Yes, both sides are messing with each other

Li Jiu laughed loudly, and joked: "I understand the smiles of both sides before the match.

Want to have a wave of skill duel!"


Ju Ju nodded and explained: "Li Bai and Han Xin are two heroes who meet each other in the canyon.

killed for many years

What can I say!

In terms of the hero mechanism, the two sides are in a relationship of mutual restraint. To put it bluntly, whoever fights

Who will die depends on technology

As soon as this word comes out.

All the audience offline and online boiled instantly, the underdog vs. underdog match, they really

I have little expectations.

at the same time.

In the official live broadcast room, the small barrage rocket quietly came out.

Send the barrage "Extreme Skills Competition" to draw three iv mobile phones, and announce the winner after 1 minute

Award list!

Countless barrages fly up!

But in the comments section at this time, Nuan Yang looked at Chu Chen and said with a smile: "Hahaha, these two people

It's time to play!

Chuchen also showed a smile, and teased with a grin: "Han Xin beat Li Bai, there is still

A little advantage.


As soon as the front turned around, Chuchen said directly: "If it is Li Bai who punished brother Li Bai, then

It's forever God~

Xiaotang sitting next to him was quite speechless, these people are really too boring!

But when he turned his eyes back to the live broadcast screen, Xiao Tangmei's eyes leaked a look of worry, and she prayed in her heart.

Pray: "Brother Tian, ​​keep going!

Countless professional players who watched the game showed smiles watching the show.

QG base

Fei Niu laughed and joked, "These two have personalities, I like them!

AG super play club base!

Nuo patted his thigh, gave a thumbs up and exclaimed: "Awesome, worthy of being the two peaks of KPL

The king of the wild is the wild!!

MTG base

Mo Fan stood up straight away, saluted the screen and said, "These two people are too hung up, they are living and dying

Play Li Bai Han Xin!

Hero Jiujing Hotel Base!

Wuwei grinned, showing a playful look and said: "These two are so interesting, this

This time I bought Hua Haiying!"

All the professional players who watched the game on the Internet all showed anticipation expressions at this moment!


The wheel is getting stronger!

The KPL official tweeted directly on Weibo, pushing the heat of the game to a new level

【Wild King Showdown】

Heavenly Punishment Li Bai

[Champion Wild King Huahai Han Xin

[Who is better at technique?




Chapter 260 The seventh chapter of Huahai collapse, the professional ability of KPL commentary!

When KPL's official Weibo tweet appeared, the comments below kept popping up.

[Maruzi is very garden]: "Two rounds are strong, one round is developed, and in this round they are beaten by the weak

Wild competition, interesting!

[My cow is very fat]: "It feels like the two of you have negotiated, Han Xin and Li Bai appear at the same time

, it has an inner taste!

[What about my balance?

It depends on whether this sea of ​​flowers can continue to live, maybe it is true

~ a miracle will happen

[Eat and drink enough to get a foot treatment]: "The styles of these two teams are too similar, both are junglers as the core

Xin, I don't know if the teammates will stand up this time!

With the constant stream of fishing boats on the Internet, the number of likes on KPL's official Weibo has exceeded -[-]

Ten thousand

The topic also quietly appeared on the hot search, and more and more people poured into the KPL official live broadcast room!

At this time, the number of people watching the official live broadcast has increased from 30 to 50.

Female audiences accounted for 70%!

According to research.

90% of the king female players can not refuse the temptation of the wild king, the most obvious is

Look for CP's speech in the lobby.

It is generally said that they are looking for Brother Yewang, but they never say that they are looking for brother shooter who is an assistant winger

That's the location difference!

This time Lin Tian and Huahai's battle between the wild kings is still Li Bai and Han Xin, and the fans are the best.

The two more popular heroes naturally attract many younger sisters to watch!

Not to mention girls can't resist, even men can't resist the temptation of the wild king, this

That's the charm of playing wild!

When the online fishing boat was fermenting, the lineup of the fourth game of the two sides had been determined

Blue party: RNG.M

Confrontation Road: Bai Qi [Flash] ([-])

Middle Road: Wang Zhaojun【Flash】(Cat God

Jungler: Li Bai [Punishment] (Lin Tian)

Support: Master Luban [Flash] (initially)

Development Road: Huang Zhong【Flash】(Devotion)

Red Party: Jiangcheng estar

Confrontation Road: Lian Po [Flash] (Zi Mo)

Middle: Jiang Ziya [Flash] (Wuxin)

Jungle Han Xin【Punishment】(Flower Sea

Support: Cai Wenji [Interference] (no name)

Development Road: Houyi [Flash] (Jinyu)

not difficult to see.

The lineups of both sides are biased towards development, and both Pious and Jinyu have their own shooters

One of the three phantom gods

The key to this game is not only the confrontation between wild positions, but also the confrontation between shooters!

Welcome to the glory of the king

Sound game broadcast sound, officially entered the game!

Regarding this, Li Jiu announced: "Okay, RNG.

Enter the game screen!

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