"Okay." Jiang Nan replied obediently, and then came outside. The guard general had received the news and was waiting outside, and the two set off together.

As soon as they sat on the spaceship, Aesop and the others ran over at the fastest speed, their faces were full of anger, and Jiang Nan didn't take them.

When Jiang Nan saw them coming, he knew that he would not be able to leave today, so he spoke to them to make up for his mistake: "Since you are all here, come up, let's go to the abandoned planet together."

Although Tran refused to let them go, Tran couldn't stop them from making their own choices.

A group of people came here together, observed carefully here, and found that it was really abandoned, without any resources. .

Chapter 441

Seeing the scene in front of him, Aesop questioned Jiangnan: "Jiangnan, this place is like this, why did the Tatar Stars come here?"

"I guess all of this is a trap. They just want to kill us. There is no need to come to any abandoned planet. There are no resources here. Let's go back and stop wasting time here."

After saying this, Jiang Nan was about to leave here, but before he had taken a few steps, his heart suddenly started beating extremely fast, as if something was attracting him somewhere, making him have to leave, could not leave.

Realizing this, Jiangnan turned around again, looked at this abandoned planet, and began to think deeply about what was attracting him?

Thinking of this, Jiangnan continued to walk a few steps inside. Seeing his actions, Aesop and the others couldn't understand, and asked directly: "Jiangnan, what are you going to do? Why keep walking forward? What's new? Did you find it?"

"Actually, I don't know what's here. It just feels like something is attracting me to go forward, but I can't say what it is. I only know that if I leave, I will regret it very much."

After Jiangnan heard Aesop's words, he thought about it for a long time, and finally thought of a word that could be used to summarize his thoughts.

Hearing this, Aesop understood what was going on. Instead of blocking Jiangnan, let Jiangnan go in and see what's going on, because Jiangnan's feeling is definitely not wrong. He feels that something inside will definitely be good. thing.

Jiangnan walked a few steps forward, and suddenly felt a particularly strong fusion signal from the abandoned planet. Feeling this signal, Jiangnan was more or less surprised, and walked forward again to feel more intense.

Come to a more suitable place, and then start to talk to this signal with the heart message, hoping to get the news from him.

In fact, he also got the news from Xinxun. He felt that there was something talking to him, so he took the initiative to ask.

"What are you? Why are you sending me a signal here? Do you still want to merge with me? Explain everything about your family clearly, and I will help you."

The thing over there was silent for a long time when he heard what Jiangnan said, and just when Jiangnan thought he would not answer, the signal came over suddenly.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

"I am the core of this abandoned planet. It is getting worse and worse on this abandoned planet. I don't want to stay in this place. I want you to take me away. Please take me away. I want to get out of here. "

Hearing this strong signal, Jiangnan could feel the core's desire to leave, but Jiangnan couldn't find him at all, so he could only keep asking, hoping to get a more accurate address.

........ 0

"I can only feel your signal, but I can't find your location. Tell me where you are, and I can go to find you. Only when I find you can I take you away. Do you understand what I mean? "

"I can bring you to my side, but your friends can't bring you here, you can only come here by yourself." The voice over there stopped for a long time before finally saying this sentence, Jiangnan clicked nod.

Then came to Aesop and the others and told them the situation: "Aesop, you are waiting for me here, I need to go inside, the core of this abandoned planet, let me go in and take her away alone." [-].

Chapter 442

"Jiangnan, we can't let you in alone, everything inside is unknown, it's really too dangerous, we have to go in with you, if the core disagrees, we don't need to take him away. "

Aesop's words were particularly firm, and obviously he didn't want Jiangnan to go in alone. Although this core may be a rare opportunity, when the opportunity comes, it is also accompanied by danger, and they are particularly worried.

After hearing what Aesop said, Jiangnan understood their thoughts very well, so he took a few steps forward and contacted the core again with Xinxin, hoping to obtain his consent to let him bring his companions in together.

"My partner is very worried about me and doesn't want me to go in alone. He wants to be with me. Can you make an exception and agree? Take us all in."

After hearing what he said, the core was extremely anxious at the moment, the signal was a little out of order, and then finally adjusted and told the actual situation.

"It's not that I don't want to bring you in with your partners, it's because I can only bring you alone. If there are too many people, I won't be able to bear it at all, and I will die directly. At that time, I will Gone, please."

What the core said was not the slightest falsification, Jiangnan hesitated for a moment, looked at the friends behind him, thought about the core, and finally decided to ask the situation clearly first, and then explain to the friends to let them relax.

"How do you want to bring me in front of you? You have to make it clear to me, and I can come in and promise you after I make it clear."

The core finally met a person here who could take him away, so he was naturally unwilling to let him go, so he hurriedly told him how to bring Jiangnan to his side, hoping to gain Jiangnan's trust.

He wanted Jiang Nan to come to a hidden alley here first. His address could not be revealed. If it was revealed, he would be in danger immediately, so he asked Jiang Nan to find a more secret place.

When Jiangnan came to this relatively hidden place, he would give Jiangnan a Taoist seal. This Taoist seal can bring Jiangnan to his side. This is an ideal way to enter, but he does not guarantee any other changes.

The core told the truth about the situation without lying. After hearing his words, Jiangnan decided to believe him once, and he also felt that the core could not hurt himself, so he wanted to come back to Aesop and the others here... .....

Attempt to start a discussion with them: "Aesop, the core said that his location is relatively secret, and I can only go in alone. If there are too many people going in, the situation will be worse, so I can't take you with me."

When Jiang Nan said this, his face was full of seriousness. Obviously, he really couldn't bring people in. Knowing this, Aesop was more worried, but he also knew that he couldn't stop Jiang Nan.

Thinking of this, I decided to let go: "Jiangnan, I can't be so selfish to prevent you from going in, but we don't know what's going on inside, and we don't know whether there will be danger. You must be careful, be careful."

"Okay." After saying this, Jiang Nan hurried in, found a relatively hidden place, and used the Dao seal to enter a space. At the moment he entered the space, he also transformed. Seeing here a spark. .

Chapter 443

The moment he saw this spark, Jiang Nan felt very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere, but he didn't have this thing in his memory, so he could only keep guessing, and finally determined the identity of this spark, the core.

Thinking of this, Jiangnan tentatively said, "Are you the core of this abandoned planet? You were the one who asked me for help just now, right?"

After hearing what he said, the spark did not answer for a long time. Jiangnan thought he had guessed wrong, and was about to leave here to find the 16 cores in other places. At this time, the spark did indeed twist violently. .

Jiang Nan was attracted by his action, so he stood there and watched the spark carefully, and finally the spark finally uttered weak words.

"I am the core of this abandoned planet. I can't leave here easily, so I can't speak when I face you. I have struggled a lot to let you hear my voice. Please take me leave."

Jiang Nan also wanted to take this spark away, but it was a pity that he had no way to take him away, unless he thought of a way by himself and cooperated with him, otherwise he would have no chance at all.

Thinking of this, I directly told this spark my thoughts, and let him think of a way: "The reason why I came here is to help you, but I don't have the ability to take you away, and I don't know what to do. "

I also heard what he said, and the expression of the spark dropped instantly, as if he was alone, with real emotions, but he couldn't touch them.

Huo Hua thought about what Jiang Nan said carefully, and felt that what he said was right, and he had to do his best to find a way to escape from here.

After understanding this point, Huo Hua began to think of a way, and finally thought of a very good way, which is to let himself leave through this imprint.

Jiangnan can come to him through the imprint, and he can also come to Jiangnan's side through the imprint, and tell Jiangnan his thoughts.

"Jiangnan, I found a way, that is, I can let you take me away through the mark, but this may be more difficult, do you want to?"

"I came here to help you, of course I am willing to do anything for you, so just do it, I will work hard to cooperate."

As long as Huo Hua has a way to let him take him away, he is willing to help. After the two of them discussed it, Huo Huo took his essence out of his body and forced it into Jiang Nan's body, causing a serious row. Abnormal reaction.

Seeing that this spirit couldn't enter Jiangnan's body, Huo Hua was very anxious at the moment, crying and making noise all the time, Jiang Nan was a little annoyed by him, and directly scolded: "I'll find a way to merge, you shut up .”

"Okay." When Huo Hua heard what he said, he felt inexplicably relieved, and then obediently stayed by the side and stopped talking, watching what Jiangnan was going to do and how to let the essence enter his body.

Jiang Nan felt that the rejection reaction might be the rejection of this spirit in his body, and he could completely integrate the breath in his body with the spirit, so that it would be much easier for the spirit to come in.

Thinking of this, Jiangnan lowered his aura to the lowest level, as if he had merged with the surrounding air, and then tried to accept the spirit, and now it was much easier, the spirit directly entered Jiangnan's body. .

Chapter 444

The moment this spirit entered Jiangnan's body, his whole body was in extreme pain, feeling as if his body was being burned by fire, extremely hot.

He couldn't bear this kind of power, and bright red blood came out of his nose. Feeling the presence of this blood, Jiang Nan forced himself to suppress it.

Finally, turn on your strongest mode, and use the strongest mode to start a battle with the fire in your body. The two forces come and go like this.

I don't know how long it took to stop before Jiangnan no longer felt the hot breath, but when the hot breath was gone, he felt his body swelled up.

There is a feeling that all the power is concentrated in the body, but there is nowhere to go. These forces are going to explode my body.

This time, Jiangnan really had no choice but to force himself to turn his gaze to Huo Hua next to him, and spoke to him.

"Spark, the power of your spirit is too strong, I can't bear it at all, please help me quickly, otherwise I will explode and die, and the two of us will be inseparable at that time, the situation here It's bad ' 〃."

Huo Hua wanted to help just now, but he didn't understand what was going on with Jiangnan, and he didn't dare to act rashly, so he could only stand by and watch himself anxious.

Now that Jiangnan has spoken, he understands what to say, and hastened to suppress the power of this spirit as quickly as possible.

But he can only suppress it, but he can't help Jiangnan absorb it. He can only speak to Jiangnan while suppressing it: "Hurry up and absorb these powers. I can only suppress him, but I can't help you absorb it. Try to be as fast as possible."

"I feel that after these forces leave my body, they become very powerful. I can't control it anymore. I don't know how long I can suppress it. I can only try my best to persist. You absorb it quickly."

Jiang Nan heard what Huo Hua said in a daze, and began to slowly adjust the power in his body, and then gradually absorbed this external power.

With his absorption, those powers have a place to go, so they are not crowded in one place. Jiang Nan's body feels better, but the discomfort has not been completely eliminated.

He only absorbed one day with all his strength, but after absorbing it for a long time, he only absorbed a small part of the power, not most of it.

At this time, the spark could no longer hold on, and withdrew the power he used to suppress, and this power rioted in Jiangnan's body again.

This time the pain was even worse than before, Jiang Nan cried out in pain: "Ah, this really hurts too much, is it possible that I can't completely absorb this essence? Or is there another way?"

It was also the first time for Huohua to do such a thing, so when faced with this, he might not know as much as Jiangnan, so he could only shake his head, surrounded by self-blame, and then apologized in a weak voice.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't know it would be like this, if I knew it would be like this, I wouldn't (Qian Wangzhao) let you come to save me, I hurt you, I hope you can forgive me How am I? I'll do my best to help you."

"It's okay, it's okay, I will do my best to suppress and absorb this power, don't worry." After saying this, Jiang Nan's body became all fiery red, and it looked very scary .

Jiangnan desperately endured the hot feeling, and finally his strength was greatly improved, and then he developed the fiery red mode. .

Chapter 445

This fiery red mode is particularly powerful, which has increased Jiangnan's strength and agility to [-]% of the current level, but strong power requires more painful integration, and Jiangnan tried his best to endure it.

I don't know how long it took to stop, but he finally managed to fuse this well, and he can use this power normally without feeling any pain.

Feeling this change, Jiangnan wiped the sweat from his brow, and then said: "The price of helping you is really too high. Fortunately, I can bear it, and I finally made it through. Come in." .”

After Huohua heard what Jiangnan said, her heart was instantly filled with gratitude. In order to help Jiangnan endure such great pain, she must do her best to help Jiangnan in the future so that he can achieve greater achievements.

"By the way, you said you can enter my body, but where are you? Why don't I know where you are going to enter?"

All the organs in Jiangnan's body have a place, and the spark suddenly entered his body, he had to find a suitable place to stay, otherwise he couldn't do it at all, he could only scurry around in his body.

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