
After seeing the quadruple-killed Lan, Eleven said in a strategizing tone: "Not bad, not bad, God punished you!"

Once again this kid exceeded my expectations. "

in the game.

Lin Tian, ​​who got the quadruple kill, directly got the cooling shoes and the second-level jungle knife!

While brushing the red BUFF, Lin Tian quickly opened his mouth to direct: "Brother Six, go back to the road, Brother Biao go

I ate the blood pack in the middle. "

"Cat god, you clear the middle route, you will prepare to invade the blue zone later, pay attention to your own blood volume piously

was consumed. "

"We're going to completely blow up the jungle!


Punishment quickly accepted the red BUFF, and went straight to the spirit of the river on the right.

After listening to Lin Tian's command, everyone in RNGM responded quickly, like a

The machine is running!

It's a perfect fit.

a time.

Otherwise, if they lost two wild areas, they wouldn't dare to defend at all!

But soon.

The two sides have entered a period of gentle development, and the director also took this opportunity to complete the first wave of four kills 1.

0 The entire playback is presented to the audience.

this moment.

The camera locked on Lin Tianlan's body, I saw him ignoring that his teammates were in dire straits,

After brushing the blue BUFF.

Stepping calmly to the middle lane, stacked three layers of passive!


The moment he dived, it happened that Nine Tails' Zhang Liang's HP was below 30%!

Sharks are officially awakening at this moment!


It was a cruel and inhuman massacre, and none of the Guangfu TGs in the red zone survived.

The face is extremely bloody and terrifying!

Watching this scene, Xiao Lu's eyes flickered with nympho eyes, and he exclaimed: "Heaven punished me for entering the arena!"

The timing is really great!

The bottle nodded in agreement, and echoed: "This is KPL's Tongtianyewang, this is

It is Lan, the punishment of God!"

The voice fell.

Xiao Sa looked at the battle seat in the distance, looked at the figure and said: "This person should only

It’s in the sky, but it’s rare to hear it in the world, awesome!!!


Chapter 270 The Ninth Road to the Sky, It Leads to Heaven!

"This team is so good!"

"Heaven's Punishment Lan is too calm, if I played, I would probably run away after beating blue

Go support it.

"It's really terrifying, don't forget to stack the knives first, it's counting your support

Aid time?

"I have to say, Lan feels super cool when chasing prey, as if running away

The feeling of driving!

"Heaven's Punishment, Father forever!!!

Countless viewers expressed their inner amazement at this wave of operations!

have to say.

In a way.

Everyone in the RNGM red zone has experienced a life and death, which is the trust of both parties.

If Lin Tian's support is not timely, then if there is no accident, Da Qiao and [-] Lian

Quite, they will all die in battle!

to the opposite.

If the cat gods and the others didn't trust Lin Tian, ​​they would never take such a big risk and go to the deep

Enter the red zone and use yourself as bait!


This is the guarantee from both sides before the start of the game.

Once this wave of accidents happens, the cat god Zhou Yu will definitely be scolded by fans, after all, he is the leader

[-] of the initial counter-wild.

This can also be explained, why Eleven called the cat god to relax, Lin Tian also said

The statement that I took the blame for the accident.

Teams that trust each other may be able to reach the highest peak!

【Head master, the tyrant is coming!】

2 minutes node.

25 The cat god Zhou Yu quickly threw a ball of fire at the head tyrant, and then quickly said: "

Team Tian, ​​I'm going to the red zone first, brother Biao will follow me. ",

"it is good

Lin Tian nodded in response.


At first, Da Qiao threw out the three skills [Bridge of Severance], and the water flow continued to cause damage to the tyrant

At the same time, he opened his mouth and said, "Slip!"


Release a skill of knocking water to hit Zhou Yu, the cat god, and the movement speed of the two will increase by 30% instantly

At the beginning, the two of Cat God were so eager to go to the red zone because they wanted to control the otherwise wild zone.

After all, everyone is a professional player, and the time for wild monsters to refresh has long been engraved in their hearts.

This is the basic skill of a professional player!

Although the two of them only threw two skills, they fully doubled Lin Tian's dragon brushing effect.


There is no other reason.

That's when the cat god Zhou Yu brought a new wild sword, skills and basic attacks to wild monsters

, will trigger the true damage effect.

The fire zone exists for a long time, which infinitely prolongs the real injury time!

All in less than five seconds!


"Lan kills the head tyrant!"

Lin Tian punished and took away the head tyrant, and immediately dived to support the last two cat gods!

This scene clearly fell into the eyes of the three commentators, and Xiao Lu watched the violent scene that died within five seconds.

Jun, exclaimed: "Heavenly punishment, he is so fast!"

Xiao Sa's eyes lit up, and he joked: "This wave is indeed a bit fast, maybe this wild king is the most basic

standard configuration. "

When the bottle heard it, it couldn't help smoothing things over and said: "But in fact, God punishes the tyrant so quickly, very quickly.

A large part of it is because the fire of the cat god keeps triggering his jungle knife to really hurt. "

Xiao Sa and Xiao Lu nodded, and said in unison: "That's right.

RNGM's current idea is to control and kill the wild area of ​​TTG in Guangfu. "In can be seen,

This very tacit answer made the bottle continue to speak: "We are now

"Because we all know that besides eating equipment, the hero Aguduo is also very

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