Finally, after some pleasantries, the technical team members of the Sisheng Research Institute represented by Qi Lu officially entered the Northwest Space Base.

In fact, this time, Qi Lu actually came with Tang Zhenli's mission.

Before leaving the Four Saints Research Institute, Tang Zhenli specifically told Qi Lu to pay attention to the 'Reaper' asteroid fragments.

So Qi Lu at this time actually came with two tasks, one is the power system, and the other is the repair process of the 'Phoenix'.

As far as the restoration of the "Phoenix" is concerned, there are some shortcomings in the Qinglong power module. It just so happens that the arrival of the personnel from the Four Saints Research Institute can speed up the progress of some restorations.

With this in mind, on the second day, the staff of the Four Saints Research Institute, who made some adjustments, directly started the structure of the power system of the second Helicarrier.

The high efficiency surprised the newcomers.

I thought they were already motivated enough, but I didn't expect the people from the Four Saints Research Institute to be more caring than them.

At this moment, they also had a faint feeling, why the Four Saints Research Institute can be called the most prestigious research institute in the Dragon Kingdom.

Some things can often be seen clearly from some details

Even a few days later, the technical support staff of the Four Saints Research Institute had already completed the basic structure of the power system of the second space carrier.

Under this influence, even the efficiency of the staff working on other projects has improved a lot.

At this time, after Qilu overhauled and tested the power module of "Phoenix" three times without any problems, the go-around of "Phoenix" was also put on the agenda.

It is estimated that within half a month, the 'Phoenix' will return to its starry sky.

In general, everything is currently proceeding in an orderly manner.

Chapter 535 Horror cognition in the microcosm!

Although Miluo said a lot at the beginning, Tang Zhenli still recorded every word in his mind with his almost supernormal memory.

After several hours of uninterrupted writing, Tang Zhenli looked at dozens of A4 papers filled with densely packed handwriting, and his gaze was a little erratic.

If I remember correctly, the explanations and conclusions about this aspect that Miluo said before are all here

Generally speaking, the double-slit interference experiment that proves the wave-particle duality has always been one of the insurmountable cognitions of current human physics.

But Miluo's explanation, in Tang Zhenli's view, is undoubtedly more terrifying than the discovery of human beings!

As mentioned before, the wave-particle duality is a forced explanation of human physics for the double-slit interference experiment. In fact, the principle behind it is still unknown to human beings.

When this conclusion came out, many famous scientific researchers fell into an unprecedented self-doubt.

The reason is very simple. When carrying out the double-slit interference experiment, with the purpose of being objective and fair, another objective observation point other than the human eye was set up, that is, a camera was installed on the experimental site.

This starting point is just to keep the objectivity of the experiment as far as possible.

But it was precisely because of this small move that indirectly triggered a series of subsequent physical earthquakes.

Because the researchers who were doing the double-slit interference experiment at that time found that when the camera was installed, the experimental results were completely different from those with the naked eye!

According to the previous understanding of physics, particles can only appear in one form at a time point, but in this experiment, generally speaking, there can only be one result, but when the camera is added, another form appears. The result of this experiment!

In layman's terms, when humans try to observe elementary particles, the particles return to the form we can understand, and when we don't observe them, a single photon passes through two slits at the same time, that is to say, a single elementary particle A particle satisfies two states of existence and non-existence at the same time when we do not observe it.

In other words creepy, it knows we're watching it and adjusts to a form we recognize when we spot it!

When this conclusion was first discovered, many people felt hopeless when they saw this phenomenon, and some scientists even committed suicide because of it.

Because it really subverts our entire worldview.

And in the end, that's why some people say that the end of science is theology or something like that.

From this experiment alone, this sentence does not appear to be so absurd.

Finally, human beings derived the viewpoint of wave-particle duality to explain it.

At the beginning, people thought that only light waves can exhibit the characteristics of wave-particle duality, but in fact, with the progress of human cognition, some people began to think that, like light, all matter has wave-particle duality.

According to this hypothesis, electrons will also have fluctuation phenomena such as interference and diffraction, and this view has also been confirmed by subsequent experiments.

This kind of conclusion proves that apart from some relatively fixed things, many things that exist in the macroscopic world are irregular, and most likely they are all random and accidental. That is to say, the laws that human beings think are only the matter itself What is intended to appear is not actually produced.

Generally speaking, these are some conclusions of human beings about the macroscopic world.

However, some of the viewpoints expounded by Miluo are completely different from the conclusions drawn by human beings!

According to Miluo, the atoms that humans can directly observe are not the basic units of matter.

In the basic theory of advanced sequences, a kind of micron is the basic unit of matter.

According to Mi Luo, a micron is a structure that makes up atoms, and its size is hundreds of millions of times smaller than ordinary atoms!

What kind of concept is this? You must know that the microscopic world that human beings can explore at present only reaches the atomic level, and it is not a single atom.

In order to observe and explore a single atom, that is, the physical structure of the atom itself, at least a 300 million times optical microscope is required in human predictions.


But contrary to expectations, the most advanced optical microscopes in the world can only achieve a mere [-] times the magnification!

For an optical microscope, the gap between 300 and [-] million may never be bridged!

Although the electron microscope is better, it can achieve an observation magnification of 150 million times, but the distance is 300 million, which is still a full twofold difference.

You know, in academia, observational science is often a thousand miles away!

Not to mention nearly twice as much data

Moreover, these are just atoms, and the microns mentioned by Miluo are another level compared with atoms counting in the billions.

In addition, some neutrons, protons, electrons, quarks, and many kinds of subatoms in academic theories are actually some definitions of matter set by previous experimental scholars through artificial imagination based on some experimental phenomena. See these so-called particles for yourself.

Just think about it, the nuclei and electrons, which are tens of thousands of times smaller than atoms, are a difficulty in front of human beings.

Not to mention other smaller microstructures

Thinking of this, even Tang Zhenli couldn't help feeling a little dazed!

Especially after removing the possibility that Mi Luo deliberately revealed it to mislead him, even though Tang Zhenli had never studied quantum mechanics, he was still flustered after learning these conclusions.

At this moment, Tang Zhenli noticed a strange feeling under his feet, and he knew that Miluo was about to wake up.

He hurriedly put the written materials into the drawer to prevent Mi Luo from seeing them.

Speaking of it, Tang Zhenli specifically asked Miluo to record it while he was sleeping.

Regardless of whether Mi Luo disclosed these information intentionally or unintentionally, it is best not to let him realize it.

Because of some remarks about the sequence of the universe, but Miluo has never disclosed it before.

Chapter 536 Miluo on the Road!

Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli thought of the connection between what Miluo said and the cosmic sequence

As mentioned before, the current general understanding of the higher sequence of the universe is that the micron is the most microscopic composition structure in the universe.

Of course, it is not ruled out whether there are more subtle structural components.

As far as the micro is concerned, in Miluo's mouth, this may be the only thing in common between the higher-sequence life and the lower-sequence life!

Because it faintly revealed before that at the level of the micron, there is almost no difference between the life of the higher sequence and the life of the lower sequence.

That is to say, in the microcosmic world, at the level of microns, there is no distinction between high-level sequences and low-level sequences.

As mentioned before, microns also have the characteristics of wave-particle duality, which can also explain why Miluo can maintain its original life activity after the explosion.

Compared with the neurons of the human consciousness channel, if the carrier of the higher sequence intelligence life consciousness is carried on the structure of the micron level, then it can completely produce a kind of "immortality" beyond human cognition!

Because it sometimes presents the nature of waves, and sometimes presents the nature of particles.

Just like the false and the real, the real and the false.

Intelligent individuals of advanced sequences in this state are 'immortal' to human beings!

The most important thing is that Tang Zhenli suspects that the reason for the gap between the high-sequence life individual and the low-sequence life individual is probably because of some large changes in the units above the micron.

The life individual of the high-level sequence starts from the micron and continues to the basic state, and has always maintained the wave-particle duality characteristic of the micron, while the life individual of the low-level sequence starts from the upper level of the micron, and the large-scale The change.

And this change has produced various branches and sequences.

This just explains why the classification of high-level sequences is so pure, while the low-level sequences are divided into many levels with each level, and finally spread all over the universe.

Of course, these are still some conjectures and conjectures of Tang Zhenli, although he has a feeling that maybe the truth of the universe is really like this!

But regardless of whether this is the case, Tang Zhenli has no way to verify it. After all, at the microscopic level of the microcosm, it is already whimsical for Tang Zhenli and for human beings.

Even Tang Zhenli suspects that even high-level sequences only have a subtle understanding of this level!

The reason is very simple, because if the micron level can be controlled, then from a certain point of view, the higher sequences are undoubtedly equal to the artificial methods of cultivating higher sequence life.

If that were the case, the present universe could not be so peaceful

So Tang Zhenli can be sure that the advanced sequence must not have touched the micron level or in other words, has not reached the level of completely controlling the micron level!

But at this moment, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Tang Zhenli's mind, and then an imperceptible gleam flashed in his eyes, and his expression gradually became serious.

"No! If this is the case, then the iron-based civilization of the ascension sequence that Miluo mentioned before"

After mumbling in a low voice, Tang Zhenli frowned.

If this is the case, how did the iron-based civilization that soared to a high-level sequence soar?

Is it controlled to the micron level?

But it's impossible, if that iron-based civilization controls the micron level, it doesn't make sense

Thinking of this, even Tang Zhenli couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed in his mind.

Under this kind of brainstorming, Tang Zhenli unexpectedly forgot the original exhaustion for a while.

But at this moment, Miluo's voice rang in his ears.

"Boy, what are you thinking?"

Between the words, Miluo's tone seemed very satisfied, and it seemed that it was time for the buff to be full of energy again.

On the other hand, Tang Zhenli, who was deep in thought, was stunned when he heard Miluo's voice.

Then he seemed to think of something, enlightened, his eyes brightened slightly.

I can't figure it out, how can I forget Miluo, a tool man

Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli raised his eyebrows, as if he had already figured out how to fool Miluo

In the next moment, Tang Zhenli spoke, his tone was somewhat inexplicable, and his eyes flickered slightly as he spoke.

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