"Wei Gong, don't worry..."

"Okay, then let's send 'Zhuang Hachi' up first..."

Seeing this, Wei Pengyu was also helpless. After a slight sigh, his eyes showed firmness, and he said.Long Guo's decades of painstaking efforts were almost destroyed last year...

But for the current 'Zhuang Ba', if it doesn't make a name, it must be amazing!

In the engineering building of the 'Zhuangba' project,

The general assembly of the 'Zhuangba' carrier rocket has been completed, and the next step is to change the group again and again for confirmation.

at the same time,

Items such as logistics, orbit calculations, and energy budgets have also begun to be put on the agenda.

How many things should be carried by the rocket with four lights, the trajectory of the launch, some precision instruments inside the rocket, etc. have all started to be implemented.

Tang Heguang, Wan Wende and other members of the expert group also began to keep their feet on the ground, busy calculating various data, all about the

[-]. Preparations after going to heaven.

Under Wei Pengyu's order, almost all the personnel of the "Zhuangba" launch vehicle project were mobilized.

Constantly carry out the last re-examination over and over again, and strive to be foolproof. After all, the aerospace field is extremely demanding. Perhaps just a screw that is not tightened may cause the project to fail.

And all the staff members of 'Zhuang Ba' were also very excited, as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

The corridors of the 'Zhuangba' engineering building are full of their hasty footsteps and figures.

It's no wonder they are not excited, this is a big breakthrough in the aerospace field of Dragon Kingdom,

Because once the 'Zhuang Ba' is successfully launched, it will be a milestone in the aerospace field of the Dragon Kingdom, and it will be recorded in history.

On the contrary, if it fails, the 'Strong Eight' project will definitely be lost. After the failure last time, the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo has the intention to do so.

If it fails again, let alone the result.

So while everyone was looking forward to the excitement, they couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

But now that the arrow is on the line, all they can do is do their best!

Aerospace bases, airport runways,

A small passenger plane gradually descended in altitude, and then landed successfully after taxiing on the runway for a while.Then I saw people on the plane carrying camera equipment get off the plane one by one.

From the certificates hanging on everyone's chest, it can be seen that the person who came was from Longguo CCTV.

It can also be seen from the 100 logo on the plane that this is a special plane for the Longguo CCTV crew.

After the test firing of the 'Zhuang Eight' project was put on the agenda, the senior leaders of Longguo sent a secret filming team to film the 'Zhuang Eight' test shooting. #斗

It is necessary to provide more video and picture materials when continuing to disclose the project.

Almost every project in the space base has experienced this kind of thing, which can be said to be a routine process, so the people in the space base are not surprised.

Naturally, Wei Pengyu also got the news early, because it was only a test firing at the moment, and he did not come forward, but sent a researcher to respond.

"Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Han Junyi. I was specially appointed by Mr. Wei. I will guide the shooting of the 'Zhuangba' project."


Afterwards, the researcher who called himself Han Junyi introduced to the film crew, and then led them into the engineering building of the 'Zhuangba' project.

But before going in, they naturally signed a non-disclosure agreement.

At present, there are still six days before the test launch, that is to say, the Longguo CCTV film crew has six days to film the preparations before the test launch of the 'Zhuangba' project.

Although Iy

Reward and share

Chapter 93 Has He Ignored You For A Long Time Again?

Jinling Bieyuan,

Four people, including Wu Shaoying, were sitting on the sofa watching TV,

Suddenly, Sister Xia turned her head, her brows were slightly frowned, she was distracted while watching TV, then she patted her lightly and said.

"Yingying? During this period of time, your state is not right."

Wu Shaoying's delicate body trembled slightly, and then she said with some interest.

"No, I'm just a little tired recently."

At this time, the little assistant, Ye Yingxin, couldn't help being attracted, and looked at Wu Shaoying with an inexplicable expression.

Just a little tired?This out-of-control look is not tiring, it's obvious that the soul has been taken away.

Sister Xia couldn't help leaning over quietly when she heard the words, hugged Wu Shaoying directly in her arms, and said softly,

"Did he ignore you for a long time again..."

"He must have too many things, what do you mean by ignoring me?"

Hearing this, Wu Shaoying frowned, then raised her head to look at Sister Xia, and said stubbornly.


Sister Xia sighed helplessly, looked down at Wu Shaoying in her arms, and couldn't help but feel distressed.

To be honest, she has been in the entertainment industry for many years, Wu Shaoying can be said to be a clear stream in the entertainment industry, there is no trace of celebrity airs.It can even be said to be a bit naive. After all, in terms of love, he looks like a noob.

On the other hand, Ye Yingxin was a little lost in thought, and couldn't help but gritted her teeth secretly.

This scumbag is so proficient at playing hard to get, and if he continues like this, his idol will be in danger. When she thinks that her idol is being played around by a scumbag, she will be furious.


Northwest Space Base,

There is less than a day until the test launch of 'Zhuang Hachi',

The 'Zhuang Eight' carrier rocket has been transported to the launch pad at this time,

60 meters, that is, on the pure white rocket body with a height of nearly [-] floors, a ladder surrounds the entire 'Zhuangba' rocket.

Like scaffolding on a housing construction project, it is intertwined and distributed in every corner.

All the staff of the 'Zhuanghachi' project came and went on the ladder, busy with the final adjustment.

The orbital attitude project that Tang Heguang is in charge of has also been established. Although the first test launch will not actually be launched into outer space, a set of reference plans must be made from the expected data.

In order to lay some foundations for the final orbital plan for loading satellites.

Under the circumstances of this mobilization,

Even Tang Zhenli had to withdraw from his studies to keep an eye on the engine.

Since the "Zhuangba" carrier rocket is loaded with four planetary engines, the power is sufficient, so it is only a first-stage rocket, and I don't want to see the kind of launch boosters that fly for a while and then detach stage by stage.

The "Zhuangba" launch vehicle is also mainly divided into four major compartments as a whole.

The first section is the payload compartment, at the head of the rocket, it is mainly the compartment for loading equipment, such as satellites, spacecraft, and the like, that is, the load stage.

The second section is the control instrument section, which is the command center of the rocket, including the guidance system, attitude control system, power supply and power distribution system. Its function is to control the launch vehicle to maintain a certain attitude and ensure that it flies according to the established orbit.

The third section is the propellant tank section, which is used to load the propellant. It occupies most of the volume of the launch vehicle and 8% to 0% of the total weight. In order to increase the carrying capacity, the structural design of the tank is very delicate. , the material requirements are light and high strength, generally made of high-strength aluminum alloy materials.

Secondly, the engine compartment is the last part. To be honest, using a planetary engine as a rocket engine is a bit overkill, because the original intention of the design of the planetary engine is space travel, not to push the rocket out of the atmosphere.

But the current engine technology has been monopolized by Western countries, so it can only be "killed with a sledgehammer"!

Even if this bull knife is only a semi-finished product, after all, it once had the reputation of a planetary engine for a while, so that is enough!in the main control room,

Wei Pengyu, Wang Shan, and Tang Zhenli looked at the real-time images displayed on the computer screens side by side, and couldn't help feeling a little relieved.

Longguo has been established for decades, and the "Zhuangba" project, which has been established for nearly ten years, is about to blossom and bear fruit today!

If the test launch is successful, this project will become a symbolic manifestation of the progress of Longguo's aerospace field.

Compared with the failure of the last launch, everyone in the 'Zhuang Eight' project has more faith in their hearts.

If the last failure was an obsession, it has now been transformed into a belief, a belief that can destroy everything.

Since the first manned spaceflight project, the space field of the Dragon Kingdom has been stagnant for more than ten years, which is inseparable from the threat theory of the Dragon Kingdom in Western countries!

Since the first successful manned spaceflight more than ten years ago, many Western countries have seen the huge potential of the Dragon Kingdom in the aerospace field, so they spread some alarmist remarks about the Dragon Kingdom in the international community, and at the same time implemented a technological blockade .

As a result, Dragon Kingdom's spaceflight entry came to a sudden stop like a sudden brake, making countless scientific researchers feel angry and gritted their teeth secretly.

But today,

Perhaps the successful test launch of the 'Zhuang Eight' carrier rocket is the moment to break this deadlock!

In the main control room, staff members walked back and forth among the various consoles.

For Tang Zhenli, who was standing with Mr. Wei, it was no surprise. After all, Tang Zhenli had been in the 'Strong Eight' project for so long, and everyone had some guesses in their hearts.

And it can be fully seen from Chief Engineer Wei's attitude towards this young man,

There is a high probability that this is the new person in charge of the engine department, but if you know it, you know it. Everyone is currently in the tacit stage.

At this moment, there was some movement outside the door of the main control room.

Then Wang Shan, the deputy chief engineer, came in, followed by several people, all of them carrying long guns and short cannons, and the staff in the main control room also understood slightly.

Xiao, the film crew of Longguo CCTV is here!

Every important project will be video recorded.

A few days ago, I was busy shooting grassroots personnel, but today is the test firing stage, and the chief engineer is the top priority.

Then, under the leadership of the staff, a group of people walked towards Tang Zhenli and Wei Pengyu.

Um? "

When she got closer, the female reporter in charge of the interview was stunned. Compared with Wei Pengyu and Wang Shan, the very young figure next to her was more eye-catching. Surprised, she muttered secretly,

Who can stand and chat with the chief engineer of the 'Zhuanghachi' project?

You know, this is such an important day for the test firing of 'Zhuang Hachi', and this is the main control room!

It is impossible for idlers to come in.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in the female reporter's mind,

A few days ago (obtained) when I was interviewing among the grassroots personnel, I heard some rumors faintly.

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