【Ethnicity: Han】

[Longguo Shanghai native, 20 years old this year, a sophomore student at Shanghai Vocational Technical School, Note: During the college entrance examination, he was hospitalized in a car accident, missed four subjects, and got full marks in the rest of the subjects. Reason for attending a junior college: No repetition. 】

[Father Tang Lizhe, a doctorate in finance from Kyoto University, is a financial executive of a listed company. 】

[Mother Chen Xinyao has a Ph.D degree in the Department of Literature of Kyoto University, and is currently an associate professor of the Department of Literature of Shanghai University. 】

[Grandpa Tang Heguang, Ph.D. in Physics Department of Huaqing University. 】


"Old Tang's grandson?"

At this time, Fu Zhiyuan's eyes widened with disbelief.

Obviously, Fu Zhiyuan knew Tang Heguang, and it was not a normal relationship.

Ten years ago, he elected Tang Heguang as an academician of the Academy of Dragon Sciences. Unfortunately, some twists and turns later caused him to not be elected.

"In the early years, I heard that Old Tang had a grandson who was a top student, but I never heard of it later. No wonder Old Tang stopped showing off his grandson in the past two years. So this is what happened!"

Fu Zhiyuan calculated in his mind, logically speaking, such a good grade should be repeated...

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't figure it out, and felt emotional in my heart.

The members of Old Tang's family are so unique!

Back then, Old Tang forced his son to apply for the Physics Department of Huaqing University, just to inherit his mantle. Unexpectedly, the boy refused to do so, and finally applied for the Finance Department of Kyoto University.

Today's grandson is even worse, and would rather study a junior college than repeat it.

Thinking about it, it's only with such a temper that I came up with the goal of upgrading my grades by developing a controllable nuclear fusion device.

The rest of the experts and professors also looked at the resume and clicked their tongues, but they still couldn't believe that the guy in the photo was a powerful person who developed a controllable nuclear fusion device.

At this time, Liu Chi pushed the door open and entered, followed by a soldier with camouflage on his face, dressed like a special team!

Afterwards, Liu Chi also said slowly,

"Academician Hu, Dean Fu, all experts and scholars, the military aircraft is ready, please come with us! It's a matter of great importance, let's verify this research together..."

"Let's go!"



A group of experts and scholars who were present immediately walked towards the door. After reading the kid's resume,

Most experts and scholars admit that this college boy has some skills, and his family background and college entrance examination results alone can tell a thing or two.

But if it is said that the controlled nuclear fusion device was created by this kid, they still don't believe it, especially before seeing is believing.

Long Ke University,

There are several large military helicopters parked on the large playground.

There are also dozens of special teams in auspicious uniforms waiting in line.

Seeing Liu Chi leading a group of scholars and experts coming, the leading lieutenant ran forward with small steps.

He saluted Liu Chi, and then said loudly,

"Report to the chief! All the officers and soldiers of the No. [-] Tianlong Special Squadron have assembled, please give instructions!"

"set off!"

Liu Chi also responded loudly.


The lieutenant ran back all the way and gave instructions to the officers and soldiers under his command.

Looking at the experts and scholars behind, they were stunned for a while, and their hearts were shocked. Although they had rich experience, they had rarely seen the sharp weapon of this kind of country.

You must know that the special forces are the king of soldiers among the kings of soldiers.

And here, dozens of special team members gathered!

This also made them realize that this is for real!

But thinking about the controllable nuclear fusion, all this is also within the normal range.

After a group of experts and scholars boarded the plane in an orderly manner.

The propellers of several helicopters began to rotate, and in an instant the wind was flying over the lawn of the playground, and the turf on the ground could not lift its head.

Just like that, several helicopters departed from Kyoto and headed straight for Shanghai!

At this moment, in a certain station in Shanghai, dozens of vehicles are moving together, almost all out!


Chapter 9 Blocked! ! !Tao Chengwang's shock

Shanghai stock market,

Shanghai Vocational and Technical College,

It's the end of June, and the year's final exam is at this time,

A tense atmosphere spread among the students.

Due to the special days these days, Tang Zhenli's instructor specifically asked him not to skip class, so he went to class for a whole morning, and met a few classmates by the way.

After a hasty rest at noon, the roommates got up to prepare for the afternoon classes.

After seeing Tang Zhenli's unmoved appearance, he couldn't help asking curiously,

"Zhenli, don't you have class this afternoon?"

"Well, not going!"

Tang Zhenli responded sullenly, and the five roommates were also used to it, and shook their heads helplessly.

With the muffled bang of the dormitory door, Tang Zhenli's thoughts seemed to be activated.

"This university course is really boring, it's better to do a second focused ignition test as soon as possible..."

Tang Zhenli stared blankly at the ceiling, muttering to himself.

I've wasted the whole morning, let's go to the laboratory in the afternoon.

With this in mind, Tang Zhenli turned over and got up from the bed......

The laboratory building of the Vocational College,

Tang Zhenli came to the No. [-] laboratory with ease, looked around, and opened the door of the laboratory quietly.

In the past, he would come secretly at night, but now it was the first time to conduct experiments during the day.

It was really the second stage of the ignition test that made him feel itchy, and he couldn't bear it for a moment.

In addition, most of the school's leaders and teachers were busy with the admission of new students and had no time to take care of the experimental building, so Tang Zhenli came decisively.

As soon as he entered the laboratory, Tang Zhenli seemed to be a different person, and his temperament changed greatly.

"Tomacak unit ready..."

"Laser heating unit ready...."


Tang Zhenli muttered about some precision instruments he had made before, his expression changed, he communicated with the scientific research system in his mind, and then started the experiment of focusing on ignition.


Principal's office,

Tao Chengwang, the principal of Shanghai Vocational and Technical College, is carefully studying the speech prepared for tonight's welcome party.

This year is already his fifth year as the principal of the Vocational College, and under his leadership, the Vocational College has indeed greatly improved its overall strength. The existence that can be ranked in the top ten.

But this is not his goal. His goal is to turn the Vocational College into a real undergraduate college!

This is his greatest wish before retirement!

I'd rather be a phoenix tail than a chicken head!

Now, after several years of development in vocational colleges, some majors with strong comprehensive abilities are no less than undergraduate colleges.

While thinking, the phone on the desk rang suddenly.

Tao Chengwang turned his head and picked up the conversation,

"Hello, hello!"

"Are you Tao Chengwang, the principal of the Upper Vocational College?"

A deep voice came from the other end of the phone,

"Yes, I'm Tao Chengwang!"

Tao Chengwang was a little puzzled when he heard the words. Generally speaking, if you know your office number, you should know yourself.

"I am the person in charge of security in Shanghai, and now I have received an order to seal off the entire academy, and no one is allowed to go out! Please match..."

The tone of the person on the other end of the phone was extremely serious. Even on the phone, Tao Chengwang could feel this breathtaking aura.

"Okay, okay, I see!"

After hanging up the phone, Tao Chengwang was very confused. What happened in the Vocational College did not even know the principal.

In doubt, the door of the principal's office was suddenly pushed open, and Cheng Fei, the dean of the Vocational College, walked in quickly.

Seeing this, Tao Chengwang frowned slightly, and asked first,

"What happened, panic!"

"Principal, there are a lot of cars coming from outside the school, including special teams, how many cars are full!"


Tao Cheng stood up abruptly, his complexion changed slightly, what he said on the phone turned out to be true, and it came so fast!

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