"〃Ah ah, brother Tian is so handsome!!!

Quick, quick, move the camera away, I'm afraid I can't help but stay where I am, QAQ

"If you get this husband, what if you don't return at night? I (Nuo Nuo Zhao) would like to use my roommate to be single for ten years.

Change a gaming boyfriend, blah blah blah!!!

"This handsome face has successfully turned me around, I didn't expect me to slay the dragon! So

So does anyone want to come to my room for bread?

Fuck, the gay guy is by my side!! Bottom!"

When the fans were flushed with excitement, all members of RNG.M bowed and thanked, then turned around

Go to the backstage passage!

On the big screen, only those eye-catching IDs engraved on the back of the coat are left for the audience

God's punishment, 6.6, Cat, original, pious

Li Jiu has been brewing for a long time, looked at Lin Tian's ID and slowly said: "There are still two last Bo2 games

Can God's Punishment create a miracle and win the Silver Dragon?

We have witnessed his growth along the way, chubby Pengpeng Chuchen Huahai, mountain after mountain

Overwhelmed by him!!!”

At this time, there is no crown, and there is a crown. Tonight, the stars are dim, and only God's punishment shines!

The king deserves his name




Chapter 270 ー Winning 35 games in a row, who can give me a defeat?

The stars are dim at night, only the sky is shining brightly

When Li Jiu yelled this sentence, the RNG.M fans in the audience were restless again, accompanied by

With bursts of cheers!

The director is not idle

The MVP player of the game appeared on the big screen, the handsome bust on the screen,

None of the audience showed any surprise.

This man deserves this MVP

Menglei joked about this: ""The MVP in this game has been punished by God. It's the first time I feel that the MVP player

It's so undisputed!"

His performance was really amazing, and he deserves to be the No. [-] wild king of KPL!" Juju replied without hesitation.


Li Jiu nodded and said in detail: "Whether it's Pengpeng, early morning, or

Huahai, these three are all top wild kings who have been famous for a long time!

But God's Punishment is without exception, and all opponents are dealt with cleanly and neatly

To say something that should not be said in the commentary, ahem, I have already become a fan of God's punishment, he really

It's amazing!

Menglei nodded slowly, expressing her high approval!

The commentary booth needs to speak neutrally!

but tonight

Don't say that Li Jiu has become fans, even the fans of Jiangcheng estar have been fans

The most outrageous.

A big brother at the scene was originally wearing the blue Jiangcheng estare support uniform, waiting for the fourth to push the crystal

Take it off right away, revealing the RNG.M support suit inside

He's the most stable guy tonight

When Li Jiu's voice just fell behind, Ju Ju counted down five seconds in his heart, and said slowly: "Yes,

Please enjoy the total field data of the Tianpu players below.


As the sound fell, the MVP screen on the big screen changed quietly, and it appeared that Lin Tian had been the

The total game data stopped!

Player: Heaven's Punishment

Appearances: 35

Match winning rate: 100%

Commonly used heroes: Mirror, Luna, Pei Qinhu, Baili Xuance!

Player KDA Ranking: No. 1

Player win rate leaderboard: No. 1

Player Popularity Ranking: No. 1

It is still the amazing 100% winning rate, and it is still No.1 in the popularity list

There was a strong cheer at the scene!

At the same time, in the official live broadcast room, a barrage of small rockets quietly appeared

Send the barrage "Who can give me a defeat?" Draw 100 RNG.M support T-shirts, the result

It will be announced in 1 minute!


The barrage is flying like goose feathers and heavy snow

Who can give me a defeat?

I don't dare to post this barrage, whoever can give me a defeat, I am the god

It's the other way around!!!

Mingming, I am the second platinum, who can give me a victory? I have black silk and white silk

, shredded meat, lace!

45 yum victories is too much, I feel that the state of God's Punishment's competition is so good that it explodes,

Completely drives RNG.M others

That's right, after Heaven's Punishment came on the stage, all RNG.M members seemed to have taken a mysterious drug.

People are strong and durable!

When the audience in the online live broadcast room was boiling, the live broadcast screen at this time has quietly shifted to the comments


Xiao Tang was sitting on the left side of the comments section, the smile on Goose Danqiao's face was extremely obvious, her eyes

Has been bent into a crescent

The blushing of her cheeks due to excitement made her even more beautiful!

Countless nerds on the Internet have pulled out the bullet screen of the goddess, and they can't be calm for a long time

Welcome friends to the comment box!

After a brief greeting, Xiao Tang glanced at the card in his hand and said with a smile: "Tonight half of the loser group

The final Bo7 also came to an end.

Both sides have very eye-catching performances, the one that surprised me was Han Xin and Li Bai singled out in the blue zone

It's so detailed!

So I would like to ask the two people around me, in these four wonderful games, are you surprised?

Your piece?

The voice fell.

Nuan Yang, who was sitting in the middle of the commentary booth, pushed his glasses, and replied without hesitation: "The single team in the blue zone

Pick, Heaven's punishment is more than ten times finer than mine!

Ten times thinner?

If you are a Nuanyang fan, you will definitely understand this man's hero pool

Jing, Li Bai, and Han Xin are all his signature heroes, and even in Li Bai's lines, there are

Sentence: "Tears in the dream, warm sun in the heart!

And he is the only one in KPL

, the player who won the FMVP as a jungler

Ten times thinner than him?

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