"Wang Zhi, how did you come up with this..."

As Ji Chengtian's voice fell, the other people present also looked puzzled.

Hearing this, an ugly smile appeared on Wang Zhi's face, and then he said to Ji Cheng with a difficult tone.

"Jibu, yesterday's quarterly funding report for the 'Kunpeng' aerospace drone..."

After Wang Zhi's words fell, everyone present, including Ji Chengtian, showed a clear expression, but they still looked at him inexplicably.

But the facts are not as Wang Zhi said, he has always been very sensitive to such large-scale investment projects, so it is not surprising that he can think of these for a while.

At this moment, Wang Zhi saw that everyone was still looking at him, and subconsciously pulled out a stiff smile to face him.

In fact, although his heart hurts, in general, he still understands the truth.

If the 'Phoenix' and Tang Zhenli can be rescued, then the future benefits to Longguo will definitely be more than 50 billion, especially for Tang Zhenli, the various thoughts in his mind are worthless!

Because from Tang Zhenli's first step into the scientific research circle of Longguo until now, as long as it is an idea in his mind, it has been realized step by step in his research and development process!

And his distress at this time is just a habit formed by long-term diligence and thrift.

In layman's terms, it's just getting used to digging, digging, searching, digging, and the mentality hasn't changed for a while.

So now everyone in the conference room couldn't help but find it a little funny seeing him look uncomfortable.

However, after Wang Zhi proposed this plan, the tone of this meeting has basically been set.

The content of the next meeting is how to make a detailed plan for the launch of the 'Kunpeng' air-to-space unmanned fighter jet.

A few hours later, within 10 minutes of the end of the meeting, fifty "Kunpeng" aerospace unmanned fighters were directly launched into the sky under the unanimous decision of the rescue team, and rushed towards the vast space, just to find Tang Zhenli !

at the same time,

All the spacecraft that the rescue team could mobilize also took action, heading towards the direction where the 'Phoenix' lost signal at last.

The largest rescue operation in human history is in full swing!

Shanghai Stock Exchange, Jingjiang Hospital,

As one of the best private hospitals in Shanghai and even in Longguo, it has top-notch medical conditions.

When Tang Lizhe returned home, he was so anxious that he immediately sent his unconscious wife to the hospital.

At this moment, in a large special-needs ward, Chen Xinyao was lying quietly on the central hospital bed, staring at the ceiling absent-mindedly, with strong sadness flashing in her eyes from time to time.

As for Tang Ziyue and Tang Lizhe, they simply lived in the hospital. Anyway, the supporting living measures in the special needs ward are all there is.

The father and daughter looked at their wife (mother), and the sadness on their faces was undisguised.

Fortunately, the doctor said that this time Chen Xinyao just passed out due to shortness of breath, and her body was fine, and the current situation was also caused by a knot in her heart.

You don't need to think about the reason for your unhappiness.

But I know that Gui Zhi knows, but the father and daughter have no solution at all. After all, Tang Zhenli and even the "Phoenix" are still unclear, life and death are unknown!

At this moment, Tang Ziyue, whose eyes were already red and swollen from crying, carefully walked towards the hospital bed holding the nutritious meal provided by the hospital.

When he came to the bedside, even though he was sad in his heart, he still forced a smile and said to his mother.

"Mom, it's time to eat!"

It has to be said that during this incident, Tang Ziyue has also grown a lot, and her previous temperament has also subsided.

At least for now, I know what to do and what not to do.

Tang Lizhe, who was watching on the other side of the hospital bed, was relieved and distressed at the same time.


Chapter 395 Self-help planning and conquest

Under the current situation where Tang Zhenli is still alive or dead,

The emotions of the family of three were undoubtedly unstable, but what Tang Ziyue showed at this moment was far beyond Tang Lizhe's imagination.

Seeing Chen Xinyao ignoring her, Tang Ziyue in front of the hospital bed felt her nose sore, and her swollen eyes filled with tears again, but she still held back her tears.

She knew it was useless to cry now, so after sniffling, she continued to smile.

"Mom, if you don't eat, you won't be able to recover when brother comes back..."

As for Chen Xinyao on the hospital bed, her expression fluctuated a little when she heard the words, but then her gaze gradually dimmed again, and she still ignored Tang Ziyue.

At this time, Tang Lizhe on the other side of the hospital bed stretched out his hand towards Tang Ziyue, took the bowl in her hand, and said.

"Ziyue, let me come..."

Hearing this, Tang Ziyue couldn't bear it anymore, and hurried to the balcony of the ward, and soon there was a burst of sobbing~.

The crisis of all mankind has passed safely, but the crisis of the Tang family is still going on.

For Tang Ziyue, under the premise of losing her own brother, her mother has also become like this. It is perfect for her to achieve this step.

But sometimes, she still can't help but think carefully, the time when her brother was carefree before, and every time this time, it is the time when she can't hold back.

Just as she was crying uncontrollably on the balcony, her mobile phone suddenly rang.

Subconsciously, Tang Ziyue wiped away the remaining tears on her pretty face, looked at the caller's name on the phone screen, and subconsciously froze for a moment, and the next moment, she pressed the answer button.


But when she was about to call Wu Shaoying's sister-in-law on the other side of the computer, she remembered that her brother was probably gone.

For a moment, Tang Ziyue didn't know what to call Wu Shaoying.

At this time, Wu Shaoying on the other end of the phone spoke.

"Ziyue, what's the matter? Can you hear me?"

It can be heard that there is also a potential sadness in Wu Shaoying's voice at this moment.

Hearing this, Tang Ziyue could only reply in a somewhat intermittent tone.

"Can...can hear..."

After listening to Tang Ziyue's answer, Wu Shaoying's voice continued in the next moment.

"It's good if you can hear about your brother...do uncles and aunts know?"

As she said that, Wu Shaoying on the other end of the phone also made a sniffling sound while talking.

Obviously, Wu Shaoying's mood at this time is obviously not as calm as her tone of speech at the moment.

Seeing this, Tang Ziyue replied honestly.

"I know... now we are in the hospital, my mother... she feels a little bad..."

And the moment Tang Ziyue finished speaking, Wu Shaoying's slightly anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

"What? What is the specific situation, does it matter? Forget it, I'm going back to the Shanghai stock market now..."

Tang Ziyue was moved when he heard the words, and said while sobbing.

"Sister Yingying, but now my brother..."

As the voice fell, Wu Shaoying on the other end of the phone obviously felt Tang Ziyue's change of address for her.

After pondering for a long while, Wu Shaoying's firm voice came from the other end of the phone, directly reaching Tang Ziyue's ears.

"Why? I don't call sister-in-law sister Yingying, even if something happens to your brother, I'm still your sister-in-law! It won't change in this life! Remember it!"

When it came to the end, Wu Shaoying's words were very affirmative, but when talking about Tang Zhenli, her voice paused a little, and there was a hint of crying.

Hearing this, Tang Ziyue also understood Wu Shaoying's intentions, and the emotions in her heart were complicated for a while, and she spoke silently after a long while.

"Understood, sister-in-law!"

"Which hospital are you in now? I'm rushing over now..."

Wu Shaoying's voice came from the other end of the phone again.

Seeing this, Tang Ziyue had no choice but to send an address honestly, and then the sister-in-law and sister-in-law comforted each other a few words before hanging up the phone.


Yandu, Jinling Bieyuan,

Wu Shaoying, who had just hung up the phone, ran directly to her room and began to pack her luggage.

After staying for more than ten minutes, when Wu Shaoying appeared in front of the three women dragging a suitcase, the three women were a little surprised.

Sister Xia was the first to ask with concern, with a little worry in her expression.

"Yingying, where are you going?"

Wu Shaoying looked haggard, sniffled when she heard this, and then said calmly.

"Tang Zhenli's mother is sick, I will take care of her in Shanghai..."

After the words were finished, the eager little assistant was the first to raise his hand and speak.

..... 0

"Sister Yingying, I'll accompany you!"

After speaking, I was ready to run to the room to prepare my luggage.

But when he came to Wu Shaoying's side, Wu Shaoying directly pulled him back.

Wu Shaoying turned her head and smiled at the little assistant with gratitude in her tone.

"No need, Xiao Yin, let me go back alone! There are some things...I want to make it clear..."

Without waiting for the third daughter to speak again, she pulled the suitcase and walked towards the gate of the villa.

Only the little assistant who was stunned in place, and sister Xia and Ye Yingxin who were on the sofa were left behind.

After Wu Shaoying left, the three girls subconsciously looked at each other, and then sighed slightly in their hearts.

Wu Shaoying's trip, they naturally understood what Wu Shaoying wanted to say clearly.

This time, I'm afraid it's time for Wu Shaoying to have a showdown with the Tang family...

As long as Tang Zhenli doesn't come back for a day, I'm afraid sister Tianxian will never marry as Tang Zhenli's widow! ! !

Thinking of this, the faces of the girls couldn't help showing a bit of sadness.

Could it be that this fateful marriage will also end in a tragedy?

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