Although there are many sensible people among netizens, more people are still dazzled by momentary anger and speculation.

Many people who spoke to Wu Shaoying were quickly submerged in the tide of the general trend.

The curses all over the sky swept towards Wu Shaoying.

But at this moment, Wu Shaoying, Chen Xinyao and other insiders didn't know about this incident.


Chapter 401 The uninformed party

In the office of the person in charge of the Longguo Science and Technology Department,

Since receiving a "Kunpeng" air-space drone on the "Phoenix" that day, the search and rescue team has no new news.

Naturally, Ji Chengtian's complexion became more and more gloomy at the moment, and the worry and powerlessness that he didn't even notice flashed across his eyes from time to time.

At this moment, Li Wei unscrewed the doorknob of the office and walked in.

I saw that his expression was a bit complicated at this time, and he walked slowly in front of Ji Chengtian.

At this time, Ji Chengtian, who had been thinking for a long time, raised his head slightly, only to see Li Wei's sudden visit, his eyes flashed a bit of confusion for no reason.

"Huh? Old Li, what's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

Hearing Ji Chengtian's question, Li Wei's expression froze, with a look of embarrassment on his face, as if he wanted to say but dared not say "one forty zero".

Seeing this, Ji Chengtian raised his brows, and was even more confused in his heart. As a last resort, he could only speak in a serious tone.

"Old Li, just talk about things, and solve problems if you have problems!"

Hearing this, Li Wei could only tell the news he had just received one by one.

"Old Ji, it's like this, there is a rumor spreading on the Internet these two days..."

Having said this, Li Wei's expression paused, and a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face again.

Hearing this, the confusion on Ji Chengtian's face deepened.

Clearly didn't understand how the rumor could relate to their search and rescue mission...

Shouldn't it be the job of the propaganda department to curb rumors?

But then Ji Chengtian's eyes turned, seeing the complicated expression on Li Wei's expression, he didn't jump to a conclusion immediately, but looked at Li Wei with piercing eyes, wanting to hear what he said next.

After a few breaths, Li Wei took a long breath, and then spoke again.

"Old Ji, I believe you have heard of Academician Tang's fiancée, right?"

Hearing this, Ji Chengtian was taken aback for a moment, then Wu Shaoying's face flashed in his mind, and he immediately nodded subconsciously and said.

"Is that the female doll named Wu? I have the impression..."

Hearing Ji Chengtian's answer, Li Wei also nodded firmly.

"That's right. In the past two days, I don't know who took the lead in spreading rumors. They posted on the Internet that Academician Tang's fiancée had divorced, and there were pictures as proof. This incident has caused a great disturbance, and even Academician Tang's The whole family is involved..."

As Li Wei's voice continued to fall, Ji Chengtian's expression gradually became dignified, his eyes slightly narrowed, revealing a heavy aura.

At this moment, he is no longer an ordinary old man, but a high-ranking person in charge of a part of the authority of the Dragon Kingdom.

Here, Li Wei was talking, and at the same time passed screenshots of various rumor posts on his mobile phone to Ji Chengtian for viewing.

This is, after seeing those unsightly comments, Ji Chengtian finally couldn't help it.

Such vicious comments are so aimed at a family member of a hero!

It's just a girl in her early twenties, this kind of behavior is simply outrageous!

Tang Zhenli has made such a great contribution to mankind, but Longguo can't even protect the people around him well!

If he came back and saw this scene, how chilling it would be...

This kind of rumor, which can be known with a little thought, has zero possibility, has spread so widely!

So at this time, the Ministry of Science and Technology should intervene both emotionally and rationally.

Hearing a clear 'pop', Ji Chengtian patted the desk heavily, with a rare hint of anger showing on his face.

"That's unreasonable! Lao Li, arrange manpower for me, use the authority of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and don't let any of these rumors go unnoticed!"

At the end, Ji Chengtian couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

To be honest, he hasn't been so angry for a long time, this time, he really touched his bottom line.

If the Ministry of Science and Technology does not take action this time, who else will devote themselves to scientific research in the future?Who would be willing to devote their sweat silently behind the scenes?

At this moment, Ji Chengtian finally showed his vigorous side!

And Li Wei nodded towards him with a serious face when he heard the words, and then turned his head to give instructions.

Regarding the keynote of this matter, Li Wei's thoughts are completely consistent with Ji Chengtian's.

With the full authority of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the first two rumormongers were finally captured within half a day, and some accounts that were widely spread were blocked......

And the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo issued a solemn statement afterwards.

"Recently, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Dragon Kingdom has discovered false information that has been widely publicized on the Internet. Here, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Dragon Kingdom strictly reprimands the sinister intentions of the rumormongers. In order to gain a gimmick, they released such false information that maliciously slandered the family members of heroes to mislead the public. ! At present, the two suspects who spread the rumors have been arrested and brought to justice, I hope that the majority of netizens will have the ability to distinguish right from wrong!"

Once the announcement was issued, it sparked widespread heated discussions.

However, what Ji Chengtian and others did not expect was that after that, the hot discussion on the fishing boat still did not develop according to the good side, on the contrary, it became more and more intense.

"The officials probably want to protect the reputation of Academician Xiao Tang! Didn't they come out to refute the rumors as a last resort?"

"Just those two photos, I don't believe anyone, this green tea whore can't be washed!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Bai Lianhua has calculated all the officials into it. Knowing that the officials are concerned about the influence of Academician Xiao Tang, they will definitely come out to refute the rumors!"

"This scheming, no one else, okay, back to the ancient harem, how can I be a queen! (Funny)"

"You guys are really stupid if you have no brains, or you are bad! May I ask what benefits can retiring the engagement bring to Sister Tianxian at this time? Now you have scolded me like this, and the co-author is deliberately retiring the marriage just to be scolded." ? 4.2 Use your brain to think about it and you will know if it is a rumor!"

"Before this, Bai Lianhua didn't expect to be photographed, did she? She quietly annulled the marriage first, and announced it later. She could also create a widow's character, but she didn't expect justice to be everywhere, so she was photographed !"

"Who knows what Bai Lianhua thinks? You have to ask her! The only thing that can be washed away is that the dog has eaten your conscience! Academician Xiao Tang only saved your dog's life!"

"I really feel worthless for Academician Xiao Tang..."


Amid the extremely fierce denunciations, Wu Shaoying's accounts on various platforms were directly blasted.

For a while, the three words Wu Shaoying have become keywords on the Internet!


Chapter 402 Wu Shaoying's Choice

Longguo Science and Technology Department, Office of the Person in Charge,

Ji Chengtian, who had just finished answering the phone, was sitting by the coffee table, looking solemnly at the unexpected direction of the fishing boat,

Even he didn't expect that things would go in this direction when the government intervened.

Judging from the current situation, the thinking of netizens has been fixed, so even if the Ministry of Science and Technology takes action, it will not work....

In the eyes of the current netizens, as long as they scold Wu Shaoying, it seems that they will naturally stand with Tang Zhenli, and vice versa, they will support "bad women"!

Under this subconscious concept, even the Ministry of Science and Technology did not dare to take action to suppress the fishing boat.

In this case, even if Tang Zhenli's family members speak up, netizens will not buy it. On the contrary, they may be regarded as words against the will of the Ministry of Science and Technology for the sake of the overall situation.

The current solution, I am afraid that only Tang Zhenli can solve it now...

It's just 17...'Phoenix' is still missing,

For a while, thinking of this, Ji Chengtian also had quite a headache, and under the upset, he couldn't help but tap his head lightly with his hand.

At this moment, Li Wei walked in directly.

The current Ji Chengtian's office is basically full of people coming and going every day. Over time, Ji Chengtian simply opened the door of the office.

When Li Wei came in front of Ji Chengtian, with a worried expression on his face, he opened his mouth and said directly.

"Old Ji, the fishing boats on the Internet now..."

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Ji Chengtian waved his hand towards him, and after a long sigh, he said helplessly.

"This fishing boat is no longer under our control. There are only two things we can do now. One is to find traces of the 'Phoenix' as soon as possible, and the other is to appease the emotions of the family members of the 'Phoenix', especially Tang. Family members of academicians..."

At the end, Ji Chengtian's expression also became resolute.

Hearing this, Li Wei had a thoughtful expression on his face, and then nodded, after thinking about it, it was indeed so.

At this time, Li Wei seemed to think of something again, and then continued to speak.

"Currently, according to the exposure of the fishing boat on the Internet, many people visit the hospital where Academician Tang's family is located every day... I originally wanted to arrange staff to protect it, but according to the hospital, the ward of Academician Tang's family is already staffed? "

As he spoke, Li Wei's eyes flashed with confusion.

But when he saw Ji Chengtian looking at him meaningfully, he also reacted instantly.

"Old Ji, have you already arranged it in advance?"

Unexpectedly, what he didn't expect was that Ji Chengtian shook his head lightly, and then said calmly.

"It's not me, it's Fu Zhiyuan..."

Hearing this, Li Wei raised his eyebrows subconsciously, and then murmured to himself.

"Old Fu?"

Obviously, Li Wei was no stranger to Fu Zhiyuan.As the dean of Longke University, the nominal third in command of Longke Academy, the intersection with the Ministry of Science and Technology is fairly close.

It's just that he hasn't heard from Fu Zhiyuan for a while, so Li Wei was still subconsciously stunned when he first heard the name.

Seeing Li Wei's expression, Ji Chengtian continued.

"That's right, what we didn't consider, Old Fu has considered it. It seems that in Old Fu's heart, Tang Zhenli's status is really not low..."

Saying that, Ji Chengtian sighed in his heart.

Fu Zhiyuan could be regarded as Tang Zhenli's guide in the field of scientific research. Although he did not have the grace of teaching, his relationship was better than that of a mentor.

Presumably at this time, he felt uncomfortable under the current situation where Tang Zhenli's life and death were unknown...

Thinking of this, Ji Chengtian shook his head, then got up directly, and said to Li Wei.

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