At [-]:[-], he was about to refuse, but Lin Tian said again: "Don't be afraid to operate, I will

I'll come and catch you.

These words made [-]:[-] full of confidence in an instant. After nodding his head heavily, he pressed the button that sealed the dust.

Warside heroes for months!

"The direction the sword points is the hometown of geniuses!"


The appearance of this hero instantly made the bottle feel unbelievable, uncertain: "This

Is this for Heaven's Punishment, or for six-point-six?"

Because it is a swing position, the hero Yao can play wild.

Xiao Sa was silent for a moment, then said: "If it's six o'clock, it's a big deal

, a real sideshow showdown!


Xiaolu nodded, and said: "Yao's performance at [-]:[-] was once very impressive, but only in

I used it during the AG Super Play Club.

"In other words, he hasn't played in the KPL for at least a season.

, are mostly Tanbian. "

"Will there be a chance to appreciate this one?"

After listening to Xiaolu's words, the bottle answered very naturally: "The hero Yao is nothing else.

Said, the winning rate of playing Ma Chao is [-]/[-], it is purely based on operation!"


RNG.M once again confirmed that the second-hand hero was Wang Zhaojun, apparently to make the cat

God is here to play a wave of control chains!

And in the case of playing on the sidelines, Lin Tian, ​​who is a fixed wild core, must eat the center line,

Otherwise, the economy will not be wiped out at all.

After all, KPL is not ranked, and there are too many things to face with the four core heroes.

The most intuitive thing is that the economy is not enough!

Afterwards, Guangfu TTG did not show any hypocrisy, and took out Xi Shi and Na Ke Lulu.

They also have to produce a mid-jungle hero, if not, the second round of bans will definitely make him

Our hero pool shrinks even more.


"Give me a goal, and give you back your peace!"

RNG.M third-hand confirmed that Baili kept the contract, and the two sides entered the second round of banning. NG.

M starts to disable first!

I took a look at the notebook in my hand, it recorded three used TTG in Guangfu

The heroes and shooters are Jia Luo, Gongsunli, and Yu Ji!

Turning to another page, it densely records the heroes used in Qiancheng's previous games

, very well prepared!

After a brief look, Eleven said: "We will ban Houyi and Huang Zhong later, Biao

Brother Bu has a hard hand. ",

Initially: "Good!"


The results of the second round of the two sides came out. RNG.M's double-ban shooter Huang Zhong and Hou Yi, the shooter

All three phantom gods TTG cannot be used!

Guangfu TTG has banned Pan Gu and Zhao Yun, the winning percentage of these two heroes in KPL has been consistent

It remains high and is also the most common jungle hero.

Because both support positions have not been selected yet, if RNG.M chooses first, it will naturally go first

Take the original support hero.


"Bullish, pure districts!"

The appearance of the bull demon is not unexpected, and there is no ink in the last two selections of Guangfu TTG

, respectively Marco Polo and Yao!

The lineup of Guangfu TTG is taken out. Although there is no meat tank in the front row, the combination of Ma Yao

Very strong online skills!

In addition, there is Xi Shi protection, as long as the needle city operation does not fall ill, Marco Polo's loser

The environment will be very good!

There is only one last choice left!

Seeing this, Bottle quickly opened his mouth and said; "What will be the last choice of RNG.M?

Could it be six-six playing sidelines?"

The sound is clearly transmitted to every corner of the KPL venue through the microphone in the ear...

At this moment, all the audience are full of anticipation, because they want to know this, in the end

Will there be Undead God of War VS Tongtian Side Road!

, break 1

"I have a brother and you don't, that's the reason to be willful!"

The choice of the queen, Baili Xuance!!!

this moment!

Countless [-] fans at the scene and even online became excited, and discussions followed

Sound and barrage fly out!

"Holy shit, shit, brother 1 is really playing on the sidelines!! [-]"

"Ou Qinghui, I vaguely remember the famous scene of the sixth brother, RNG.M has given enough face to this wave


"The treatment that AG Superplay will have, can we have less RNG.M? Not to mention anything else, regardless of losing

If you win, I will directly blow up this game!

(the good ones)

"This game feels like both lineups are developing, which really tests the rhythm ability of the jungler.

Or other people's online solo kill ability!"

"Damn, in terms of rhythm, heaven will punish brother's electric mouse, and he will always be a god!!!"

While online and offline audiences were discussing, an overview of the lineups of both sides also appeared on the big screen.

Blue Square: Cantonese TTG!

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