Everyone looked stupid!

The hero Jing, who is true, will be punished by God to play. If there is no accident, he will definitely be punished.

Reduce damage!

Artest continued to be crazy, but suddenly there was an "accident" on the field!

After watching the crystal being pushed, Huahai immediately shouted: "Referee referee!!!

The field referee equipped by Jiangcheng estar! immediately stepped forward and asked in a low voice: "What happened?

The game can no longer be suspended!

Because it's all pushed to the crystal, there is still a fart for pausing

Huahai smiled wryly, and joked: "Am I the one who called timeout at this time? I want to say

It is to apply for consecutive matches!

These words did not surprise his teammates, even a trace of helplessness flashed in their eyes.

While in the lounge.

Coach SK has already explained that if he still loses in this game, he will apply for a change to start consecutive matches.

Change strategy and play once.

The field referee responded and immediately reported to the chief referee.

Do it all.

Hua Hai sighed, looked at Zi Mo and said, "Brother, I will continue to rely on you this time.

Last round

They play Qghappy to let the second chase the fourth, and when the third is played, Huahai also does it

An amazing decision was made!

That is.

Abandon the wild core and switch to the edge core

But this set of life-saving system can be said to be the lineup of Jiangcheng e Starl, but it is limited to

use only once

Because Ma Chao can only use it once

As soon as RNG.M and the others stood up, the referee lady behind her walked up to Lin Tian.

Tried to speak but was stopped

With a smirk on his face, he joked, "Don't be fascinated by our captain, add WeChat

Words, hey, scan me!


He also wanted to take out his mobile phone in his pocket, but was rejected by the referee lady: "No thanks

Thank you, this time to inform you.

Jiangcheng estar applied for uninterrupted competition, I would like to ask if you agree with it? Once you agree

There will be no breaks in the next two games

Please reply within ten seconds

After speaking, he looked at Lin Tian, ​​and the two of them just looked at each other at this moment.

In an instant, the referee lady thought, this is fucking heaven, right? Why did she let her

feeling restless

Lin Tian smiled faintly, scanned the crowd and said, "I'm fine, how about you?

No!" replied the Cat God.

[-]:[-] twisted his neck, made a crackling sound, and said, "It's just that we can finish the fight early.

go back to sleep

Initially straight to the point: "DON'T!!!

no problem!

Replied piously, then looked at the referee lady and said unswervingly: "Miss sister, we

Learn more about it.

Li Jiuyanqing couldn't escape the anomaly in the battle seats, and quickly said: "Hey, the referee in the arena

Judgment is negotiating with the team members!

Juju heard the words and explained: "It is definitely impossible to suspend the timeout, and the second game is already over.

It's over. "

Menglei answered quickly, saying: "Then the only option left is to continue the match.

do not agree?

The voice falls


Among the headsets of the three commentators, came the deep voice of the backstage director: ""Jiangcheng estar E Shen

Please continue to break the game, RNG.M agrees, you three get ready!

The remarks

Immediately let the three commentators enter the state, Li Jiu announced: "Just got the news, RNG

M agrees to uninterrupted competition, so friends, don’t walk away, and come back immediately after entering the advertisement


As soon as the screen of the online game was turned, it had already entered the 1-minute commercial time.

The two coaches also took steps and slowly walked out of their team lounge.

Already expected!

ad disappears

The two sides have entered the third BP, and the two coaches also put on sound-proof earphones

When he came to the battle seat, the first sentence he said was to praise: "You played well last time, but

This big opposite move should come.

As soon as this word comes out.

Everyone didn't panic at all, because as long as Lin Tian still had that bland expression

others believe

This is where their belief lies, and it is also the eternal team soul of RNG.M!!

Let's see what they play first, if it is the previous set, they will be finished. "Lin Tian

lightly opened the mouth

RNG.M played Jiangcheng estar, but they worked hard, after all, this team and RNG

M style is too similar!

Who is embarrassing


The first round of the two sides banned, Jiangcheng estar banned Meng Qi and Lan, and did not want to let the upper

The results of the game were repeated.

RNG.M chose to ban Master Luban and Da Qiao without hesitation, the two systems

The hero is directly banned


Confirming A Guduo without hesitation, Lin Tian showed a pleasant smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Yes.

I'm going to use that set of side cores.

The last time I played QG, the same handicap was played, which was a set of Aguduo's side core system, which was completely completed

A four-set counterattack was launched.

This time Jiangcheng estar?

Louna Aguduo is not sure if Lin Tian will play

, but they understand that [-] will definitely not be Ma Chao!

Take two or three hands, steady!

After Jiangcheng e Stark fans saw it, they rekindled their hopes

Eternal Glory!!!

Undying Stars!!!

Let two chase four, let history repeat itself!!!

Come on Huahai, the final stage is waiting for us to set foot on it together, we can’t do it here

Moment down!!

Fans cheered one after another in the stadium

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