In the next second, Tang Ziyue screamed even louder, and then said in a hurry.

"Ah~ Brother! Brother....I was wrong..."

Seeing this, Tang Zhenli glared at her indifferently, and then let go of his right hand.

Immediately, Tang Ziyue quickly stepped back two steps as if she had been pardoned, and then quickly rubbed her hands against the flushed part of her face, her eyes filled with tears, and she glanced at Tang Zhenli resentfully.

Isn't it just a question of hi?As for such a big reaction?


Seeing Tang Ziyue's unconvinced look, Tang Zhenli couldn't help but let out a cold snort from his nasal cavity.

Wu Shaoying, who had been watching the fight between the siblings, showed a slight smile on his face.

Obviously, I have learned from Chen Xinyao more than once before that the two brothers and sisters have been in love and killing each other since they were young...

So at this time, she was not surprised, on the contrary, she felt bursts of warmth.

Tang Zhenli's attitude towards this younger sister is also unique in the world!

At least she hadn't seen this kind of attitude when Tang Zhenli was with others...

Because when I was with Tang Ziyue, maybe because I grew up together, Tang Zhenli rarely showed a childish side....

In layman's terms, it's okay for Tang Ziyue to be honest, and Tang Zhenli can still maintain the image of a warm-hearted brother.

If it's funny, don't blame Tang Zhenli for being 'cruel and merciless'.

Although the means of sanctions seem naive, they are very effective against Tang Ziyue...

And such a heavy brother-sister relationship, I am afraid that only Tang Ziyue can "enjoy" it alone...

Just as the atmosphere was stalemate, the voices of both parents' parents urging came from downstairs.

Hearing this, Wu Shaoying had no choice but to get up, looking at the pajamas she was wearing, with a bit of distress on her pretty face, then turned her head and said to Tang Zhenli who was still confronting Tang Ziyue.

"Tang Zhenli...can you...go out for a while, I want to change..."

As she said that, her pretty face couldn't help turning red.

Although the relationship between her and Tang Zhenli no longer has to worry about this, but now that she is at Wu Shaoying's house, it is inevitable that Wu Shaoying will still feel embarrassed.

"Okay! Then I'll wait for you outside!"

Seeing this, Tang Zhenli also turned his head, smiled at Wu Shaoying, squeezed her delicate and white palm lightly, got up and walked outside as he spoke.

Before leaving, he even took away Tang Ziyue who wanted to stay.

At this point, the two brothers and sisters confronted again at the door of Wu Shaoying's room.

A few minutes later, the door was opened, and Wu Shaoying reappeared in front of the two after changing clothes.

The eyes of the siblings were attracted.

Almost at the same time, a bit of amazement flashed in the eyes of the brothers and sisters at the same time.

Although Wu Shaoying was only wearing ordinary home clothes at this time, at first glance, the siblings still felt astonished.

And because of the frail temperament exuded by the frail body, Wu Shaoying at this time added a bit of beauty.

In every movement and stillness, there is a kind of characteristic that exudes from her.

Just like, when you are quiet, you are like beautiful flowers shining in the water, and when you are in action, you are like a weak willow supporting the wind.

The heart has one more opening than the dry, and the disease is like a Xizi, which is three points better!

Seeing that both brothers and sisters were looking at her for a moment, Wu Shaoying couldn't help touching her pretty face, and asked them with some doubts.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

As he spoke, he wanted to turn around and go back to the mirror in the room.

Unexpectedly, she was directly stopped by Tang Zhenli, who looked at her blankly and said in a gentle tone.

"It's okay, let's go down first..."

As he spoke, he took Wu Shaoying's left hand and walked towards the stairs.

Seeing this, Tang Ziyue on the other side couldn't help but pursed her lips in grievance.

Damn Tang Zhenli!Emphasis on sex over girls!

Thinking about it, he also moved his footsteps, and quickly followed..


Chapter 425 The first dual citizen in the history of Long Kingdom

At the same time, the Northwest Space Base,

After an afternoon of rest, the landing of the 'Phoenix' also came to a successful conclusion.

Under Ji Chengtian's order, the space-based laser cannon that was originally on the bow of the 'Phoenix' was immediately dismantled and put under strict surveillance.

Because this is probably another powerful new weapon invented by mankind after nuclear weapons!

Even though they had never heard of such a powerful laser weapon before, no one dared to underestimate it!

After all, the scene where the 'Reaper' asteroid was shattered by the dazzling light from the space-based laser cannon is vivid in his memory.

Under such conditions, it is natural that they treat space-based laser cannons with extreme caution!

At this moment, in a spacious conference room in the original 'Zhuanghachi' project building,

On the huge conference table, officers of the Dragon Kingdom's Space Strategic Force in military uniforms sat in one row, and in the other row sat some heads of departments under the Ministry of Science and Technology~.

The leaders are none other than Ji Chengtian, the person in charge of the Longguo Science and Technology Department, and Zhou Jianguo, the leader of the Longguo military.

Not only that, sitting under the two were Meng Siyuan, Wang Shan and other key personnel on the "Phoenix".

Among them, Wang Shan is sitting here instead of Tang Zhenli...

They also learned the news of Tang Zhenli's return to the Shanghai stock market immediately, and they didn't stop them out of emotion and reason.

Of course, with Tang Zhenli's current status, they can't stop him!

This is why Wang Shan will replace Tang Zhenli here.

On the periphery of the conference table, Fu Zhiyuan was also sitting in the auditorium listening to the content of the conference.

In addition to reporting on the work of the 'Phoenix', the content of this meeting is to commend and judge the entire crew of the 'Phoenix'!

After all, this time, the achievements of the 'Phoenix' have attracted worldwide attention!

Correspondingly, it should naturally be a commendation that attracts worldwide attention!

Because when Ji Chengtian came, most of the heads of relevant departments of the Ministry of Science and Technology followed.

So even at the Northwest Space Base, this meeting can still start as usual.

At this moment, the meeting has entered the middle, and Wang Shan and Meng Siyuan are making reports on the progress of the 'Phoenix' with the meeting participants.

"When the shock wave came, Tang Gong ordered us to abandon the outer cabin and only be responsible for guarding the inner cabin...and this also laid the foundation for zero casualties in the future..."

As Wang Shan's voice came slowly, everyone's faces showed a look of surprise.

Even Ji Chengtian was no exception, frowning at the moment, his eyes revealing a bit of thought.

Obviously, he did not expect Tang Zhenli to calmly give the most correct order under such an inexperienced crisis.

And it was this order that gave the crew of the 'Phoenix' a [-]% chance of surviving!

It seems that a person with extraordinary talent can make the most correct judgment no matter at any moment!

For a while, even though everyone had a psychological basis, everyone couldn't help but change their views on Tang Zhenli more and more.

Later, Wang Shan talked about the scene of the impact in the main control room. Of course, this was also what Tang Zhenli personally told.

After finishing speaking, the strange colors on everyone's faces became even worse.

Although Wang Shan's voice was very calm, everyone present could hear the danger and danger in it.

You know, in space, the cabin is damaged, this is a great crisis that even laymen like them understand.

At this critical moment, Tang Zhenli was able to survive such a dangerous situation!

I don't know if this is his own luck or the luck of the entire Dragon Kingdom!

After listening to Wang Shan's narration, everyone present couldn't help feeling a sense of fear.

After the fear, it was a blessing. If Tang Zhenli really failed to survive this crisis, they could hardly imagine the serious consequences!

Fortunately, the final result is still good!

After telling these, Wang Shan began to talk about the experience on the return journey of the "Phoenix".

"Under the choice between the communication system and the power system, Tang Gong chose to repair the power system. After repairing the power system, Tang Gong used his own coordinate system as a manual navigation, and led the 'Phoenix' back to the Earth!"


Saying that, the complexions of many people who have never experienced it in the field changed.


"The first coordinate system? In the vast space, the first coordinate system brought the 'Phoenix' back to Earth??"

"How is it possible?? You must know that the solar ecliptic coordinate system was determined after a lot of human exploration... This is really incredible!"

"Is this brain really a human brain?"


For a while, the slightly knowledgeable technicians on the conference table were amazed.


After hearing the end, they didn't expect that from the moment the 'Phoenix' lost contact, behind every crucial step of the 'Phoenix', Tang Zhenli's shadow was inseparable!

After the amazement, everyone present was silent.

Even Fu Zhiyuan, who was sitting in the auditorium, would have bright eyes from time to time when he listened to Wang Shan's narration.

At this moment, even Ji Chengtian, the surprise on his face is hard to dissipate for a long time.

Whenever he thinks that this young man is already excellent to a certain extent, he can bring himself a different kind of surprise every time!

The atmosphere in the conference room was difficult to calm down for a long time.

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