Maoshen was also revealed to be on the bench and had no training games to play.

that period of time.

Jiangcheng eStar was pushed to the forefront and scolded for failing to win the championship!

Until the contract expires, Maoshen transfers to RNG.M, the two meet again now, destined tonight

Only one team can walk away with a smile!

After feeling the enthusiasm of E-star fans, Tianyun shouted again: "Their opponent is, by 31

Led by the winning streak rookie Wang Tianfu, rnG.M!!!

As soon as this word comes out.

RNG.M fans instantly boiled up, while waving support objects, they kept shouting

Rookie king three words!

After Lin Tian's continuous victories, the title of Rookie King has become his label!

After all, KPL history.

But never before, so close to "God's player!

When the atmosphere of the venue is driven.

Tianyun handed over the screen extremely skillfully, and this time the interviewer was Linger.

As for Xiaotang, she was arranged to go to the comment section, which was also her breakthrough, and it was difficult

The degree lies in being on the commentary seat for the first time.

Seeing the handover of the screen, Ling'er quickly read and answered: "Okay, welcome to the audience friends to come to the interview.

Interviewer, I'm Linger. "

"Right now standing by my side is our RNGM jungler, the KPL wins all over the new

Human king, God punishes!

"Come and say hi to everyone."

The voice fell.

Lin Tian slowly raised the microphone and said, "Hello everyone, I am Heaven's Punishment."

The voice was extremely calm.

In fact, Lin Tian looked at these titles very indifferently.

Whether it's a complete winner or a rookie king, it's just that the world has added

It's just a floating cloud.

Only the Silver Dragon Cup, which is the pinnacle of KPL, is the most real title!

Seeing that Lin Tian was so indifferent, Linger also said shortly: "Let's put aside all questions tonight.

Question, just one question.

"That is

Ling'er made a long sound, arousing the curiosity of countless viewers watching the live broadcast.


Didn't keep people waiting too long.

Ling'er showed a smile, and said: "I want to fight with your opponent tonight, Huahai from Jiangcheng eStar

say something?"


As soon as this sentence came out, Lin Tian naturally understood the official intention of KPL, which was nothing more than to change the atmosphere.

Raise another height.

Lin Tian smiled lightly and said calmly, "I hope he can become my opponent."

As soon as this word comes out.

Not only did it not make Ling'er feel the slightest arrogance, but even a kind of arrogance sprouted in her heart,

An unbearable sense of loneliness.

"Is he... already so powerful?" Ling'er thought to herself, looking at Lin with her beautiful eyes.

God's deep pupils.


Quiet as an ancient pond!

She can now be sure that this sentence is Lin Tian's inner thoughts.

But as soon as the words came out, countless viewers in the official live broadcast room did not buy it.

"Damn it, I pretended it for him again!

"It's too arrogant, Huahai is the champion player in 19, why should he say hope?

Huahai becomes his opponent?

"That's right, I think it should be the other way around, I hope God will punish you to become Huahai's opponent,

Don't let the wild area be countered!"

"No, I'm an E-star fan, why did I not feel the slightest bit when Tian Punishment said this?

I don't feel like he's being pretentious. "

"Hey, maybe Heaven's Punishment is just like Dugu seeking defeat, only seeking one defeat!!!"

When the barrage flew across the sky.

Ling'er showed a smile, nodded and said: "Well, this is our Heavenly Punishment contestant for Huahai.

a word!

Then ~

"Please invite us Huahai to board the interview booth!

Suddenly Linger's words made countless people into a state of astonishment.

Wang pushes to the opposite!

There was no expression on Huahai's face, she was extremely stern, she walked to Linger's left

He stopped and said, "Hello everyone, I am Jiangcheng eStar Huahai!

a brief introduction

Linger is between the two, and this is also the most ruthless pre-match work in the interview booth


Talk harshly face to face.

It's comparable to the trash talk session of playing Bo7.

The reason for this design is that KPL officials are afraid that RNgm will compare eStar Jiangcheng to four

It's zero, so I changed my way to advance the trash talk session!

After all, RNGM has never lost since Lin Tian came on the field.

Not to mention the peak duel.

Even if other teams want to win, it is extremely difficult!

Ling'er looked at Hua Hai and joked, "Just now Tian Punishment said that I hope you can be his opponent.

Is there anything you want to send him?

Make trouble!

Pure mess!

At this moment, the fans of both teams are looking forward to what kind of sharp language Huahai will use to fight back.


Huahai slowly stretched out her left hand, revealing a ring on her ring finger, and opened her mouth slowly

Said: "I have climbed to the top, but you have not!

In a word.

The smell of gunpowder on both sides was completely pervasive. In the RNGM lounge, I was surprised at first: "Where are you going?"

The groove is so ruthless, they won't fight!

With pity in his eyes, the cat god shook his head and said, "I don't know if we can fight, but flowers

Hai is about to meet the scariest Sky Team!

"A moment of silence for Star E! Shaking his head reverently.

At six o'clock, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "Tong Tian Ye Wang is online again, and we have to go online again.

The lying dog of the team that day.

As soon as these words came out, the RNGM lounge uttered a "hmm ~ 0.9" approval sound.

What Huahai said.

Definitely hit Lin Tian's pain point!

31 consecutive victories?

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