training of field control.


Blitzkrieg tactics are brought out again!

Since Jiangcheng eStar is a pure wild nuclear team, then RNGM's idea is to directly

They started in the wild.

Try to destroy Huahai directly!

Just like what Chuchen said at the beginning, only Huahai can really put pressure on Jiangcheng eStar

With Jinyu two people!

It is worth mentioning that.

Jinyu is also a player that AG Superplay will sell, and Bi AG Superplay will hold a promise

, he couldn't get out at all.

But after today's transfer.

His own sharpness has only gradually emerged, and he has become a rare top player in the KP league.

One of the top shooters!

In a way.

Rngm and Jiang eStar City are very similar, both are pure wild core three-core teams!

In layman's terms it is.

The jungle position has always been the core, and two of the three branches will be the core in turn.

The two teams are basically the same.


The victory beep appears.

Stretched at first, said: "It's over in 6 minutes, I feel that there is no team in the qualifying team.

One who can fight!"

At [-]:[-], he patted his forehead and said: "If there is a team that can fight, then we will still

Practice a hammer blitz!"

"That's right!" Cat God agreed.

Piously yawned and looked at Eleven: "Coach, we still have a few more games to play."

Electric warfare feels like throwing up. "

Seeing this, Eleven said: "Don't fight anymore, I'm going to replay the E-star game, God will punish you!"

Is there anything you want to say to his (cfaj) team?

A question.

Let everyone focus.

You must know that many of their lineup systems were proposed and perfected by Lin Tian.

If Lin Tian already has the idea of ​​dealing with Jiangcheng eStar, maybe they can take advantage of this

Perfect it again.

He hesitated for a moment.

Lin Tian slowly opened his mouth and said: "I don't have any ideas about them, the invasion of the wild area and

Just break a line.

When he said this, Lin Tian's tone seemed a little relaxed.

In addition to being confident in himself, he also has confidence in his four teammates and the coach!

Seeing that Lin Tian had no objection, Eleven followed his own thinking and began to give N

The five GMs conducted a review.


At this time, in the training room of the eStar Hotel in Jiangcheng, SK is also in full swing for the resumption.

These seven days!

Except for Lin Tian, ​​they didn't care about any RNG.M player, because he

We understand that the key this time is the jungle position!

Who plays the wild rhythm hang!

Whoever wins half!

So during their rest time, they almost devoted their energy to studying Lin Tian's style of play, how to

Restraint and anti-restraint!

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