Tang Zhenli's idea is very simple. He is well aware of the importance of "controllable nuclear fusion" to the progress of human civilization, so he has the attitude of giving it a try.

Tang Zhenli edited some materials from previous research into an email.

It includes the characteristics and composition of new materials, as well as some ideas and principles of the controllable nuclear fusion ignition heating process for his next experiment.

After typing, Tang Zhenli added a line of small characters at the end of the email.

"Students have not been famous in the Chinese Academy of Sciences for a long time, and hope to be promoted to your college for undergraduate study!"

After finishing all this, Tang Zhenli clicked send, and the message "send successfully" was displayed shortly after.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, adjusted his mood, and said to himself.

"Should be able to upgrade!"

Then Tang Zhenli shook his head, clicked on the document of the starting point of the sea of ​​stars, and read it with relish.

Regardless of whether there is a reply from Longke University, his second step of ignition and heating plan must not be stopped.

If you have developed controllable nuclear fusion and solved the energy problem, then you have already taken the starting point to conquer the sea of ​​stars!


Late at night, Longke University.

An intern teacher who is responsible for screening the emails of experts and scholars from all over the country is cleaning the mailbox of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

As the most authoritative and official scientific research university in the country, many emails about academic discussions are sent to the mailbox of Longke University every day.

Therefore, Longke University has specially set up a position for this purpose.

Because some of them are useful and some are useless, although most of them are pseudo-academic questions sent by some folk science that do not conform to the laws of physics or chemistry.

But there are also academic discussions sent by experts in professional fields.

And the intern's job is to sift through the emails.

Judging from his several months of internship experience, most of this unnamed email is a pseudo-academic proposition sent by a civil science student who has not graduated from elementary school.

Although he didn't hold out hope, the sense of responsibility in his heart still drove him to click on this email.

Perhaps there is also a trace of watching the excitement. I have to say that apart from the lack of solid theoretical knowledge in some civil sciences, some unconstrained ideas are quite interesting.

And looking at it from a high level, it will also make his sense of existence stronger.

With this thought in mind, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he browsed the email slowly,

But looking at it, his expression became more and more serious, and his smile had already become stiff.

"This... is the solution to the difficulty of controllable nuclear fusion?"

The throat ball rolled up and down, his eyes showed surprise, surprise, and puzzlement!

"It seems very profound..."

After reading the last formula, he found that he couldn't understand some ideas in this email at all!

You know, even though he is an intern teacher at Long Ke University, he is also a top student in the Department of Chemistry with a Ph.D. from Kyoto University.

But now, he couldn't understand an email for an academic discussion!

"Wouldn't it be a big guy who sent it?"

He instinctively felt that this was an email from a pioneer in materials science, and immediately contacted the researcher on duty tonight. If it was really from a big boss, he would not dare to relax.

"Ms. Liu, I have an e-mail here. It's very authoritative. I can't understand it. I wonder if you have time..."

"You don't understand either? I'm coming!"

It just so happens that the researcher on duty today is a well-known expert and scholar in the field of materials.

After hearing the professional academic discussion, duty researcher Liu Zhi came excitedly.

There is no level of happiness like being able to discuss academic issues when you are on late night duty!

Seeing this, the intern teacher quickly gave up his seat to the researcher on duty.

"Teacher Liu, take a look!"

"Research and practice of controlled nuclear fusion?"

Liu Zhi glanced at the title, his eyelids twitched slightly,

And as he carefully browsed word by word, his expression became more and more serious.

"Which expert is this? It's incredible, it's incredible!"

Liu Zhi stared at the entire email without blinking, muttering something, the more he read it, the more he found it incredible.

To be honest, even he has vague concepts about some of the formulas and data, and they are just theories.

But the instinctive academic sensitivity brought about by years of work made him realize that this is an academic email that can shake the entire human society today!

And the feasibility and authenticity are very high!

"It's very feasible! Report it, hurry up, report it!"

Liu Zhi's eyes almost turned red and he didn't know it, so he kept talking.

Looking at the interns on the side, he was shocked.

Is controllable nuclear fusion highly feasible?

At this time, his heart was also beating wildly. Even an ordinary college student could understand what the research and development of a controllable nuclear fusion device represented.

Knowing in my heart or underestimating the importance of this email!

What kind of academic email is this that can make a researcher of Longke University lose his composure!

Fortunately, I didn't delete this email without my real name casually, otherwise I would really be a sinner!

"Xiao Cheng! You've done a good job and your judgment is very strong! After your internship period is over, I will personally recommend you to become a full-time employee!"

At this time, the researcher of Longke University came to his senses and said to him with a smile on his face.

In an instant, the trainee teacher named Xiao Cheng looked excited.

But it's not because I'm excited about becoming a full-time professional, but because the research and development of a controllable nuclear fusion device is feasible, I feel incredible!


Chapter 3 The shock of Longke University!


Long National Academy of Sciences University,

The sky was still pitch black, with no intention of brightening it up.

And a duty office of Longke University was already brightly lit.

Liu Zhi and Xiao Cheng anxiously waited for the dawn,

Faced with an academic discussion email that neither of them could understand,

They had a vague premonition in their hearts that this email would definitely shake the entire Dragon Science and Technology University!

But at this time, they can only wait for the experts and professors from the School of Materials to come to work, and then invite them to take a look.

After a long time,

The dazed Xiao Cheng opened his eyes and found that the sky had already brightened.

Hastily shook the researcher on duty beside him.

"Teacher Liu, wake up, it's dawn!"

Liu Zhi's eyes opened instantly, obviously this matter was extremely important to him.

"Let's go, let's show this email to Director Mao!"

And the director Mao he was talking about was Mao Xingbang, the director of the Materials Branch of Longke University.

Immediately, the researcher on duty took a thin notebook and walked directly to the director's office.

Unexpectedly, I saw a hale and hearty grizzled old man in the corridor, it was Mao Xingbang!

"Director Mao! Director Mao! There is an email for academic exchange! I want you to read it!"


Mao Xingbang was a little surprised when he heard the words. It stands to reason that this kind of academic exchange emails are usually exchanged and discussed among researchers, and rarely come to him, but he still beckoned him to come over.

"Look here!"

Liu Zhi had already copied the email and imported it into his laptop.

At this moment, he walked quickly to Director Mao with the computer in his hand, and opened the email.

Director Mao quickly took out the reading glasses from his shirt pocket and put them on his eyes.

"Research and development of controllable nuclear fusion, new atomic arrangement, new materials, clinical trials have been initially completed..."

Director Mao recited the key points he thought word by word, and he didn't care much at first, but after seeing it, his expression gradually became serious, and occasionally there was a gleam of light in his eyes.

Then I saw the dense reference data and formulas, as well as some experimental data, attached to the back of the email.

Director Mao didn't feel impatient, but his eyes lit up.

Having data means that the authenticity of this email is higher.

"Hiss~ If the order of the atoms of this new material is as close as that mentioned above... then it's not..."

Director Mao gasped. He was staring at a diagram of atomic structure and muttering to himself. His eyes slowly changed. There was a trace of burning and anticipation in his serious eyes.

Compared with Liu Zhi's admiration and trust in this email, Director Mao did not make premature judgments after seeing some written theories.

After all, he is an old scientist who has been engaged in scientific research for decades, and his rigor in dealing with affairs is simply outrageous!

But as he went deeper and browsed the data behind, the suspicion in Director Mao's heart gradually dispelled.

Years of academic research and clinical trials told him that this email is very likely to be true!

After reading the experimental data, Director Mao's breathing became heavier and faster, and his eyeballs were faintly red.

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