
Once there is a game where Baili keeps the contract, the jungler will choose the wild area and the confrontation road to do things.

Hearing Lin Tian's opening piously, he sighed and said, "Okay, I'll give Team Tian a face.

Just play Li Yuanfang!


RNGM made the final decision, and the lineups of both sides are also clear at a glance.

Blue party: Jiangcheng eStar

Confrontation Road: Lian Po [Flash] (Zi Mo)

Middle Road: Chang'e【Flash】(Wuxin)

Jungle: Mirror【Punishment】(Flower Sea)

Support: Mozi【Flash】(No Ming)

Development Road: Baili Keeping the Covenant [Flash] (Jinyu)

Red party: RNGM

Confrontation Road: Lu Bu【Flash】([-])

Middle Road: Shen Mengxi【Flash】(Cat God)

Jungle: Pei Qinhu [Punishment] (Lin Tian)

Support: Taiyi Zhenren [Flash] (initially)

Development Road: Li Yuanfang [Flash] (Devotion)

After the lineups of the two sides were presented, the prediction of A's winning rate also appeared at the bottom of the big screen!

RNG. M: 53%

Jiangcheng eStar: 47%

The gap between the two sides is not big, it can be said that the strength of the lineup is quite the same!

When the lineups of both sides were determined, Eleven took a deep breath and shouted, "Brothers, is there any

Confidence shatters the stars?!!


Lin Tian and the others did not hesitate at all, and responded with the same shout!




"come on!!!"

A united cheer brought the morale of the team to its peak in an instant.


No matter how strong the opponent is, just knock (nuoqianhao) and you're done!

With the coaches on both sides shaking hands.

There was also a burst of cheers at the scene, the lineups of the two sides were evenly matched, and whoever fought

Hard power is harder!!!

"Shine to your heart's content, Star E!!!

"The three-foot long sword showed its sharpness, RNGM crushed them!!!

"I don't know who will invade who's wild area. I feel that both lineups are inclined to invade. It depends on who goes first.

Light that fire!

"On the invasion of the wild area, God's punishment, God forever!!!

While the audience was discussing, the BP interface quietly changed, replaced by the finalized

Lineup, and summoner skills!

This interface means that you are about to enter the game!

Seeing this scene, Li Jiu announced loudly: "The semi-finals of the loser group in the 2021 spring competition, G

M vs. eStar Jiangcheng, the first match is about to start!

"Heaven's Punishment and Flower Sea, who is the king of the wild?

"let us wait and see!!!

Chapter 250 The opening idea, the atmosphere is getting more and more anxious!

"Welcome to King of Glory!

"The enemy army has five seconds to reach the battlefield, please be ready!

"Army attack!!!

During the exciting broadcast of the start of the game, a horn blew the start of the game.

Opening the store, there was a sound of buying equipment, Lin Tian quickly bought a jungle knife and

Learn the second skill [Qi Defense Style]!


Switch the tiger form, the second skill uses the crystal as a pedal to jump and move, increasing the chance of going out at the beginning


The smooth strokes are done in one go!

"There is no shortage of talent in this greenery, hard work is the final ticket!

in the upfront.

Every second counts!

It's about who can occupy the grass in the river, and then choose to beat others!

Because this RNGM is the red side, the two roadside routes will be reversed, Lin Tianmu

The mark is naturally also set in the opposite blue zone!

As Lin Tian moved, he opened his mouth to direct: "I am standing in the middle of the road on the left side of the grass, and I will look at the opposite side first.

Think about how to start. "

"If peace!

"Then Sixth Brother, you have to reach the middle position before Lianpo 1 minute ago!

these words.

With a touch of unquestionable meaning, Let Six Point Six immediately nodded and said: "Understood!

With such a head-to-head lineup between the two sides in the early stage, it is really hard to say that they will enter the wild at the first level.

The key is.

Everyone knows that with p shares, eStar will definitely not put Chang'e, who has no intention of 983, in the middle, and keep the contract

If you put Mozi in the middle.

Their defensive ability in the wild can be said to have risen in a straight line!


After changes in the previous version.

The arrival speed of the pawn lines on both sides is actually about ten seconds slower than that in the middle lane.

If the sky invades the wild.

What is likely to be faced is the ultra-long-distance poke that the second-level Chang'e and Mozi keep their promises

But the same reason!

If the mirror of Huahai wants to invade, then what he has to face is the infinite power of Taiyi in the first place.

The cat god Shen Mengxi who can explode with power, and the second level can kill people in seconds!

It can be said.

Whoever invades at the first level loses!

But this Lin Tian will definitely not develop peacefully. A qualified jungler needs to be proficient in

Figure all favorable conditions!

Red BUFF is his reliance!

To know!

The strongest period of a Pei Qinhu is not when he is at the fourth level, but when he has a red B on his body

When the UFF invaded.

Here are two ways to play!

The first!

The overall enemy lineup is weak, invade the enemy's red zone to get red BUFF, and then start to fight all

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