Doesn't it mean that they have misunderstood Sister Tianxian all this time.

For a while, all the netizens seemed to realize it.

"That seems to make sense."

"Are we really mistaken?"

"At the beginning, the official said it was a rumor, but you are still there conspiracy theory? It's like thinking that you are very smart."

"Stop talking, I'm starting to feel guilty"

"In that case, why didn't Wu Shaoying come out to refute the rumors during that time?"

"Refuting the rumors? Use your brains! At that time, you only wished to convict people. Would you believe it when you came out to dispel the rumors? I'm afraid you would scold him even more fiercely!"

"Didn't it be said that she has been suffering from unreasonable disasters some time ago???"

"Think about how hard you scolded me during that time! Tsk tsk"

"If you think about it, you feel wronged for others"


As more and more previous speculations were overturned, Wu Shaoying's reputation instantly became one-sided on the Internet, but it was only on the positive side.

At the same time, Wu Shaoying's family photo post also became popular in an instant.

Yandu, in an apartment,

After the New Year's Eve dinner, Liu Ling and Su Ran were sitting on the sofa and reading the news.

Judging by the expressions of the two at this time, it is obvious that Wu Shaoying's family portrait post has already been brushed.

After a long while, Liu Ling looked at the fishing boats on the net, her eyes shimmered, and the corners of her eyes were slightly moist as she looked at her boyfriend.

"I knew my sister must not be that kind of person!"

As the head of Wu Shaoying's national fan group, his feelings for Wu Shaoying are naturally deeper than others.

During the time when Wu Shaoying was slandered, she was still arguing tirelessly with people on the Internet, and now she saw Wu Shaoying regained her innocence.Naturally, I am happy from the bottom of my heart.And her boyfriend Su Ran was also a little touched when he watched the news,

His confidence in Wu Shaoying was not as firm as Liu Linglai's, and during the previous fishing boat, he automatically put himself in Tang Zhenli's camp.

Naturally, I feel disgusted with this kind of woman who starts to mess up and ends up abandoning her.

But now it turned out to be a misunderstanding, and Su Ran couldn't help but feel a little guilty for the original misunderstanding.

Thinking about it, he also looked at his girlfriend with a complicated expression and said, with a touch of emotion in his tone.

"It was my fault. I can't imagine the pressure she endured during that time. An ordinary person would have been unable to bear it long ago."

After she finished speaking, Liu Ling who heard the words also lowered her head slightly, showing a bit of inexplicable sentimentality.

"My sister's love for Academician Xiao Tang is really too deep, otherwise she wouldn't have come out to respond."

As she spoke, Liu Ling leaned her head gently on her boyfriend's arms, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

It is rare to have such an affectionate person in the world

On the other hand, Su Ran felt his girlfriend's heartbeat, and felt a sense of stability in his heart.

"Yes, I hope that the affection in the world will not be let down. After all, my sister is really a very good person! I'm afraid no man can"

The first half of these words made Liu Ling very satisfied, but the second half made Liu Ling stare directly, then raised her head slightly, looked at her boyfriend leisurely and said.

“Very good very good”

At this moment, Su Ran also felt a strange feeling from Liu Ling's words, and then there was an inexplicable chill in his heart, and Dang even shuddered.

After quickly adjusting his thoughts, he lowered his head and showed a smiling face, and said to his girlfriend with a smile, with a hint of coaxing in his tone.

"Of course it's better than you."

Unexpectedly, Liu Ling did not let him go, but continued to ask, her tone a bit stiff.

"Then, as a man, can you block your sister's charm?"

Hearing this, Su Ran's heart skipped a beat, and with a quick mind, the words of love came out of his mouth.

"It was unstoppable until I met you!"

"You're smart, you don't have to sleep outside your room tonight!"

After she finished speaking, the chill on Liu Ling's face melted immediately after hearing the words, she seemed very satisfied with Su Ran's answer, and gave him a charming white look.

When Su Ran saw this, his expression was also relaxed, and then he looked at his girlfriend's sweet and pleasant appearance.

Heartbroken, he hugged her and walked towards the room

Chapter 440 Flowers are similar every year, but people are different every year!

While the Tang family was still enjoying a sumptuous New Year’s Eve dinner,

Fishing boats on the Internet have become more and more aggressive.

"Since it all turns out to be a misunderstanding, shouldn't it be your turn to apologize?"

"That's right? Wu Shaoying is just a girl in her early twenties, and your words were too vicious before."

"Thinking about it, it's really embarrassing to say that."

"It's all the damn rumormonger's fault, we wronged my sister!"

"Apologize! Everyone, let's go ahead and apologize. Although there is no late apology, at least it can make me feel better."

"Go together"


This is the first time many people came to Wu Shaoying's account to leave comments after realizing their previous mistakes.

Under Wu Shaoying's account, even though more than a year has passed, the top post is still the one that confessed Tang Zhenli's love at the concert.

Under the previous waves of fishing boats, the comments and comments on this post have even reached tens of millions, and hundreds of millions of likes!

It's also interesting to say that whenever Wu Shaoying is in the wind of the fishing boat, everyone will leave comments under her post for the first time, so that now the popularity of comments and messages under this post is increasing with time. change.

The few comments with the highest number of likes before were left by Wu Shaoying's remarriage incident last time.

Wu Shaoying got out of the entertainment industry, Bai Lianhua left Academician Xiaotang earlier, green tea whore hides really deep and other comments, while watching the comments of all the netizens, the shame in their hearts is getting stronger and stronger.

Fortunately, the initiator of the comment quickly deleted this kind of ugly theory.

One titled 'Sorry, Sister Tianxian! ''s comment was quickly upvoted by enthusiastic netizens, and soon the number of likes for this comment exceeded 1000 million, and it is still rising.

This situation was something Wu Shaoying never expected.

According to the general top stars, when they were misunderstood and divorced, they must have posted an article to refute the rumors, but Wu Shaoying did not do this, but silently endured unnecessary abuse and insults.

But now it seems that this way of handling it is the best way to deal with it. At least for now, all the netizens who misunderstood her back then felt guilty.

Indirectly, the perception and perception of Wu Shaoying will change 180 degrees.

Under this change, the understanding of Wu Shaoying will definitely become more and more profound.

Although this is unintentional, but perhaps this is the best protection for affection in the world!

After apologizing, a group of netizens began to discuss the family portrait posted by Wu Shaoying again.

Wu Shaoying posted a total of nine photos in this post, forming a nine-square grid.

Except for the most important family portrait, most of the others are photos taken alone with Tang Zhenli, and of course Tang Ziyue also got involved.

At this time, one of the photos that netizens paid the most attention to was Tang Zhenli in the middle, with Tang Ziyue and Wu Shaoying on the left and right respectively. The two women in the photo were kissing on Tang Zhenli's left and right cheeks in a flanking manner, looking extremely intimate .

The impact of this photo on many netizens is undoubtedly huge, and it immediately triggered an upsurge of discussion.

"I know my sister, who is this little beauty next to me?"

"You don't even know this? Let me introduce, the younger sister of Academician Xiao Tang in the photo is also my girlfriend!"

"Don't just drink the Chinese New Year upstairs, eat more food!"

"You can't drink and sit at the same table with the dog!!!"

"I'm sorry, this is my brother who has had delusions since he was a child. I'll take him home right away."

"You say this is Academician Xiao Tang's younger sister? She looks so amazing? She doesn't feel any worse than the fairy sister! She has the temperament of the little girl next door. The younger sister's oval face is so cute! It seems to be pinched."


"Academician Xiao Tang: Do you want to pinch? First ask me if the laser cannon in my hand agrees! (Funny) But should I say it or not, it's absolutely perfect!"

"Of course, it doesn't matter whose younger sister it is, but the beauty of this family is really amazing!"

"Appearance is the least worth mentioning among the many shining points of Academician Xiaotang. Although he is indeed handsome, I think it is better to mention it as little as possible."

"I heard that Academician Xiao Tang's younger sister is also from the Dragon Science and Technology University, which fully explains that like a brother, there must be a sister! The attributes of the two brothers and sisters should be full!"

"Ahhh! May I ask how can I catch up with Academician Xiao Tang's sister? I'm really moved!"


"It's very simple! It's not right to develop controllable nuclear fusion first. Controllable nuclear fusion has been developed. Then you can develop something that attracts world attention and upgrade your degree. Then go the way of Academician Xiao Tang. It's almost like that."

"Then you'd better kill me."

"Looking at the appearance of sister Tianxian, I am really happy. Bless the two of you!"


Under the discussion of all kinds of fishing boats, this year's New Year's Eve, Tang Zhenli's family is undoubtedly the most popular and discussed family in the online world.

The heat even far exceeds the heat of the party.

Of course, the current Tang family doesn't know about all of this in the online world.

At this time, they are immersed in the atmosphere of the New Year's Eve except Tang Zhenli

I don't know if it's because the drinking capacity is really bad.

After being given two glasses of wine by the old man, he didn't feel anything at first.

It's just that at the end, drunkenness suddenly flooded my mind.

After eating the New Year's Eve dinner, this feeling became more and more obvious.

In the end, his 'strength' was exhausted, and with Wu Shaoying's support, he returned to the room in a daze.

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