"Kezhi, it's not the first time I've said that when I live in the world, I end up with a 1 mountain collapse in front of me without changing my color. Look at academician Tang Zhenli Tang, who is in the limelight now, how young he can be like this Fan Chengcheng, if you don't have a mature and steady state of mind, it is definitely impossible, you are the dean of our school, you should know this truth..."

"Principal, but

Zhao Kezhi's face was still urgent, but just as he opened his mouth, Kong Weiyang stopped him.

"There's nothing wrong with it, there's no harm in being calm..."

Zhao Kezhi opened his mouth, but he could only forcefully suppress his emotions. He knew the principal's temper, and everything else was fine, but he was a bit rigid, but this rigidity was his bottom line.

Once Kong Weiyang's bottom line is touched, even Zhao Kezhi will have to drink a pot.

That's why at this time, he didn't dare to continue talking, and being interrupted again and again, his original anger gradually dissipated, and in the end, he simply let nature take its course.

After a while, seeing Zhao Kezhi calm down, Kong Weiyang nodded in satisfaction, then picked up the thermos cup on the table, brought it to his mouth,

"By the way, what did you want to say just now, tell me..."

"Principal, let me tell you straight, Academician Tang Zhenli is a graduate of our school a few years ago..."

It seemed that his temperament had been worn down a bit, Zhao Kezhi spoke in an extremely calm tone when he said these words.

"Hm.....hmm?? Mmmm!!! Kekekekekeke

Kong Weiyang, who was savoring the mellow tea in his mouth, stared, subconsciously trying to say something, and then the tea poured into his lung cavity.

"Cough cough cough cough cough..."

"Principal, are you okay!"

Seeing Kong Weiyang's extremely uncomfortable expression, Zhao Kezhi subconsciously stood up, and couldn't help asking with concern.

"Cough cough cough cough cough..."

However, what responded to him was still coughing, and he saw a trace of unbearable expression on his face, then he walked quickly to the back of Kong Weiyang and patted him on the back

Otherwise, he really doubted whether the headmaster would just cough it up.

It took a long while before Kong Weiyang came to his senses, his face was flushed, and he weakly pointed at Zhao Kezhi with a finger.

"Bastard, why didn't you say such an important thing earlier!!!"

Kong Weiyang is familiar with the youngest academician in history

"Principal, you are the one who said you have to be calm..."

Zhao Kezhi looked helpless, if he hadn't been blocking him before, he would have spoken out a long time ago.

"Goofy III Don't let me see you today I"

Hearing this, Kong Yu and Shi Yang's expression froze for a moment, as if he had no reason to refute, and then he could only speak in a rage.

"Good job, principal!"

When Zhao Kezhi saw this, if he was granted an amnesty, the news had already been passed, and the follow-up would not be his business.

This matter was reported by Tang Zhenli... Academician Tang's class teacher back then. He was quite excited at first, but he lost his mood when Kong Weiyang made such a move.

After Zhao Kezhi left, only Kong Weiyang, who was still panting, was left in the office.

I saw that his expression was more anxious than Zhao Kezhi just now, and he was completely gone from the indifference before. It seemed that he was looking for something on his computer. When he looked carefully, it turned out to be his past student records.

Afterwards, the computer screen froze at one frame, and then Kong Weiyang took out his phone again, comparing the two, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

"It really is…"

After realizing it, Kong Weiyang's eyes flashed.

Academician Tang Zhenli, whom I admired the most... turned out to be a graduate of my own school? ? ?


The phone on Kong Weiyang's desk rang,

And he could only show his suppressed emotions and take the conversation away.

"Hello, I'm... Wang Bureau?"

The person on the other end of the phone is none other than the person in charge of the education department of Shanghai Stock Exchange.

"Principal Kong, your school has really produced a real dragon, the first 22-year-old academician in the history of Dragon Kingdom!!! Even the entire Shanghai education system is honored..."

The voice on the other end of the phone was very exciting, obviously knowing where Tang Zhenli came from.

"Wang Ju is too polite..."

As Kong Weiyang spoke, the corners of his mouth would twitch from time to time, obviously he couldn't control the smile he wanted to show all the time.

"That's it. We plan to vigorously publicize Academician Tang's deeds, and hold special lectures on learning in the whole city. The first stop is to start from No. [-] Middle School. What does Principal Kong think?"

"Okay, okay, of course no problem!"

Hearing this, Kong Weiyang was overjoyed, he was eager to publicize that Academician Tang Zhenli Tang graduated from No. 180 Middle School, but he didn't expect that the higher-ups would propose it first.After the two chattered for a while, the matter was decided at [-].

Without further ado, the first lecture started from Shanghai No. [-] Middle School.

In the afternoon of the same day, the whole school issued a notice that all classes in the afternoon canceled their lectures, and attended special lectures in the school auditorium in batches.

Grade Three, Class Three,

After hearing the school's announcement, there was a neat exclamation in the class.

"Ziyue, I can finally be liberated! If I continue to learn like this, I will collapse!"

The girl who was at the same table with Tang Ziyue said to her that the college entrance examination is more than half a year away. For senior three students, they are either doing quizzes every day or on the way to do the quizzes. There are no entertainment activities at all, and mobile phones are more Forget it.

With a boring life and heavy tasks, it's no wonder she would say such things.

"What kind of lectures are you going to give?"

Hearing this, Tang Ziyue's slender palm rested on her chin, and her small face was full of puzzlement. The already outstanding appearance and this delicate appearance immediately attracted the attention of many boys.

"Hey...what are you thinking about so much, it's better than going to class..."

Apparently, the tablemate didn't know either. For the students of No. [-] Middle School, as long as they are in school, they are in a closed environment, and outside interference and news can't affect them in the slightest.

So even though Tang Zhenli's matter is now well known on the Internet, in just one day, the news did not reach everyone's ears.



Chapter 188 Lecture?Isn't this my brother?

In the afternoon,

The school issued a notice that students in the third grade of senior high school will first study in special lectures.

As a third-year student, I have more or less priority. Of course, this is also to finish the lecture and go back to class faster.

There are a total of [-] classes in the third year of Shanghai No. [-] Middle School this year, which means that nearly [-] third-year students will enter the turning point in their lives next year.The order of the classes also represented the level of the students, just like the third class Tang Ziyue was in.

In layman's terms, the better the grade, the higher the serial number of the class. Each semester, the class is re-divided according to the final grade.

Although this move is simple but effective, it can arouse students' self-motivation to the greatest extent.

And Tang Zhenli was called the God of Learning back then because from junior high school to high school, for six years, no matter what grade he was in Class [-], and he ranked first every time!

Rumor has it that with Tang Zhenli here, the others can only compete for second place! !

The legend of the God of Shanghai No. [-] Middle School.

And now, this student legend has once again created his own legend at an astonishing speed! ! !

Just then, a message came from the radio,

"Please note, the top ten classes of the third grade, please gather in the school auditorium one after another!!! Please note, the third grade."

When the voice of the radio fell, it was almost the floor where Tang Ziyue was located that moved.

At this time, they also knew that it was time to go to see that special lecture...

Needless to say, the teacher said, the senior high school students lined up in an orderly manner and headed for the school's auditorium that can accommodate nearly a thousand people.

After a while, the huge auditorium was full of noise,

After everyone was seated one after another, the principal Kong Weiyang sat on the summit platform in front with a happy face, and the smile on his face hadn't stopped since they came in.


Kong Weiyang tested the microphone in front of him, then continued,

"Students, good afternoon everyone, please be quiet now!"

When the principal spoke, the students naturally didn't dare to be presumptuous, and the auditorium fell silent instantly.

—All the students looked curiously at the principal in front of them, not knowing what the content of this special lecture was...

After that, Kong Weiyang continued,

"Students, the first thing I want to say is that I am deeply honored to be the tenth principal of Shanghai No. [-] Middle School. Looking back on the history of the school, our school has produced a large number of talents in the past century."

While talking, I watched; everyone also felt that something was wrong. After talking for a long time, the headmaster was still talking about the past. Could it be that the headmaster is talking about the history of the school today in this special lecture?

No way... Logically speaking, isn't this for incoming freshmen?

In fact, Kong Weiyang originally wanted to get straight to the point, but for some reason, under the excitement, he only felt that the more he talked, the more he talked, and he completely forgot the concept of time.

"What are the principals talking about? I heard these things when I was in school.

At this moment, Tang Ziyue's deskmate couldn't help complaining to her.

Little did he know that Tang Ziyue on the other side had already fallen asleep, his little head drooping, bit by bit, looking very cute.

At this moment, it seems that Kong Weiyang came to his senses and started to get straight to the point,

"Looking back on the past, we have made further progress. Your senior Tang Zhenli has not forgotten his original intention to build a dream together, and forged ahead to write a brilliant chapter. In the field of controllable nuclear fusion

Made a major breakthrough, only 22 years old, became the youngest academician of our Dragon Academy of Sciences

Almost at the same time, there was an uproar in the audience, and discussions started.

"Holy shit, Tang Zhenli? Is that the god of learning three years ago???? Academician???? Controlled nuclear fusion???? Is that Tang Zhenli from 'Zhuang Ba'???"

"This is the rhythm of conferring the gods!!!! Controlled nuclear fusion... that's far off the mark!!!" Obviously, everyone is still concerned about some energy issues, and they are no strangers to controlled nuclear fusion.

"It turns out this is from our school!!!!"

"Legend of the Fourth Middle School, it really wasn't called for nothing.

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