Although the monster in front of him is very difficult to deal with, their masked fighters should not be underestimated.

After all, they have also experienced it before. After so many battles, they are still more experienced than this monster.

Although this monster seemed to be invulnerable at all, they still found the monster's weakness.

And they succeeded, giving the monster a fatal blow, and the monster fell to the ground with a plop, motionless.Masked Warrior succeeded!

16 "Finally succeeded!" Jiang Nan said.

Jiang Nan felt that this time, he was really tired.

To him, ordinary monsters are considered relatively normal physical strength, which can be supported.

But today's monster really made him feel tired from fighting.

"This is too difficult to deal with. If there are two of them, I think we will definitely not be able to beat them..." Chu Yu said.

Now, she is so tired that she sits directly on the ground, not wanting to move at all.

"You can't say that, no matter what kind of enemy we encounter, we have to become stronger and stronger!" An Ni said.

Anni was always in the laboratory before, doing some backup work.

Unexpectedly, this time, when he came out to fight with them, he really felt the hard work of being a masked warrior.

Jiang Nan looked at An Ni and said, "Yes, this time, it seems that the person behind this has already become wary and has strengthened the control of black energy. We have to be more and more careful in the future!"

An Ni and Chu Yu nodded. They thought what Jiang Nan said was very reasonable.

Behind this monster, there must be something extraordinary behind it.

Aesop watched all this silently behind them, and none of them noticed that on the other side of them, where the monster fell, black energy was slowly condensing into a ball.

"Then let's get out of here quickly and go back to see if there is any help. If we can help, help them!" Jiang Nan said.

"Okay," Chu Yu stood up from the ground, patted the ashes on his buttocks, and strode forward.

Those black energies have already brought back to life the monster that knocked them down.

After the monster stood up, seeing that the three of them didn't dare to hit them again, he had no choice but to cast his gaze on Aesop, who had no attack ability.

It's you. Seeing how weak you are, you should be easy to deal with.

The body is so tender, it should taste good... The monster rushed over and grabbed Aesop in his hand.

Jiangnan and the others heard the movement behind them, what did they think it was?Turning around to look, only to find that the monster is alive again!

"What's going on?!" Chu Yu yelled, because she turned around and saw that Aesop was actually caught by a monster.

I was very anxious, afraid that the monster would do bad things to Aesop.

Jiangnan and the others rushed forward, trying to stop the monster and prevent him from causing trouble again.

But that monster is very smart. Every time Jiangnan and the others attack, the monster uses Aesop to block the attack.

Jiangnan was provoked, so they had no choice but to stop those attacks again and again, because Aesop was in his hands, Jiangnan and the others did not dare to act rashly, what if they hurt Aesop?

"No, Aesop is in his hands, we can't hurt him at all!" An Ni said. .

Chapter 359

Chu Yu couldn't help it, she was also very anxious, seeing Aesop's painful expression, they really felt very distressed.

But they have no choice, no matter how anxious they are, they still have to calm down and take a good look at the monster for its weaknesses.

The weakness of the monster before has been cured now, so it is useless for them to attack there again.

They had to look again, where the resurrected monster was weaker.

"No, after his resurrection, his reflexes and movements are also very fast. We will never..." Chu Yu said.

Before she finished speaking, she saw the monster walking towards them quickly, and they had no time to avoid it.

Jiang Nan's heart is also in a panic. Although he is usually the calmest, it is the first time Jiang Nan has seen such a situation.

The monster would actually come back to life, and he didn't know what to do.

But as the leader of this team, as the oldest person in this team, he must calm down.

Otherwise, other people's hearts will be in chaos.

An Ni is also very nervous now, but he dare not express it. If he expresses it and is too nervous, then Jiangnan will be even more anxious in his heart.

Now he can only pin his hopes on Jiangnan, because he knows that Jiangnan is usually thoughtful, but this time he will definitely be able to save the day.

Chu Yu and An Ni glanced at each other, and then the two of them rushed towards the monster together and wrestled with it.

Because they wanted Jiangnan to expose his weakness when the monster was fighting with the two of them, and then Jiangnan took the opportunity to give the monster a fatal blow!

As expected, Jiangnan and the others were comrades who fought side by side. They knew each other very well. Jiangnan could see their plan at a glance.

He calmed himself down, and focused on the monster.

Finally, he found the monster's heart, it was very weak there, it must be the monster's weakness!He launched an attack there, and the monster didn't pay attention to Jiangnan, so the monster was wiped out.

Aesop was rescued. Jiangnan and the others originally wanted to have a nice conversation with Aesop, but after Aesop was rescued, he simply thanked him.

There is no need to talk to them at all, and there is no enthusiastic and excessive communication with them.

"Why is he like this? We managed to save him. Is he so indifferent?' 〃!" Chu Yu said.

Fortunately, I was so anxious at the time, worried that he would be hurt, but now it seems that we might as well not save him!Chu Yu thought in her heart.

Jiang Nan looked at Aesop, he didn't know what to say at this time.

".ˇLook at you, it seems that the one who was caught by the monster just now is not you. There is no trace of fear or nervousness at all." Chu Yu said to Aesop.

"If we had known this, we might as well not have saved you back then. Let you be held in the hands of the monster (Zhao Zhaohao) like that, and feel the feeling brought by the high altitude!" Chu Yu said.

Chu Yu just couldn't understand Aesop's appearance, he was so superior, as if everyone hurt him.

He doesn't know how to get along with people at all, and has a face all day long as if others owe him money, which makes people look in a bad mood.

After hearing this, Aesop didn't have much expression on his face, and still looked at them indifferently.I have absolutely no desire to thank you again. .

Chapter 360

I thought Aesop would be irritated after hearing this, and then had a big fight with them.

However, Aesop was not angry at all, as if it wasn't him who was said just now, and he still had the expression of doing nothing.

After Chu Yu saw it, she became even angrier.

She didn't expect that their kindness would be regarded as donkey's liver and lungs by others.

Aesop didn't appreciate it at all, but they themselves, as if they had suffered from being dumb.

She wanted to go over and have a good argument with Aesop, but Jiang Nan stopped her and said to her: "Don't worry, didn't I tell you that sometimes he will become a person, sometimes when I become someone else..."

Jiang Nan didn't speak at first, but he just wanted to see if Aesop would give some explanation, but he didn't expect that Aesop didn't even explain, and just ignored what Chu Yu said.

"Is there anyone like him? He was caught by a monster just now. You can see his uncomfortable expression, which is like selling misery.

We managed to save him with so much effort.Treat us like this?We save a dog and it barks at us! "Chu Yu said.

She was really angry. Although she was also angry in her heart before, she felt that this time, it was more intense than the last time.

Because this time was different from the previous time, this time it was during the daytime, and he became another person again for no reason at all.

Just when Jiang Nan was about to speak and persuade Chu Yu again, the ground suddenly trembled violently.

They were almost unsteady, and everyone didn't know why, and thought that something happened. Of course they didn't know, this was the precursor of a big earthquake!

"What's going on here, why is the ground shaking so much?" Chu Yu said.

He was terrified, because she had no experience in this area. Chu Yu and the others usually knew to go up and fight it when they saw a monster.

But this time she didn't know what she was about to face, so Chu Yu felt a little fear of the unknown.

"Don't panic, stabilize yourself before talking!" Jiang Nan said.

He still had some doubts in his heart, he knew that it might not be a simple tremor, it might be an earthquake, but he couldn't say it directly now.

I am afraid that everyone will panic, and the situation will be more difficult to deal with.

Just when they didn't know what happened, suddenly, the upper management called them.

Jiangnan picked up his cell phone and answered the call: "Headquarters, what's the matter?" "Jiangnan, how is the situation on your side?" the upper-level said.

"Our side just ended the battle. The monsters this time seem to be different from the previous ones. The monsters this time are stronger than the previous ones!" Jiang Jiang said.

He didn't hide it, because he felt that there was no need to hide such a thing, and everyone knew it well, so it was clearer.

"Yes, the power of darkness has exploded!" said the upper layer.

Before Jiang Nan could reply, the upper management said again: "Now the gate of the dark power has been opened, and many monsters have poured out. Come back quickly and take refuge!"

"What? How did this happen? Wasn't it fine before?!" Jiang Nan said, he was a little puzzled.

He really didn't expect that the matter had reached such a serious point. He thought that their battle was over now, but he didn't expect that the real battle had just begun! .

Chapter 361

"Let's not talk so much now, you all come back quickly, and then we will talk about it in detail in person...!" The upper said.

Because of the current situation, everyone is very nervous, and no one wants to waste this time talking on the phone.

"Okay, headquarters!" Jiang Nan said.He hung up the phone hastily, then turned around, and said to the three people behind him: "I just received a call from the higher-ups..."

"What did the upper management say? Did it mean that we did a great job this time, eliminating such a difficult monster?" Chu Yu said.

Chu Yu is like this, she is always positive, thinks about everything, and never makes things worse.

Jiang Nan looked at Chu Yu, and for a moment, he was a little reluctant to tell them such bad news.

But sooner or later, they will know about this matter. The long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain, and it is better to face it directly now.

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