The grass on the side of the tower rushes in!

Five damages were dealt, and Huahai Han Xin in the grass lost one-third of his HP in an instant, but he

No panic!

Only the weak care about shame.

The skill displacement went straight to the shadow of Lin Tian, ​​and at the same time, a crisp bird song sounded

Jinyu Houyi shot a big move, and the fire bird went straight to Lin Tian and Li Bai's real body!

one day back

They are facing Lian Yan and Han Xin, but if they don't go back, Lin Tianzhong will be dizzy.

Then Han Xin in Huahai can use a skill to come back, the name Han Tiaotiao

It's not for nothing

"Meeting you is the fate of life after life

The second skill is to draw circles in situ

The unselectable state appeared, and the Firebird flew directly over Lin Tian's head, and then Lin Tian quickly

Go to the enemy blue zone!

But this moment!

Bottom team battle has started

The pious Huang Zhong directly set up the cannon. At first, Master Lu Ban put on the chain and asked him to move the position directly.

The cannon fire fell with a bang!

Hua Hai didn't hesitate, and immediately said: "You guys fight in front of the group and directly set fire to kill Huang Zhong

I'm looking for God's punishment!

Zi Molian knocked away the piety with a flash, and at the beginning, he followed up with two, one, and three consecutive moves, and Jiang Ziya's unintentional

The big move also came quietly, playing explosive output


The devout Huang Zhong has lost blood, and at the beginning Master Lu Ban also only had one-third

But RNG.M is not covered here, [-]:[-] flashes the big move to aim at Cai Wenji and Houyi

Play the perfect taunt!

The cat god Wang Zhaojun took the second skill of freezing, and at the same time the ultimate move of hail crackling down

Zimo Houyi relied on Cai Wenji to add blood, carried it abruptly, and then drew the bow to carry out

The last Han out before his life is gone!

The frontal battlefield instantly fell into a melee


Heaven's Punishment removes the seal of the big move, you have to move up two stages and rush into the grass on the left side of the first tower in the bottom lane

The big move is down!

"Hua Hai ate a lot, and was knocked out by one-third of his health, but he didn't advance but retreated with the second skill

Charge into the shadow guard!"

"Houyi's big move!

Dodged by the second skill of Heaven's Punishment, Heaven's Punishment began to walk towards the blue zone, and it was impossible for him to return to the same place

Pious Huang Zhong set up a cannon, at first Master Lu Ban pulled him to the front line, and the output fell directly behind

Yi's body!

Lian Po flashed out the control

Jiang Ziya flashes

But the follow-up seems to be no harm, Houyi Cai Wenji was ridiculed by Bai Qi at [-]:[-]

Stay, it's dangerous!

"The cat god also flashes the second skill to freeze, and releases a big move to deal explosive damage

But Cai Wenji had already unleashed a big move, Hou Yi took it down, started to fight back, and received two arrows

Pious bloody head!

But the pious Huang Zhong's cannon also fell!

Shooter swap!"

Seeing that things were not going well, Cai Wenji wanted to run away. At first, Master Lu Ban shot him into the air with a flash.

Po and Cai Wenji

The cat god took the head of Wuming Cai Wenji with a skill, but Zimo's innocence is very hard, I feel

Can't kill it!!

For two!

This wave of RNG.M won

Look at the Heaven's Punishment and Huahai in the blue zone, the little head portrait is re-logged, is the duel about to start

The remarks

Let the backstage director quickly raise the camera, so that countless viewers turn their eyes and look at the blue zone

Those two figures in the picture!

The blue zone is empty of wild monsters

Huahai has been cleared in advance, because he knows that Li Bai is such an operation hero, and he likes to use it very much.

Wild monsters unlock big moves to fight back!

Lin Tian didn't panic at all, but his eyes were already serious

Humans are mortal!

Huahai Han Xin took the lead, and quickly moved to Lin Tian with the second skill

It's too late to say it!

Seeing the movement of the long sword, Lin Tian's body rushed forward quickly, hitting with the skill [Will Drinking]

Out of dizziness, general attack


No rush for the second paragraph!

Instead, go directly to the river in the blue zone, giving Huahai the illusion of escaping!

Huahai didn't hesitate at all, and pressed a skill to fly, but at the moment of flying, Lin Tian

Two paragraphs one release!

Skill Judgment!

Lin Tian was knocked into the air!

The sea of ​​flowers is stunned!

But the control time is different, Huahai Hanxin is the first to get out of control, and the passive sweep of the second skill

Play it, a scarlet crit appears!



Lin Tian lost a full third of his blood volume, but the blood volume of the two sides is also almost the same, after all

Actually, Huahai took a big move from Lin Tian before!

General attack!

Lin Tian's fourth floor passive has already been fully boarded, and the moment the sword energy on his body soars to the sky, the big move [Qinglian]

Sword Song]!

Five swords released


Huahai did not choose the second stage and one skill to evade, but chose to use the big move [Guoshi Wushuang] period

30% of the damage-free hard resistance!

The time of Lin Tian's big move is over, and the third stage of a skill returns to the original place of the shadow

There is no turning back until you reach victory!

Huahai Hanxin smashed down the first skill of the second stage, he kept this skill just for the present

Chasing Lin Tian Li Bai

What Hua Hai thought of, Lin Tian naturally would not know

The long song should be crying, and the sword will kill the world for the king

Skill [The Pen of God 0.9]

Draw a circle in place to avoid skill damage, and then take the lead in attacking Huahai Hanxin,

The two entered the white-hot stage

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