No effect.

Then the scene will definitely get out of control.

Because trolls don’t know how to be humane, after eating the economy and failing to produce results, Weibo and social media

No. Surely someone will scold!


Huahai is going all out!

Even if you are scolded bloody, it is better to bring up the economy, and Lin Tian, ​​the wild king

Let's have a real fight!

A hearty battle is what he is looking for!

a time.

The two sides entered a short honeymoon period.

Commentary seat.

As the commentator's big brother, Li Jiu skillfully pulled out the topic and said, "The two sides have entered a short honeymoon.

During the breeding period, Jiangcheng eStar is currently headwinded.

"The backward economy can be said to have left them impoverished. Now let our dreams

The teacher talks. "

"If you want to make a comeback."

"What does Jiangcheng eStar need to do? In terms of the safest 987 way."

These words are a test of the player's skills, but this is also why tonight's commentator is a dream

Cause of tears!

Bi Menglei is one of the few players in the KPL who can be called a teacher.

There are advantages.

Menglei looked at the movements of both parties, and slowly analyzed: Jiangcheng eStar is going to turn the tables, steal

Home is definitely out of the question. ",

"I think, if they want to win this round, unless Huahai puts RNG.M in the back row

All solved.

You see, Jiangcheng eStar is now giving the economy to Huahai, the hero Chang'e is here

Headwind is really useless. "

The voice fell.

Ju Ju nodded and said: "That's right, I can't resist and have no output, Lian Po doesn't need money, so I can make a deal

Take control and you're done. "


Li Jiu replied, and concluded: "Now we need to eat economically, and that is Huahai's Jinghe.

Jinyu has kept the promise. "

When the three commentators were talking, the scene suddenly became restless again.

I saw that Huahai's mirror cleared the line, and wanted to get a second wolf to make up some money, but Lin Tianhu

Jump directly to punish.

Instantly cut into human form, strengthen the basic attack and hit it with one shot!



The high amount of spell damage triggers the passive of the Radiant Sword, and Huahai's health bar is reduced all of a sudden.

One third less!


The audience gasped, and then there was a lot of discussion.

"Heaven's Punishment O'Neill is so overbearing, he didn't even give it to the second wolf!

"This one, Brother Heaven's Punishment explained what is brought doctrine, Erlang? Bring it, you,

Jungle? Bring it you, head? Bring it you!

"It's too dark. I called the anti-criminal phone number, and the heavenly punishment on the other end asked me where I lived!"

"This man is so manly, let this 18-year-old young girl how can she control her


"I recommend direct leakage!

The two peak wild kings meet, and now things are really different!

It's hard to force Hua Hai to run away with just one enhanced basic attack.

Avoid being ridiculed by the audience.

But after this time.

Huahai became more cautious, he can't be killed now, bluntly said,

He is the hope of the whole village!

The light of hope of Jiangcheng eStar!!!

As time goes by, the game time gradually reaches the critical time period of 9 minutes and 30 seconds


Because at this time, the team with the advantage will definitely arrange the vision of the dragon area, to open up

The dragon is making preparations!

sK saw that everyone in eStar Jiangcheng gradually became tense, and sweat began to profuse from their foreheads.

But he didn't notice it at all!

Commentary seats:

"Looking at the movements of Jiangcheng eStar, they are going to give it a go!

"That's right, it's impossible for them to get the Shadow Lord for RNGM, once they get it, it's equivalent to

With half of the interference, tower jumping is extremely convenient!

"Their only chance now is to compete for this master, letting go is tantamount to failure, and getting

Definitely more delays!

"Huahai's economy is only [-] yuan at this time, but the punishment of God is already [-], he can create miracles


"It's 10 minutes!"

! "Heaven's Punishment directly opened his arms to dominate the shadow, and at [-]:[-] Lu Bu looked at the field of vision from the grass in the middle


The sound of running wolves sounded, and all eStar members in Jiangcheng started to accelerate!

Zimo Lianpo, who was traveling at high speed, suddenly jumped into the river with no vision.

Dao Ducao, knocking pious Li Yuanfang away!

For an instant.

Wuming Mozi catches up with one shot, and Wuxin Chang'e flashes to close the distance to keep up with the output, the ultimate move

Numerous Moonlights deal explosive damage.


At first, Taiyi was not a vegetarian, so the big move [Big Transformation] was given directly!

Although pious Li Yuanfang was shot down in a flash (cfaj), she can still stand up again!


Shen Mengxi, the cat god, was not so lucky. The moment he threw his ultimate move and froze,

The side of Huahai's mirror cuts in, one or three consecutive moves to rush forward at a high speed!

[-] Lu Bu's ultimate move [Devil God Comes into the World] wanted to save him, but when he landed, he could only see the cat god

Shen Mengxi's corpse!

But fortunately.

The big move [Comprehensive Explosion] is thrown out!

Shen Mengxi, who has accumulated nearly [-] economies, this bomb is no less than the two bombs dropped on a certain island.


"BOOM! !!

a time.

There is blood left in the auxiliary side of Jiangcheng eStar at the river course. Originally, their economy was low. This bomb almost

Almost no one can stand it!

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