And the commercial vehicle started slowly again.

"Yingying, your wish will be granted soon, be happy!"

At this moment, Sister Xia's angry voice came, and she didn't have the slightest affection for this professional science god who was fascinated by Wu Shaoying.

Wu Shaoying didn't answer, but lightly clenched her fists, staring blankly ahead......


Shanghai Vocational and Technical College,

Administration Building,

A group of school leaders from the upper vocational college looked at the fighter plane above the clouds with dull expressions.

"Principal, what happened, why are all these powerful weapons of the country coming!"

The teaching director, Cheng Fei, said to Tao Chengwang with a dry throat.

He has an impression of this type of fighter plane. This is a frequent visitor at military parades in recent years!

"I am not sure as well........"

Tao Chengwang's expression was a bit complicated at the moment, and he looked dryly at the convoy that was drifting away.

From the beginning to the end, he only received the initial notification call.

In the next few days, I watched the changes on the campus of the Vocational College in a daze.

But now he has some guesses. It seems that something extraordinary has happened in the Vocational College, or an extraordinary person has appeared.

student dormitory,

A few days ago, the students of the Vocational College were ordered to stay in their student dormitories except for basic living and eating.

But after seeing the fighter planes appearing, he couldn't help the excitement in his heart anymore.

They are not as experienced as the school leaders, they just look at these weapons and equipment and are shocked.

There is also a faint guess in my heart, that is, something important must have happened in the Vocational College, and it is definitely not as simple as the anti-terrorism exercise mentioned before.

The next thing to do is to wait for the school's announcement. After all, they have no other channels to learn about it.


After the convoy loaded with the Tomacak set off,

The martial law in the streets around the Vocational College was also lifted one after another, returning to a normal state.

At this time, only the entire Vocational College was still under martial law during wartime, and all the gates of the Vocational College were heavily guarded by soldiers.

Teams of security personnel are still patrolling the campus.

It seems that if Tang Zhenli and a group of experts and scholars did not leave the Upper Vocational College, the defense force of the Upper Vocational College would not weaken for a day.

At this time, there were already many curious people gathered outside the Upper Vocational College,

They are all residents living in the surrounding area. After all, the object of martial law in the past few days is all because of this school, the Vocational College.

However, a group of residents were also sensible. After seeing the military police with live ammunition, they only watched from a distance outside the campus.

In Laboratory No. [-],

After the Tomacak device was transported away, it was meaningless for Tang Zhenli and a group of experts and scholars to stay here.

The current security force on campus is only because Tang Zhenli is still in the Vocational College.

At this moment Liu Chi came to Tang Zhenli with a gentle tone.

"Xiao Tang, since the controllable nuclear fusion device has been transported away, I still need your help for some things. I don't know that Xiao Tang doesn't have time to go to Yandu!"

"Well, that's natural!"

As the developer of the controllable nuclear fusion device, he naturally knew that Longguo needed his own help to understand its principle, so he didn't refuse at the moment.

"Then it's not too late, let's go now?"

Liu Chi gave Tang Zhenli the greatest respect between his words.


Tang Zhenli nodded, and replied calmly.

"Okay, classmate Tang, come with me!"

After Liu Chi followed me, he gestured towards Tang Zhenli, and then walked out the door.

Seeing this, Tang Zhenli moved lightly and followed.

Followed by a group of experts and scholars,

At this moment, many experts and scholars showed anxious expressions on their faces, and kept muttering in their hearts.

Why hasn't the headmaster come yet?

After this farewell, I'm afraid it will be difficult to poach someone again!

Can't help but keep up while contacting the principals of their respective schools.Thinking about trying to drag it out for a while before classmate Xiao Tang left.


Vocational College Gate,

A luxurious commercial vehicle slowly parked on the road opposite the school gate,

"Why are there so many people? Could it be that the paparazzi found out about this trip?"

The agent, who was called Miss Xia before, looked at the crowd outside the Vocational College and muttered.

Due to the problem of vision, she did not see the soldiers at the school gate.

Unexpectedly, Wu Shaoying opened the car door and trotted all the way, obviously impatient, as if wanting to confirm something.

"Because of him?"

Wu Shaoying looked thoughtfully at a school, the Shanghai Vocational College, and she knew it was not a big-name school.

But this was the second time she saw the name.

The little assistant on the side was so scared that he quickly chased after him, waving his mask and shouting as if chasing,

"Yingying, mask!"

With so many people, and Wu Shaoying's popularity now, it's no wonder he wasn't recognized!

Once recognized, tomorrow's scarf hot search is already scheduled.

Wu Shaoying's complexion changed slightly, and she also realized it. She hurried back, took the mask from the little assistant and put it on quickly.

Then walk directly towards the entrance of the vocational school across the road.

"Hey, Yingying, be careful with the car!"

Seeing this, sister Xia hurriedly yelled, tapping her high-heeled shoes and hurriedly followed.

When Sister Xia came outside the crowd, she saw Wu Shaoying and her assistant who had arrived early stopped at the door, and she couldn't help asking in doubt,

"What's the matter? Why don't you go in?"

The little assistant's expression stiffened and she nodded towards the school gate.

Sister Xia followed her gaze, and when she saw groups of neatly armed soldiers, she couldn't help but gasped, and had a faint idea in her heart.

"Could it be that the convoy started from here???"

"do not know....."

The assistant's weak voice came.

After that, Sister Xia looked at Wu Shaoying, and saw that she was anxiously looking into the campus with her little head out of the mask.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a commotion among the crowd.

On campus, someone came out!


Chapter 18 Such a big battle, just to deal with some things?

Vocational College,

Tang Zhenli was surrounded by the crowd and walked towards the school gate.

There are three layers inside and three layers outside, besides him, there are other experts and scholars.

In addition, there is a dense group of elite soldiers, who are watching their surroundings vigilantly at the moment.

"It's really him!"

Even though I haven't seen him for over a year, he is still so dazzling...

Wu Shaoying naturally recognized him in the crowd from a distance, and the figure began to overlap with the high-spirited boy in high school, with an inexplicable brilliance in his eyes.

Then the expression under the mask showed a little complicated color, I haven't seen him in a year, what happened...

"Yingying, what's wrong?"

Sister Xia saw that Wu Shaoying seemed to be stunned, so she couldn't help asking with concern.

Unexpectedly, Wu Shaoying didn't answer, but just pointed towards the middle of the crowd.

Sister Xia subconsciously looked in the direction Wu Shaoying pointed, and was startled.

Seeing that young man surrounded by people, is he the god of learning that Yingying said?

Even though he was mixed among a group of old men with profound temperament, the temperament exuded by that young man was not inferior at all, as if he was born to stand in the middle of the crowd and enjoy the admiration of everyone...

Suddenly, her heart was shocked, thinking of the magnificent scene she had seen on the road just now, combined with the young man surrounded by soldiers and scholars at the moment,

There was a terrible speculation in my heart, could it be that the big scene just now was all for the young man in front of me? ? ?

Faintly, Sister Xia suddenly froze in place, a little confused for a moment...

Shocked, Tang Zhenli and his party slowly approached the school gate.

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