"We're leaving now!"

"Let's go!"


After waiting for so long, finally there is news!

Immediately, a group of experts and professors from the Materials Branch rushed to the No. [-] conference room in the administrative building of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

On the way to look directly, the researchers of other branches were puzzled, what happened, and why all the professors and researchers of the materials branch were dispatched!

Soon after, meeting room one.

As the largest and most grandly arranged conference room in Longke, it is often only used when major events that shake the scientific research community occur.

Conference room No. [-] accommodates nearly a hundred positions, and in order to conduct meetings better, each position is equipped with a dedicated computer!

For people in meetings!

Soon after,

The professors from the Materials Branch headed by Mao Xingbang arrived at the No. [-] meeting room first, but Fu Zhiyuan came earlier than them, and was already sitting in the main seat at this moment.

Afterwards, some professors from the branch of physics who studied atomic energy and plasma also took their seats one after another.

Not long after, half of the nearly [-] seats in conference room [-] were occupied, all of them were professors and researchers from the front line of Longke University.


Chapter 6 The Shock in Conference Room [-]!

It's almost time for the experts and scholars in the relevant fields of Longke University to come.

But Dean Fu still didn't seem to start the meeting, just when the scholars were puzzled,

Another group of people arrived, and according to a rough estimate, there were dozens of people.

The leader has shiny black hair, is hale and hearty, and has a Chinese-character face that looks calm and majestic. He looks about 50 years old.

But everyone who is familiar with him knows that he, like Fu Zhiyuan, the dean of Longke University, is almost sixty years old.

"Hu Yuan! Even Hu Yuan is here!"

Many professors have already recognized the leader, and it is Fu Zhiyuan's old classmate on the phone, and also an authority in the field of Longguo materials - Hu Jianye.

Then Hu Jianye walked quickly to the seat next to Fu Zhiyuan and sat down, and saw that the two immediately whispered to each other, and they nodded repeatedly.

And the experts and scholars brought by Hu Jianye also found a good place to sit down one after another, waiting for the start of the meeting!

After a while

Everyone was seated, and Hu Jianye and Fu Zhiyuan were also seated.

The cosmetic surgery of this meeting is not insignificant, it simply gathered most experts and scholars in the field of materials in the entire Dragon Kingdom!

And the reason for this meeting was all because of an academic discussion email from Tang Zhenli!

Fu Zhiyuan looked around the meeting room for a week, then cleared his throat.

"Before the meeting starts, I want to remind everyone to strictly abide by the agreement, and it is best to turn off your mobile phone!"

As soon as the words fell, all the experts and professors present were in a commotion. This is a big project!

But then only heard Fu Zhiyuan speak again.

"The meeting has begun. Now we are conducting a feasibility study of controllable nuclear fusion. Now I will send a copy of the information to the computer screens in each seat. Please control your emotions and don't be too shocked or lose your composure!"

Speaking of the latter, Fu Zhiyuan kindly reminded him.

You must know that if controllable nuclear fusion is successfully developed, it will be no less than telling ordinary people that the sun rises from the west to everyone here!

Because the energy problem is already the biggest problem that plagues the progress of human science and technology.

No matter which field, if we want to develop, we must first solve the energy problem.

After all, the law of energy conservation has proved that perpetual motion machines cannot exist, so if new energy sources are not developed, the shackles that trap the progress of human civilization will never be lifted!

Although controllable nuclear fusion is the best way to solve this energy problem, the difficulty of building a controllable nuclear fusion device is no less than that of building an atomic bomb, and even worse!

After that, every computer present here received the original manuscript of Tang Zhenli's email.

As Fu Zhiyuan expected, apart from the experts and professors from the School of Materials Science and Technology, other experts and scholars were all shocked when they saw it!

Even if you are not an expert or professor in the field of materials, you can know what new materials that can carry controlled nuclear fusion mean.

"Ingenious workmanship, ingenious workmanship!"

An expert in the field of atomic energy stared at the sequence diagram of the atomic structure in a daze. The atomic structure and sequence of this new material is simply the creation of the Creator, it is so perfect!

"The atomic composition of this new type of material has already determined its molecular properties, and it is entirely possible to withstand the ultra-high temperature of the controllable nuclear fusion generator!"

A material field scholar brought by Hu Jianye looked at Tang Zhenli's description of the characteristics of this new type of material, and said with a heavy breath.

"Who proposed this theory, I want to meet him right now! Such a focused idea... a genius, a genius-like idea!"

The eyes of another professor from the branch of physics were shining brightly, watching the second focused ignition stage of the controllable nuclear fusion device proposed by Tang Zhenli, and his mind was greatly shocked!


In the next few hours, there were one after another shocking sounds in the No. [-] conference room,

Even though Fu Zhiyuan had reminded him before, seeing such epoch-making academic research, many experts, scholars and professors in related fields present still lost their composure at this moment!

Finally, after the people here finally eased their emotions,

Fu Zhiyuan spoke, his voice was calm and calm.

"I believe that you have roughly read all the contents of this email. Do you have any objections? You must know that we are holding a feasibility study discussion meeting this time. If you have any objections, please raise your hand!"

After the words fell, Fu Zhiyuan looked around and found that no one raised his hand to object.

Then Fu Zhiyuan said again,

"Since that's the case, let's vote with a show of hands. If you think this plan is feasible, please raise your hand. Otherwise, don't raise your hand!"

After a while

Fu Zhiyuan and Hu Jianye watched the 89 arms raised in unison in the conference room, looked at each other, and nodded secretly.

"The theory behind this document is so complete that I feel as if it has been researched."

"Me too, who the hell sent this email..."

A group of experts believed that the plan in the email was feasible, and they also began to pay attention to the initiator of this email.

Sender: See Zhenzhen.

"Seeing the truth...."

This screen name, at first glance, is a scholar in the field of pure materials.

At this moment, everyone present is also starting to search for experts and scholars who use this screen name in their minds.

In their perception, this expert must have been immersed in the field of materials for many years, and at the same time has a lot of knowledge in the field of atomic energy!

That's why when this new type of material was discovered, it was immediately associated with the development of a controllable nuclear fusion device.

In everyone's minds, an amiable master scholar with white beard and hair has been automatically imagined.

Only such people who are indifferent to fame and wealth will share their academic achievements with others.

Otherwise, why not directly announce to the outside world after developing controllable nuclear fusion?

In this way, fame is also obtained, and profit is also obtained!

Moreover, his name must appear in the textbooks of every country above the international community.

But the attitude of directly sending your academic achievements to Longke University has already shown that,

This dean-level figure does not care about fame and fortune at all, he only wants to silently contribute to the progress of human civilization!

How noble is such a famous festival!

With the thoughts so far, everyone present couldn't help being awed by this scientific researcher who had never met before!

Even Fu Zhiyuan and Hu Jianye think so,

In today's increasingly impetuous society, scientific researchers with such character are rare!

After some thought, the image of the researcher behind this piece of information gradually filled up in the researcher's mind.


Chapter 7 send us these?Just for college upgrade?

Long Ke University,

meeting room one,

Everyone present here is full of emotions. Compared with this important scientific research achievement, the character of this scientific researcher seems to be more scarce.

In particular, Fu Zhiyuan felt even more deeply in his heart, thinking that after seeing this great scientific researcher who is indifferent to fame and fortune, he must take him as a confidant!

But now I can only wait for the response from that side. As long as I find this mysterious scientific researcher, I will definitely fly over to meet him without stopping.

Hu Jianye, who was sitting by the side, was still thinking about the email, constantly simulating the calculation process and experiment process in his mind.

"This must be a leading figure in materials science!"

"Based on this idea alone, let alone 30 years of deep digging in the field of materials!"

"It's unbelievable, is this sophisticated and complicated idea thought up by one person????"

After a long time, Hu Jianye turned his head solemnly, and said to Fu Zhiyuan,

"Old Fu, in my opinion, there must be a professional team behind this scholar, otherwise there is no way for one person to calculate such a huge and complicated amount of calculation!"


Fu Zhiyuan turned his head to look at Hu Jianye, was slightly taken aback when he heard this, thought for a while, and then nodded.

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