Countless fans responded

Eternal Stars!!!!" Nine




Chapter 270 The Battle of Tongtian, the battle against Guangfu TTG is about to take place!

When the phrase "Eternal Stars" was uttered, the deafening sound waves hit the walls of the venue to form echoes.

Sound, long time!

Perhaps only Jiangcheng stary fans at this moment know, watching their favorite team retire

What a painful thing it is.

Some girls with fragile hearts even shed tears on the scene.

RNG.M fans also remained silent at this moment, this is one of the few fans belonging to Jiangcheng estar



The audience in the KPL venue left the venue one after another.

on the big screen

Shows the lineup for the next duel.

[Loser Bracket Finals

Guangfu TTG vs. RNG.M

Time: June 6 at 20:19

Venue: Magic City KPL venue

at the same time.

on Weibo.

KPL officials also released the match posters in advance, making countless RNG.M happy after a short period of time

Get serious!

next game!

The opponent is Guangfu TTG, which has clear borders and clear roads. This is bound to be a fierce battle.


this time

"Ninety-seven" KPL official text is only seven words.

You and I meet on the top of the mountain]

Behind the highly artistic words, there is a fierce battle to be fought!

in the poster

Ten people from both teams gathered, but the most eye-catching position was still reserved for Lin Tian

And TTG's Qingqing

The subtitles in the middle made countless people excited!

【Tong Tian Ye Wang】

【Tongtian Border Road】

【Who can reach the sky with one thought?】

【Can RNG.M break through the loser group as Group B?】

[Can Guangfu TTG fight to the top with one force? 】

【"The battle of "Tongtian" is about to start! 】

in the comments section.

Fans from both sides began to occupy the front row, cheering for their favorite teams.

[I'm suffering from heaven]: "RNG.M rush for me, keep confident, believe in you, brother heaven's punishment

Brother come on!! 1”

【Super Sweet No Sugar Added】: "Believe in TTG, believe in Tongtian border roads, you and I will be rich

See you in the finals!"

[Pineapple Head Sixth Brother]: "Humph, Tongtian Bianlu? We also have the Undead God of War [-]

, it must be RNG.M1 to meet at the top of the mountain"

[Adou's little follower]: "The Immortal God of War is six o'clock? Tomorrow night you will know what it is

Resurrection God of War six six!"

[Xiao Ruan Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu: "I dare not brag about other positions, but the confrontation between the jungle position still has to be

Watch us God punish O'Neill!"

[Ring Dog Ben Dog]: "God punishes yyds!"

With the official warm-up in advance of KPL, the previous hot search for the battle between the two wild kings has quietly

Replaced with Battle of the Sky!

Gradually, the fishing reel is getting bigger and bigger, and the attention of KPL is getting higher and higher!

KPL official has obviously reached!

At this time, the KPL venue is already empty!

The RNG.M bachelor has returned to the training base, and Lin Tian is the first to send Xiaotang

The beautiful host returned to the hotel.

After hugging gently in front of the hotel, the two said goodbye and left.

Because of the tight time schedule, the two did not say that they would go for a ride.

It's about competition!

Xiaotang also didn't want Lin Tian to have any regrets, the two of them can be said to have a tacit understanding.

Back to RNGM training base!

Eleven looked at Lin Tian who was slowly walking in from the door, showing a surprised expression, and said:

God punish you so fast

Because it ended with [-] to [-], and because of the uninterrupted break in the game, the present tense

Time is less than 10:30!

While in the lounge.

In order to take care of Lin Tian and Xiaotang on Eleventh, the meeting time was set to eleven o'clock on purpose.

The only thing is to let them take advantage of it.

After fighting for so long, Lin Tian almost achieved an impressive record of C, making Eleven believe that sentence

There must be a female spy behind the road to becoming a god of the Hundred Duan Wild King!

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