Sister Xia forced herself to calm down, and glanced at the little assistant.

Unexpectedly, the little assistant also looked at her solemnly, and then the little assistant spoke, pointing to the communication car behind with his right hand while talking.

"Sister Xia, the car behind..."

"Shh~ I just know..."

Unexpectedly, sister Xia looked around nervously when she heard the words, and then gestured to the little assistant with her eyes.

The little assistant is also obviously a smart person, looking around cautiously and vigilantly.

On the other side, at the entrance of the hotel, Tang Zhenli had a smile on his face.

"I'm leaving!"

Tang Zhenli turned his head, said to Wu Shaoying, who was very beautiful, and waved his hand.

"OK Bye Bye!"

Wu Shaoying still had that touching smile on her face, and waved towards him.


Tang Zhenli nodded towards her with a gentle face, and got into the car under the protection of two plainclothes special forces.

Watching the motorcade slowly drive out of the Dorsett Hotel, Wu Shaoying watched the vehicle leave with dazed eyes.

And all of this was seen by Sister Xia and the little assistant at the side.

After Tang Zhenli left, the expressions of the two of them also relaxed a little. Sister Xia let out a long sigh,

"I don't know if Yingying's sinking so deep is a good thing......"

"Hey, ask what love is in the world, and teach people directly... Oops! Sister Xia, why are you beating me?"

In the middle of speaking, the little assistant suddenly covered her head and looked at Sister Xia resentfully.

Unexpectedly, sister Xia said righteously.

"Little girl pretends to be serious, she should fight!"


In the luxurious room,

After Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying left, the gossip during the banquet never stopped.

Both of them held their own opinions, arguing whether Wu Shaoying really liked Tang Zhenli or not.

"I think it's probably true. Wu Shaoying liked Tang Zhenli when she was in high school. Didn't you see the way Yingying looked at Tang Zhenli?"

It was the only girl who spoke at this time during the banquet.

"No, no, that's wrong. I don't think it's possible. Tang Zhenli went to a junior college. It's too different from the status of a big star. In my opinion, it's impossible!"

After all, Wu Shaoying is currently a super star in a mess, known as the Four Little Stars of the Dragon Kingdom entertainment circle, and one of the leading figures of the younger generation of actors!

And Tang Zhenli is just an ordinary junior college student, no matter how good he was in high school, it can't change his future future......

This position gap is too big....

Compared with girls who are more emotional than rational, the boy who spoke obviously didn't think so.

One is an ordinary junior college student, and the other is a star who is in the sky. The difference in status and status is too great, and it is impossible to be together.

"Tch, what do you know, once a girl likes someone, she doesn't care who he is, what status does he have?"

The male classmate's statement made the girl sneer, and immediately retorted.

And at this moment, Min Min, who had gone to the toilet, rushed in, and said to everyone with a mysterious and shocked expression.

"Guess what I saw?"

Everyone was attracted by Minmin's mysterious expression, and couldn't help being curious, even Zhuang Qiang, who was gloomy at the moment, was also attracted by this.

"what did you see?"

Minmin seemed to enjoy this feeling of attention, he smiled, and then said in a deep tone.

"Do you remember the two bodyguards at the door?"


Everyone nodded after hearing the words, looking forward to Minmin's next words.

"When I went to the toilet just now, I realized that those two people were not Yingying's bodyguards at all, but Tang Zhenli's bodyguards!"


Everyone at the scene was shocked when they heard the words, and another girl hurriedly asked,

"How is it possible? The bodyguard belongs to Tang Zhenli? Are you sure?"

The rest of the students also looked suspicious. After all, what kind of bodyguard does a junior college student need?

Unexpectedly, Minmin nodded heavily, and said in a positive tone.

"It's absolutely true, I heard with my own ears that the two bodyguards called Xue Shen and Tang Gong!!!"

Now everyone present couldn't hold back any longer. Minmin had a good reputation and reputation in the class during high school, so she naturally wouldn't lie.

In that case, what Minmin said is true!

Everyone's hearts moved, and the expressions on their faces changed again and again, especially Zhuang Qiang's complexion became more and more gloomy.

How could a mere junior college student have bodyguards?

You must know that in Longguo, taking a job after a surname usually means an engineer. An engineer with bodyguards is obviously not easy?

When traveling, there are bodyguards to protect them at all times, even the principal of their school does not have this treatment!

Everyone didn't dare to think about it any longer. Although they didn't know what Tang Zhenli had experienced this year, judging from the present, his identity must be better than his own and others know. There is a big difference...

Definitely not just a junior college student!

At this moment, Minmin's cell phone rang suddenly.

After answering the call, Minmin spoke to everyone again.

"Yingying said she was a little tired, so she went back to rest first..."

As Minmin's voice fell, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay at this moment, and they understood completely.

This so-called class reunion was simply an excuse for Wu Shaoying to ask Tang Zhenli to come out.

"Who said that the status of Yingying and Xueshen are very different..."

At this time, another girl silently glanced at the three boys in the room, and then said calmly.

Other than Zhuang Qiang, the other two boys bowed their heads silently...


Chapter 29 The problem of large-scale controllable nuclear fusion device!

Dorsett Hotel,

Under the giant dome used as a welcome,

After Tang Zhenli's car left, Wu Shaoying still stared blankly at the direction Tang Zhenli was leaving.

Suddenly, a magnetic voice came, and Wu Shaoying turned her head to look, only to see Miss Xia and the little assistant walking towards her slowly.

"Okay, don't look at it, eat half of it and leave, who is it!"

Sister Xia's slightly teasing voice completely changed when she heard it.

Immediately, Wu Shaoying raised her pretty eyebrows instinctively, and Qiong's nose subconsciously wrinkled, all of which were signs of her unhappiness.

Subconsciously, he defended Tang Zhenli in his mind.

"What, he is so busy now, something important must have happened, otherwise he wouldn't be in such a hurry to leave!"

Sister Xia couldn't help saying angrily when she heard the words, and she nodded Wu Shaoying's smooth forehead with a look of hatred.

"Hey, you two haven't said anything yet? Now you're starting to speak for him? I feel wronged for you, but you're better off with your elbows out!"


Wu Shaoying snorted arrogantly, making the little assistant who watched the two quarrel secretly laugh.

Seeing Wu Shaoying's appearance, Miss Xia felt a little helpless, and then asked her.

"Are you going back then?"

"No, I'm tired, go back to my room!"

After speaking, Wu Shaoying moved lightly and walked directly towards the hotel.

Sister Xia and the little assistant shook their heads slightly as they looked at Wu Shaoying's back.

Fool, don't tell your classmates that this class reunion is just for Tang Zhenli?

Walking, Wu Shaoying paused, seemed to think of something, then continued walking, but said without turning her head,

"Xiao Yin, go and settle the bill!"

Immediately, the little assistant could only reply weakly, and Xiao Yin called her.

"It's really hopeless!"

Inexplicably, Sister Xia and the little assistant muttered something tacitly in their hearts!


In the Institute of Controlled Nuclear Fusion,

In a huge laboratory, there are many large accessories and a large assembled sphere.

There are also rows of cranes and robotic arms for precision operations!

At first glance, it seems to have come to the future world.

And this laboratory is a laboratory, but in fact it is a large nuclear power plant that can be put into use at any time.

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