While the other four boys admired her, they also faintly feared her.

And all of this, although it has something to do with her own efforts, is also inseparable from Tang Zhenli's discerning eyes, who promoted her to be the team leader among the five.

I have to say that when he was the chief engineer of the Controllable and Nuclear Fusion Research Institute, his vision improved a lot, and he was able to know people

Good use, barely has the characteristics of a scientific research leader.

At this time, Tang Zhenli in the material laboratory is still working on some difficulties, preparing to bring some brand new materials on top of the planetary engine.

feeding device.



Chapter 59 Report! A shortcut to the "Strong Eight" plan?

Long Ke University,

director's office,

Fu Zhiyuan looked at the first-stage experiment of the prototype of the planetary engine sent from the computer, and slowly compared it with the experimental data above, his expression remained unchanged, and his eyes flickered slightly.

It's just that the clenched fists under the table showed that his mood at the moment was not as calm as it seemed on the surface.

Finally, after looking at a specific number, he finally couldn't hold back anymore, his face twitched slightly, and then - he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"30.15m per second???!!!! The third cosmic speed engine?-??"

At this moment, he seems to be looking at the data of the last test, which is the limit power of the fans in the large wind tunnel laboratory of Longke University.

But the experimental data at this time is too terrifying!

Even if it is only empty, this is nearly double the speed of the third universe! ! !

Moreover, this is the first technology application of a controllable nuclear fusion device. Before that, except for the assembly of the large Tomacak that Tang Zhenli participated in.

Longguo has not yet developed the mature application of controllable nuclear fusion technology. That is to say, although Tang Zhenli has developed the controllable nuclear fusion technology of Longguo now, judging from the current trend, it can only be used for supply in a short period of time. use of energy.

As for other areas, it will take some time.

But the experimental data in front of us undoubtedly broke the current deadlock.

After the successful experiment of the planetary engine, it means that the application of the controllable nuclear fusion device has taken a big step forward, and it is still in the field of aerospace.

Yes, Fu Zhiyuan once again thought of the "Strong Eight" launch vehicle project, and his heart shook slightly.

Immediately, a look of determination appeared on his face.

Fu Zhiyuan's position is different. He is the dean of Longke University. He will get some news about some of the secret projects and difficulties encountered in the projects.

"Report! Maybe the 'Strong Eight' plan can make some progress!"

Thinking of this, he reached out and picked up the handle on the desk...

After a while of 'beep beep' busy tone, I finally got through to the human commissioner,

"Get me Ji Chengtian, the person in charge of the Science and Technology Department!"

Ministry of Science and Technology,

Ji Chengtian returned to the office from the conference room exhausted,

During this period of time, opinions on the 'Zhuangba' plan have not been unified, and I don't know how many meetings have been held for this.

In the end, after finally persuading the God of Wealth to let go, disagreements arose on the distribution of scientific research funds.

Some people think that more funds should be invested in the "Zhuang Eight" project, while others think that funds should be invested in the engine research and development process of the controllable nuclear fusion device. As for the research funds of the "Zhuang Eight" project, the scientific research funds should be halved.

This is another war of words, and the result is non-stop meetings and discussions every day.

In the daily meetings, Ji Chengtian couldn't help but feel exhausted. After all, he is an old man over [-] years old, and his body is gradually unable to bear it after long hours of high-intensity work.


A weak sigh came from the office. The failure of the 'Zhuangba' project has spread, and the aerospace field of Longguo has also received unsatisfactory international attention.

There are fewer doubts, and even the prestige of Longguo has declined a lot, and now the Ministry of Science and Technology is not concerned with internal worries and external troubles. Under various factors, he is really exhausted at this time.

It can be said that the current Longguo Aerospace is completely in trouble!

At the moment Ji Chengtian was about to fall asleep in a daze, the phone on the desktop rang.

"jingle bell ~ jingle bell

Ji Chengtian was awakened in an instant, he strengthened his spirits, and quickly picked up the topic.

"Hi~ I'm Ji Chengtian!"

"Old Ji, I'm Fu Zhiyuan!"

Fu Zhiyuan's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Well what's the matter?"

Ji Chengtian's expression changed, and he secretly noticed in his heart,

Fu Zhiyuan... Except for asking for money, he usually wouldn't call the Ministry of Science and Technology directly. His expression was startled, as if he had thought of something, could it be that young man Tang Zhenli...

Then I only heard Fu Zhiyuan continue to say,

"Old Ji, you can hear the planetary engine..."

"Planetary engine???!!!"

When Ji Chengtian heard the words, he was shocked instantly, and all the exhaustion from before disappeared.

Planetary engine, cosmic long-power engine?

Long power?Fusion?Fusion engine?

The more Ji Chengtian thought about it, the bolder he became. The old Fu should be talking about a heavy nuclear fusion engine that uses the same principle!

That is, the aerospace engine supported by the current controllable nuclear fusion device technology!

Is that Tang Zhenli?

Ji Chengtian's eyes were burning intensely, and suddenly a figure appeared in his mind.

"Yes, you don't know... Forget it, I can't finish talking on the phone for a while, I will send you an email, and you will know by then


...for flowers...

Fu Zhiyuan seemed to be interested, but he thought that compared to his own words, some practical things could move people more, so he finally stopped his desire to talk.

"Okay, okay...You send it now, I'll wait!"

Excited, Ji Chengtian said three good words in a row, obviously looking forward to this email.

As the phone was hung up, Ji Chengtian hurriedly turned on the computer, waiting for the email that Fu Zhiyuan said...

"Tang Zhenli?"

Ji Chengtian shook his head, such a short period of time with such a small budget is simply impossible.

Moreover, Tang Zhenli is good at the energy field, and in the engine...

Ji Chengtian had his own opinion, and he didn't think that Tang Zhenli had done any research on the engine.

0 ...

"Planetary engine..."

All kinds of speculation can't affect the burning in Ji Chengtian's heart.

Soon after,

The sending icon on the computer screen flickered slowly, and when the internal mailbox arrived, Ji Chengtian's eyes lit up.


Click on the email, from the initial idea of ​​the planetary engine to the first experiment of the prototype of the planetary engine, everything is in this email.

Bian Ji looked at the densely packed materials all day long, and he didn't show a trace of impatience. Instead, he started to read from the very beginning. Of course, he mainly looked at theories and some supporting data. He couldn't understand the specific reasons.

So in the next few hours, there would be murmurs of soliloquy in the office from time to time.

"Sure enough, it is an extension of the controllable nuclear fusion device..."

Looking at the theoretical concept at the front, Ji Chengtian couldn't help but nodded, knowing it in his heart.

This idea alone is really refreshing and interesting to watch.

"The device construction of the prototype of the planetary engine..."

Ji Chengtian's eyes brightened slightly, and he was looking at a blueprint at the moment. With years of experience, he could see the prototype of the launch vehicle engine at a glance, and his interest increased again.

However, as time went by, Ji Chengtian didn't show a trace of fatigue, on the contrary, his eyes became brighter and his mood became more excited.

"First experimental data log..."

When he saw the data records of the final stage experiment, his heart trembled!

He knew that the main event was coming!


Chapter 60 Souhachi's Situation!

Long Guo, Ministry of Science and Technology

Office of the Head,

"The first cosmic speed has been achieved... The monitoring data is as follows..."

Looking at the boring text and data in the email, Ji Chengtian felt like he had found a treasure at this time.

"The second cosmic speed has been achieved... The monitoring data is as follows..."

When he saw that the speed of the third universe was reached, Ji Chengtian was mentally prepared, but his heart still missed a beat.

The speed of the third universe has already caught up with the level of the scientific research community...

But what shocked him was that there was still a piece of data below.

"The result of the fourth test, under the limit test, it can reach 30.15m per second! Note: under no-load conditions."

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