Team up to play!

In the end, when Lin Tianjing harvested, perhaps many people's first impression was that he was head-grabbing

But it's not.

The damage mechanism of the mirror is that the passive shattering of the mirror will cause 4% of the lost HP to be killed

damage, and skills will be refreshed at the same time!

That means!

The lower the enemy's HP, the higher the damage!

If Lin Tian hits the output directly at the moment the cat god blows over, in case of six o'clock

If the damage of Liu Lianpo's skill is not enough, it can't be achieved in an instant

Then Wuxin and Jinyu will have a chance to hand over their flashes to distance themselves and fight back


The four-time champion coach gemini also said that the main reason for focusing fire is for the opponent to fall

People, form an instant kill!

Once the damage is dispersed.

Then the most intuitive point is that all opponents are half blood and have no follow-up damage

that's the most hurtful thing

In this case, there is also a special expression in KPL, that is, invalid output

ask for flowers 0

In layman's terms, everyone outputs a tank, and he is not killed in the end.

is typical invalid output!

The KPL venues were amazed in unison, Lin Tian in the game screen, cooperated with his teammates to jump directly into the tower

Lu Wuxin Shen Mengxi!

I saw the first shot of vertigo!

Lin Tianjing moved his hand with one or three moves in a row, and the second skill body and shadow were scraped at the same time, refreshing

A moment of skill!

21A punishment is easy to kill in seconds, the whole process only takes 1 second, unintentionally Shen Mengxi watched

The gray screen mobile phone is in a panic!

They were pressed to the ground and killed, basically powerless to fight back

Seeing Lin Tian who left in a cool way, Wuxin couldn't help but look at Huahai, and said: "Brother Huahai

, how to fight now? He kills in seconds!

He said three words in seconds, with a little regret when he said them

This is really impossible to deal with!

The people in Huahai were numb, and said in a low voice: "Procrastinate, move as far as possible, and see if you can

Drag to the middle

Wu Ming glanced at Lin Tianji, and said, "Fuck, it's only been 2 minutes, God

fine three thousand

Jinyu swallowed his saliva, and said in a low voice: "You can't give other people's heads away, otherwise there is really no way

Fight with the opponent.

Zimo laughed at himself, and sighed: "Steady, I'm afraid we'll break XQ's fastest ending pair."

bureau records.

It is the predecessor of today's Guangfu TTG

When playing against EDG.M, he was pushed directly by the opponent at 6 minutes and 46 seconds, creating a K

The fastest game record in PL history.

after that

As the captain, AT would encourage the young players: "Play well, don't break you

old-timer's record

When Zi Mo's voice fell.

Huahai was full of energy, gritted his teeth and said: "Brothers, work harder, don't be flattened by others in 6 minutes."

Push it!


The words had just been spoken.

A figure suddenly appeared behind Concubine Yu of Jinyu, and the cat god Zhou Yu directly cut off the back

Lin Tian on the side is also closed off the road, and the front is the original and pious

RNG.M's four Nakano assisted shooters let Jinyu realize what high-quality care is

Seeing that something was wrong, the unnamed Shield Mountain immediately hid in the defense tower and directly chose

Choose to sell your own shooter!

The line of soldiers entered the tower, and countless skills fell.

"Zhou Yu killed Concubine Yu!

Jin Yu looked at the mobile phone with a gray screen for a moment, and cursed in his heart: "I only reached the fourth level of the fuck, idiot

this moment.

He thinks it is necessary to exercise his muscles, see you backstage next time, and beat them once

Especially the [-]:[-], who dared to shoot him unconscious with a cannon!!! Nine




Chapter 260 The third chapter has zero records, the punishment of heaven is really inappropriate

Slot, I beg God to punish me as a human being!

It’s too difficult for Jinyu. I’ve only reached level [-] and I’m still planning to show off my ambitions, but the bottom lane starts directly

Playing mahjong is brutal!

I just want to ask, is there still the law of the king? Is there still the law of heaven? Is there still the law?

Is it ethical?

I thought Wu Ming would die to save Jinyu, but he didn't let go of any special skills and just shrunk

Damn Tari!!!

This is that Shefu is originally a bird in the same forest, and when disaster strikes, they fly separately!"

The audience kept laughing and talking, with relaxed expressions on their faces.

For RNG.M fans only!

Facing such a headwind, Jiangcheng estari fans are all nervous

Originally, they thought that the two sides would use the version to play a strong jungler, but no matter what, they could play a high-quality game.

Measure the game out.


What they saw was that Lin Tian, ​​the canyon bully, started to invade crazily again, and this

Arresting people is more violent than Pei Qinhu last time

The last one needs to cooperate with teammates to make up for the damage, and also needs a perfect opportunity to enter the field

But this time, what Lin Tian got was the mirror with the highest explosion in the early stage of the king, as long as he is found

You can take the opportunity with you!

Play both ways.

Obviously the mirror is more violent "[-]" force

Jiangcheng estar lounge.

As the head coach, SK has already regretted it, and now he finally understands the fear of Lin Tian getting the mirror.

See the game screen at this time.

The four GMs are so fucking waiting for Wuming Shield Mountain to come out from the tower, what is this?

Cruel gameplay?

He has no name but a meat tank!!!


The four big men don't give face

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