As for Chu Yu'an and Ni, who were seriously injured, they could no longer stand up, so they also reached the state of exhaustion, and the guards were very proud.

The leader of the guard army came to the man with a flattering expression on his face: "Master Mixiu, I have always thought that you are the most powerful person, and the powerful people will not work hard to improve, because they Already invincible."

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Speaking of this, the leader of the guard paused, and then spoke again in a particularly admiring tone: "But I didn't expect that Mi Xiu, you are more powerful every time. You are really the most invincible and invincible person."

Hearing his exaggerated praise, Mi Xiu's face was very displeased, and he just looked over, and the leader of the guard immediately shut his mouth.

When Jiang Nan heard the title Mi Xiu, he felt very familiar, but for a while, he couldn't remember where he had heard it, so he could only stop thinking about it, and his mind was running fast, thinking about how to deal with it.five.

Chapter 407

In the end, it was decided to send a few of them away first. They have reached their limit now, and it is useless to stay even if they stay.Thinking about it, Jiangnan helped An Ni and Chu Yu up as quickly as possible.

"The current situation is not optimistic. The three of you must leave quickly. You are exhausted now. If you don't have any combat power left, it will only become a drag, so don't hesitate, do you hear me?"

When Jiang Nan said this, his voice was very low, but the meaning conveyed in it was very serious, and An Ni and the others could not tolerate the slightest rejection. Seeing this, the three of An Ni and the others could only nod their heads and agree.

Then the three of them seemed to think of something, and whispered: "Jiangnan, you have to promise the three of us, and you must also ensure safety, otherwise we will be uneasy if we live."

"Jiangnan, you must not have any accidents. We must go back to the earth together to enjoy life on earth, understand? You can't have any accidents." Chu Yu's eyes were full of tears, and he really forced them not to flow down.

Erzi was too tired to speak at this time, but he still conveyed his meaning with his eyes, and he also hoped that Jiangnan would be safe.Hearing what they said, Jiang Nan replied with a smile: "Don't worry, I will pay attention."

After hearing Jiangnan's promise, they were all waiting for an opportunity, and this opportunity came soon. Jiangnan used his last bit of strength to stop Master Mixiu in front of him, leaving him no time to attack others.

The three of An Ni and the others also seized this opportunity and jumped directly from the ferry gate at the fastest speed. When Master Mixiu saw someone escaping from his eyes, he was very angry and spoke loudly.

"Jiangnan, you are so hateful that you let my prey go. If that's the case, then you have to return it ten times and a hundred times. I want to kill you. No, I can't kill you. I want you to suffer! torture."

After saying this, Master Mi Xiu directly used all his strength to attack Jiangnan fiercely. Jiangnan was beaten so badly that he lay on the ground like a dog.

Master Mi Xiu saw him like this, and directly sneered: "Jiangnan, Jiangnan, I think you are so good, I didn't expect you to be so capable, just how dare you let him go... …”

Jiang Nan didn't have the energy to answer at this time, but fortunately Master Mi Xiu didn't expect him to answer, so he ordered the guards around him to arrest Jiang Nan, and those guards hurriedly received the order.

Although they were particularly afraid of Jiangnan just now, but now that Jiangnan has become a prisoner, they don't have the slightest fear, so they all scramble to get there. Jiangnan has no choice but to wait for them to catch him.

Because Aesop was not exhausted, he didn't leave. He was just waiting here for the moment when he could help. Now he thought it was an opportunity. Thinking of this, he helped Jiangnan on the ground as fast as he could, and spoke in his ear.

"Jiangnan, it's okay, don't be afraid, you won't be hurt or caught, because I'll protect you too." Hearing what he said, Jiangnan seemed to understand something, and his eyes were full of rejection .

But Aesop would not listen to him now, and directly pushed Jiangnan through the ferry gate, and he was caught by the guards of Tatar Planet. .

Chapter 408

Master Mixiu looked at the situation in front of him, and felt very angry for a moment, and directly attacked Aesop with a fierce attack. When he saw Aesop vomiting blood, the expression on his face eased a little.

"You are an out-and-out fool. You let them go. You are in danger here. Don't you know that my wrist is very powerful? Are you trying to challenge my authority?"

To be honest, Aesop would still be afraid if he stayed here alone, but he was afraid, but he didn't regret it at all, because his friend was safe now, as long as his friend was safe.

Master Mixiu couldn't understand their complicated feelings. People are all for themselves, why should they pay for their friends?Aesop is a fool, since he is so stupid, let him bear the grief.

He thought about telling the guards behind him: "You guys take good care of this idiot, let this idiot know how cruel I am, and don't dare to let my prey go like this next time."

"Yes." Hearing Master Mixiu's order, the guards hurriedly replied, and then took Aesop to the cell to torture him.

When Jiangnan returned to Earth from the ferry gate, he saw three people who were also safe. At this moment, the three of them were anxiously waiting for them to come back in front of the ferry gate.

After seeing Jiang Nan, they greeted them with smiles on their faces: "We knew, we knew nothing would happen to the mighty Jiang Nan. Fortunately, you are back, and fortunately, we are all safe."

After hearing An Ni's words, Chu Yu also wanted to say something, but suddenly found that Aesop was not among them, so where did Aesop go, and has he not returned yet?Or is it still inside the ferry gate?

Thinking of this, he looked at the ferry gate again, but it was a pity that no one came out from the ferry gate. After Chu Yu knew this, panic rose in his heart.

Then, he asked Jiangnan with a trembling voice: "Jiangnan, Jiangnan, why did you come back alone? Aesop, why didn't Aesop come back, what happened to him, please tell us quickly."

When Chu Yu said this, she was about to cry, because she always had a bad premonition in her heart. Hearing his words, Jiang Nan also completely collapsed.

"Aesop, Aesop, Aesop, in order to save me, he pushed me down the ferry gate alone, and then, he was caught by those people. He has no fighting power at all. I don't know what will happen to him .”

After Jiangnan finished speaking, everyone's faces were very serious, because they knew that it would be bad luck for Aesop to stay there.

Jiangnan couldn't accept it. Some people thought of this because they were hurt, so they turned and looked in the direction of the ferry gate, wanting to enter through the ferry gate and return to that place to save Aesop.

Of course, it doesn't matter if their current condition can't be saved, they just need to stay with Aesop, as long as he is sure that he is still safe, thinking, Jiangnan walked towards the ferry gate desperately.

Knowing what Jiangnan was going to do, Chu Yu hurried up to him, stood side by side with him, and said, "Jiangnan, you can't abandon me at this time, Aesop is also my partner, let's go rescue him together , bring him back together, I don't believe that Mi Xiu is really so powerful.".

Chapter 409

Jiang Nan nodded when he heard Chu Yu's words. Yes, that's right, he didn't believe it anymore. Is Mi Xiu really so powerful, is he really invincible?impossible.

The two of them came to the front of the ferry gate aggressively, and indeed found that the ferry gate could not be entered no matter what. They were anxious and wanted to smash the ferry gate directly, but they knew that the ferry gate could not be smashed down.

"Jiangnan, what's the situation? Why can't the ferry gate go in? Is the ferry gate invalid? Are we never going back, are we never going to be able to save Aesop? No, it can't be like this, no Can."

Chu Yu looked at the useless ferry gate, and was extremely anxious. He said this in a broken voice, and pushed the ferry gate as he spoke, as if this way the ferry gate could be reopened. .

Seeing the anxious look of the two of them, An Ni quickly ran in front of them, opened and closed his mouth many times and did not want to tell the truth, but he had no choice but to clench his fists and tell them the truth.

"I know the two of you really want to go back to the place just now to save Aesop, but I have to tell you that this ferry gate can't be entered now, he can only open it once a month' 〃."

When he heard what An Ni said, Jiangnan froze on the spot for an instant. He knew what a month meant, and a month meant that many things could happen. He didn't know if Aesop would be safe by then.

Thinking of this, Jiang Nan squatted on the ground helplessly. Erzi, who had been silent all this time, came to him, patted his shoulder to comfort him, and hoped that his mood would be better.

"Jiangnan, I understand your current emotions. After all, my sister is also in danger now, but what's the use of being anxious? Worrying can't solve any problems. We can only think long-term and prepare well."

"That's right, Jiangnan, what Ertz said is quite right. It's useless for us to be anxious now, because we can't get through the ferry gate. Even if we want to save it, we don't have the ability to save it. So it's better to take this opportunity to prepare well."

An Ni put his hand on Jiangnan's other shoulder, and also gave him silent encouragement, hoping that he could cheer up. Only when he cheered up, would they have a chance to re-enter to save people.

Hearing what the two of them said, Jiangnan thought for a long time, finally stood up, looked at the others and said, ".ˇYes, yes, you are right, there is no use in worrying, I have to rethink .”

After understanding this truth, the group of them all returned to the base. After returning to the base, they began to discuss the specific plan to save Aesop, but after discussing for a long time, they were not conclusive.

At this time, An Ni suddenly proposed: "We should report this matter to the upper-level. The upper-level has the right to know about this matter, and maybe it will provide due help to our actions."

"Yes, we (Qian De's) should report this matter to the higher-ups first." Hearing what An Ni said, everyone agreed, and then they all came to the upper-level office to tell the matter to the higher-ups in detail. he.

After the upper management heard what happened to them, they didn't express their position immediately, but pondered there, and finally gave an answer after a long time.

"The black energy of Star Tatar will infect our soldiers. We can't send troops there, but we will try to save Aesop.".

Chapter 410

The higher-ups have already said that, so they have no choice but to leave here first. After all, the upper-ups won't lie. As long as they say they are willing to help, they will definitely be willing to help.

Now that they have this month, they should live a good life according to the previous way of life, and strengthen their abilities by the way, so that they will not be so embarrassed when they arrive on Tatar Star like before.

Chu Yu and the others had been inspecting outside for a few days and hadn't seen Jiangnan for a long time, so they went to the place where Jiangnan lived to look for him, but they found that Jiangnan was not in the house at all, and only left them a letter.

The letter reads: Chu Yu, An Ni, Erzi, when you read this letter, I have already gone to the testing machine, I wanted to go and tell you in person, but I don’t know what to say, hey , I'm sad about the Aesop thing.

Of course, I think you are the same, recalling the helplessness where I was, the helplessness where I was, and my despair when I was pushed away by Aesop, I was really sad, so I decided to try hard, only in this way You can feel at ease.

After seeing this letter, Chu Yu and the others burst into tears instantly. They thought the same as Jiang Nan, and they were really helpless there, so they had to work hard to stand with Jiang Nan and save Aesop when the time came.

Chu Yu and the others knew the situation in Jiangnan, so they went out directly. As soon as they got outside, they found all the people in the city running around, running very fast, as if there was some terrible devil chasing people behind them.

Seeing them like this, Chu Yu and the others were very puzzled. They didn't understand what happened, so they hurriedly asked someone to ask: "What's the matter? What happened? Why are you all running?"

"In front, there are many monsters in front of us. These monsters are particularly terrifying. We have never seen them before. The killing is extremely cruel. We have to leave quickly. You should also run quickly. It's too scary, too scary."

After saying this, that person left the place as quickly as possible, and then, many people ran past Chu Yu and the others.When Chu Yu and the others saw this situation, they all went to the front to have a look.

"Let's go to the front to see the situation. We are also the guardians of this city. We also want to join the battle to protect everyone. This can also improve our strength. By the way, Erzi, how about you, will you go with us?"

In fact, Erz wanted to go with them, but thinking that he was not the guardian of the city, he had no qualifications, so he refused directly.

"I am not a guardian of this city, so I am not qualified to help. I know this very well. Go ahead. I can help you take care of those citizens who are running around so that they don't panic."

"Okay." After hearing what he said, Chu Yu Anni nodded, and what Erz said was right. Although there was nothing wrong with him going to protect him together, he would still be gossiped by others to some extent, so it was better not to go.

After discussing this matter, Chu Yu and the others went to the front to deal with those monsters. These monsters were indeed powerful, but they were also powerful in front of ordinary citizens, but they were not enough in front of Chu Yu and the others.

They quickly dealt with these monsters and established a large line of defense. The citizens were relieved now, and returned to their places of residence, instead of running away in a panic. .

Chapter 411

After the first wave of monsters was dealt with, there were other monsters. These monsters came here in several waves. Chu Yu and the others have been busy for the past few days, dealing with all the monsters in the city, and Erzi was cleaning the base in the base. .

It lasted like this for half a month, and Jiang Nan finally came out of the trial machine. When he came out, there was a reminder outside. Chu Yu and the others knew it very quickly, and they all came here to wait for Jiang Nan.

When Jiang Nan came out, he saw a few of them, ran up to them and said, "You guys have been paying attention to my situation, otherwise you wouldn't have come here the moment you came out."

Speaking of this, Jiangnan seemed to think of something again, and said again: "By the way, what have you been doing recently? Have you improved your strength? Also, Erzi, what are you doing recently? Are you used to this ~ base?"

Hearing Jiangnan's question, Chu Yu and the others immediately laughed. What they were most afraid of was that Jiangnan blamed himself for what happened to Aesop. In the end, he lost the livelyness at the beginning. After all, he was the one who witnessed Aesop's arrest. -.

Fortunately, Jiangnan doesn't seem to be affected. He is still the same as before. He loves to care about others and loves to laugh, as long as there is no influence.Thinking of this, the three of them glanced at each other, and then answered Jiangnan's words one by one.

"Jiangnan, you don't even know that on the second day after you entered the trial machine, there was a lot of turmoil in this city. There were so many monsters that came, and the citizens were very afraid to hide everywhere. We became the big heads Soldiers."

Chu Yu first opened his mouth to answer Jiangnan's words. When he spoke, his tone was full of helplessness, but only they knew that they were actually very happy when they were the main soldiers protecting everyone.

"The words are full of helplessness, and I don't know who runs very fast all day long and does the most work. Chu Yu, your words are serious. By the way, Jiangnan has also used battles to strengthen our strength these days. .”

An Ni walked a few steps forward as he spoke, and gestured in front of Jiangnan. The movements seemed much stronger than before. Jiangnan nodded: "It seems that you have not been idle recently. It's really good, great."

After saying this, Jiangnan looked at Erzi again. Seeing this, Erzi replied directly: "I live here very well, and the people in this base are very nice. I'm here to clean the base. Let's take a look." This is what I scanned."

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As he said that, Erzi pointed to the ground and let Jiangnan see, Jiangnan laughed directly when he saw this, Erzi was really humorous: "Erzi, it seems that you are doing well, we have all come out of the previous things, very nice."

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