Then stand up?

this moment.

Puffed out his chest piously, and said in a very dignified tone, "This is your brother Cheng, my root

The gun is beyond your imagination!"

For an instant.

Lin Tian and the others only felt a little speechless, but at first they suddenly realized: "No wonder last night

I saw you go to the toilet in the early morning, so it turned out that you were going to practice marksmanship!"


all of a sudden.

Directly ignoring everyone, RNGM is really a gathering of crouching dragons and phoenixes!

The director who was listening in the background cursed secretly: "Fortunately, I learned to be smart, rnG.M

The voices in this team really can't be played indiscriminately!

In view of the last experience, the director has begun to be cautious.

Look at the three commentators!

When Ping Zi saw the piety keeping the promise and killed the city of Marco with a single shot, he was surprised and said: "Oh my God, what happened?"

Yulu completed a single kill!"


Xiao Lu quickly restructured his language, saying: "It feels like Feng Shui has taken turns, and the first three are all celestial

If it is punished to fly, could it be that this one will fly on both sides?"


Chic made a voice of approval, and then explained the situation, "If both sides get an advantage, just wait

Gain an advantage in the jungle. "

"You see, otherwise Nako Lulu, he must go to make up the line to ensure the development of the first tower, and in the

Before Heaven's Punishment came to the fore, he didn't dare to fight!

"Both of them know that the other is on the road to development, after all, they met in the second level!"

After a quick analysis, the bottle nodded and said, "That's right, and we can see

Now the punishment is to rush to the middle road!

"But this wave of ice dust, Yao, feels like something is going to happen!!!

A sudden sentence made everyone focus on the big screen again.

I saw Bingchen's Yao walking into the red area from the middle road, wanting to go to the development road from the side of the wild boar.

Obviously want to join Marco!


This road is close to the river, and there is still a big gap in the ice and dust at this moment, which gives

Lin Tian a chance!

The two almost met love around the corner!

Lin Tian originally wanted to go to the middle road to find Xi Shi, but he didn't expect Yao to place an order alone!

For the wild king who loves Yaomei the most, Lin Tian shows no mercy!

A skill displacement!


General attack directly hit!

The red BUFF and the deceleration of the first skill make it difficult for Bingchen to move forward.

No shoes at all!

Commentary seats:

"Meet the two of you!

"Heaven's Punishment moves closer, normal attack slows down, Bingchen also releases a skill to resist

Check out the attack frequency!

"But double deceleration, Bingchen can't move!"

"That's right, and the wave of Heaven's Punishment is very detailed, he didn't use the second skill to trap Bing Chenyao,

Because the second skill is also considered control, once you use Bingchen, you will enter the deer spirit state!

"I can't run away, the damage of heaven's punishment is very high, and the cat god Wang Zhaojun also came to use a skill

Can hit waves to slow down!"

"Killed by Heaven's Punishment!!!

"It feels like the direction of the wind is a little bit wrong!

a time.

The three commentators all thought of the first three, basically it was Lin Tian who got the advantage and then took the lead


This one.

The direction of the wind is still the same, and two kills have been harvested in just 2 minutes of the start!

On the other hand, Na Ke Lulu fell into a state of confusion after clearing the line of soldiers, not knowing what she was

How to arrest people?

ask for flowers 0

Because it's 2 minutes now.

The torso master tyrant just refreshed, which made all the RNGM Nakano support shots gather, allowing him to

No way to start.

No way.

As long as you want to play the rhythm from the confrontation road, but [-]:[-] once again gave Guangfu TG a


Because of the head experience in the early stage, plus the punishment, the big bird in the red zone and the river crab

Almost in the bag.

This led to.

[-] experience has almost reached level [-]. When the third wave of troops meets, the thin

Cleared the river crabs to reach the fourth level!

When Qingqing Ma Chao pokes the line of soldiers, the second skill rushes to punish and slows down, and 11A3 combo moves to fight

Man, Qingqing lost two-thirds of his blood!


Quickly push the line.

Qingqing Ma Chao, who ate the blood bag under the tower, wanted to defend, and the second skill [Sunset Solitary Spear] went straight into the tower

Soldiers line, [-]:[-] is slowly approaching!

Qingqing Ma Chao poked out the gun, the moment when he reached the fourth level and just wanted to fight back!

"I know many tricks, but this one is the most handsome."

At [-]:[-], there is no hesitation at all, the moment the big move hits the damage, seconds follow

The skill [Splitting Void Slash]!

Because it is a grid of energy, after the ultimate move is released and the skills are released, the three skills will be released at the same time again.

When it lights up, 12A combo of punishment followed by basic attack!

"Yao kills Ma Chao!"

"The horned wood is like a jiao, the strong metal is like a dragon, the tail fire is like a tiger, and the water looks like a leopard. Humph, I

But I didn't remember it again, just by feeling. "

The moment the game broadcast appeared, countless viewers were secretly surprised!

Single kill on both sides?

How is Guangfu TTG still playing?

Otherwise, Na Ke Lulu was stunned when he walked to the blue zone. He was just at the position of the lizard, and he was also a substitute for the line.

The teammates wiped their asses.

Qingqing was a little sluggish, but when she saw the level [-] jungle knife and

After two iron swords, he realized.

Instead of buying shoes, I bought an iron sword to support my attack power. This 40-point attack matches the skill

The addition became the last straw that overwhelmed him!


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