What awaits them next will be a strict search, regarding this point, Long Guo still treats them equally.

While queuing up, some familiar country representatives among the crowd couldn't help talking, such as the representatives of Java and Annan.

This time, both countries sent only one representative to the meeting.

The representative of An Nanguo looked at the surrounding environment, sighed, and said to the representative of the Java Kingdom.

"Dragon Kingdom is indeed the strongest country in the world right now. Just the security strength revealed in a meeting is so terrifying."

Hearing this, the representative of the Java State also shook his head helplessly, and said with a wry smile.

"The power on the scene alone is enough to dominate my motherland. I really envy the people of Longguo. The inheritance of civilization is still alive, and it is developing rapidly in modern times. In the end, they even overtook cars in a curve, surpassed all countries, and reached the top of the forest of the world. !"

As he said that, the representative of An Nanguo also looked stunned for a moment, and then lowered his head helplessly.

They also see the situation that the Dragon Kingdom is coming step by step, so at this time, they also envy the people of the Dragon Kingdom from the bottom of their hearts!

As citizens of a country, why don't they hope that their motherland will be so strong that they will stand on the top of the world one day?

And it took only a few generations for the people of Longguo to accomplish such a great feat today!

In this way, how can they not be envious?

Just at this time, when everyone was in line, a huge shadow passed over where they were, causing several shadows to appear on the ground out of thin air.

Subconsciously, the representatives of Java and Annan looked up.

At the same time, representatives of other small countries also looked up.

I don't know if I don't look at it, the mood that they had just calmed down just now was raised again in an instant.

I saw the dozen or so 'sword bearers' unmanned tactical mechas that were originally guarding the sky of the Dragon Kingdom Conference are slowly gathering in one direction, as if to welcome something.

The representative of the Java State said with a horrified expression in his eyes.

"What is this?"

Not only him, but the performance of representatives from other countries was also not that good, and their complexions changed drastically.

This scene undoubtedly had a great impact on the psychology of the group.

The countries represented here are all remote small countries, so small that before the release of controlled nuclear fusion technology, many people could not afford to eat.

So in their eyes, the sky still belongs to the domain of airplanes, but now they are presented with humanoid 'aircraft'!

This has undoubtedly broken their psychological cognition.

For most of them, they have never even heard of the concept of mechs.

In their worldview, the sky belongs to airplanes, while space belongs to space carriers!

They dare not even think about the latter, because their motherland is still marching towards the sky.

But now after seeing the 'Sword Holder' unmanned tactical mecha, they are shaken in their hearts as the king of the sky field, isn't it just airplanes?

For a moment, the expressions of nearly a hundred representatives were a little dazed.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room also watched everyone's reactions, and there was also a lot of discussion.

"My God, it's funny to see their reaction. Haven't these people even touched mechs?"

"That said, it's really funny. Thinking that this group of people will be in the same room with Professor Tang to discuss later, I think it's too unrealistic. This cognition is too bad."

"I really want to see their reaction in the meeting. I'm afraid they won't understand what Professor Tang said."

At the beginning, netizens from many western countries laughed out loud when they saw the reactions of representatives from small countries. They had never even heard of mechs. How backward are these countries?

However, contrary to these netizens in the follow-up, Longguo netizens have a different attitude.

"Why don't I perceive any funny elements in it? I only see what they represent behind them. People who can represent the country are heroes. Because they carry too heavy things, they deserve respect!"

"It's strange, I see in them the shadow of us back then"

"You read that right, a hundred years ago, when we were weak and visited foreign countries, why didn't we react like this?"

"Fortunately, our motherland has finally become stronger! Although I don't know how many people have paid for it, and the price has been paid, but in the end, Dragon Kingdom has returned to the top of the world!"

"In the prosperous age, we are just the ones who get it. Even though our ancestors have died in the Star Sea, we must never forget that the Dragon Kingdom is ours, but it is also theirs!!"

"To be honest, I really want those martyrs who have passed away to see the scene in front of me! Let me say a word: Your efforts are not in vain, this prosperous world is as you wish!"

"My generation wishes that the prosperity of the age will continue, from generation to generation, the mountains and rivers will be safe, and the country will be rich and the people will be strong 0.2!"

"My generation wishes the prosperity of the age to continue, from generation to generation, the mountains and rivers will be safe, the country will be prosperous and the people will be strong!"

"My generation wishes the prosperity of the age to continue, from generation to generation, the mountains and rivers will be safe, the country will be prosperous and the people will be strong!"


Obviously, the people of Longguo who have reached the top of the world have not forgotten the struggle of countless people in the past hundred years!

I didn't lose myself because of my own strength,

Because they clearly know that this prosperous age is not easy to come by, what they need to maintain is to make this prosperous age last forever!

Maintaining the current prosperity of the Dragon Kingdom is the best consolation for the ancestors who have shed their blood for a hundred years!

Chapter 452 Outside of the Dragon Nation Conference!

Obviously, the outburst of emotions among netizens in Longguo was something that netizens from other countries never expected.

They didn't understand at all why the people of Long Kingdom could have such big emotional fluctuations on this matter, just like they couldn't understand why the representatives of those small countries deserved respect before.

What they don't know is that if they are not from Longguo, they will never know that the people of Longguo have always carried in their hearts since ancient times, and have continued for thousands of years.

In the live broadcast screen, as time goes by,

Representatives from various countries at the entrance entered the arena one after another. Not only that, but also representatives from other countries with slightly stronger national powers also slowly arrived at the Longguo conference venue with the bus.

And follow the footsteps of the staff to walk to the intersection.

For a while, the crowd at the entrance of the Dragon Country Assembly Hall gradually increased.

On such critical occasions, the representatives of various countries are all dressed up very well. After all, this time, all human beings will focus on this!

Compared with previous academic exchanges, this global planetary defense conference can be said to be the most grand and most concerned academic seminar in history!

So at this time, even the most casual scientific researchers are dressed in costumes, looking extremely grand!

Maybe, I will have the opportunity to go on stage and communicate with the top scholars in the world face to face

With this in mind, how can everyone present dress informally and grandly?

After the representatives of various countries got out of the car, they realized the strict defense here, and their hearts were raised in an instant, especially after seeing the "sword bearer" unmanned tactical mech cruising in the sky, they all looked at each other. Surprised.

However, compared to the first batch of delegates, their mood swings were not so great.

After counting breaths, his expression quickly returned to calm, at least on the surface.

As a representative of one's own country, one must be more or less magnanimous. The countries behind these representatives are not weak, but they are not too strong. They are in an awkward position in the international community.

Therefore, in this kind of occasion that can enhance the sense of existence of one's own country, it is natural to try every means to increase the popularity of one's own country.

Even if it's just a shot, you can't lose the aura of your own country

After this group of participating representatives entered the arena one after another, only the representatives of the five superpowers did not enter the arena.

There is still half an hour before the official start of the meeting,

The live broadcast screen was also cut into two, one was the screen of the outfield Dragon Kingdom Conference, and the other was the screen of the infield.

The infield of the Longguo General Assembly Hall is a high-low semicircle structure, which is distributed in order from high to low.

In layman's terms, the closer to the center of the circle, the higher the natural status.

As for the frontmost stage, there are five slightly scattered desks. On these five desks, sitting here will be the leaders of the representatives sent by the five major countries.

On the desk in the center, there was a small sign with the three big characters Tang Zhenli written on it.

As the leader of this meeting, Tang Zhenli, the representative of the Dragon Kingdom, was naturally placed in the center.

This is not only the wish of the Dragon Kingdom, but also the wish of the whole world!

In front of the five desks is a small podium, where scientific researchers with ideas can take turns to present their ideas in detail.

At this time, in the Dragon Country General Assembly Hall, the outer seats were almost full, leaving only the first few rows of seats hanging there vacantly.

Needless to say, these positions are definitely the positions of representatives of the five major countries that have not yet been present.

In the live room,

A group of netizens looked at the scene in the infield and couldn't help but look forward to it for a while.

"Where are the representatives from the five major countries? Why haven't they arrived yet? And Professor Tang?"

"Yeah, yeah, there are still 10 minutes to go"

“Probably still on the way”

"Looking at the off-site footage, here we come, five buses!"

At this moment, someone in the barrage said something, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone's eyes could not help but shift from the infield to the outfield.

Outside the Dragon Kingdom Convention,

Five buses running at a constant speed appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Needless to say, the national flag on each bus can tell which country's representative it is sitting on.

The leader among them is naturally the Dragon Kingdom as the host, with a bright red flag fluttering on the front of the car.

Then came the Bald Eagle Country, the Mao Bear Country, the John Bull Country and the Gallic Rooster Country

The convoy representing the five most powerful nations of mankind stopped at the main entrance of the Dragon Country Convention Hall, and then fifty delegates from each country got off the car one after another.

Walk towards the entrance of the Dragon Country Assembly Hall.

Compared with the representatives from the previous countries, the scientific research scholars from the five major countries are obviously more extraordinary, and the temperament of the 800 scholars is even more obvious.

Although they were all dressed in the same grand style, compared to the previous glamorousness, what the representatives of the five major countries revealed at this time was obviously a confident glamorousness.

this!It is the confidence of the five most powerful countries in the world!

As more than 200 people walked slowly to the entrance of the Dragon Kingdom, as usual, the "Sword Bearer" unmanned tactical mech hung high above their heads.

Many delegates stared at the conference, and their expressions became inexplicably more cautious. They had also heard a little about this new weapon from the Dragon Kingdom.

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