After a short break from "One Zero Zero", Tang Zhenli returned to the long-lost laboratory again. Five assistants were already here. After seeing Tang Zhenli, their faces were full of joy,

After getting along with Tang Zhenli, they no longer have the slightest interest in the rest of the courses of Longke University.

Compared with what Tang Gong studied, the other ones are just as difficult for children to play house...

And during the one and a half months without Tang Zhenli, they didn't know how they came here. How could they be unhappy to see Tang Zhenli back at this time, and then saw several people greet each other,

"Mr. Tang!"

"Well, I have some information here, you go to verify and calculate..."

Tang Zhenli nodded to the five assistants, then took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and handed it to them.

These are some precious materials recorded during the initial test firing of the "Zhuang Eight" carrier rocket engine, and he specially wanted to come here as a reference.And the five assistants are all people who have signed a confidentiality agreement, so they are naturally not afraid of leaking secrets.

"Yes, Mr. Tang!"

Qi Lu took two steps forward and took the USB flash drive. There was a hint of caution and surprise on his pretty face, and his hands were itchy.

After Tang Zhenli saw this, he ignored the crowd and walked straight to his office.

During the nearly two months of staying at the space base, it can be said that he has inspired a lot.

He knows a lot about other fields of aerospace.

More importantly, I have a more detailed plan for the future full version of the planetary engine plan.

After returning to the office, within a period of time, Tang Zhenli made some revisions according to some ideas conceived years ago. These revisions were based on what he saw and heard in the aerospace base.

And at the back of the engine, the calculation and concept of orbital attitude have been added.

During the test launch of 'Zhuang Hachi' that day, he had a complete understanding of the spacecraft launch process.

While the engine power is powerful enough, it is equally important to send the spacecraft into the intended orbit.

And Tang Zhenli expects to prepare for space exploration, so the requirements for real-time orbit calculations are very high.

" design a tight set of orbit calculation equations

Tang Zhenli's eyes widened, and he couldn't help muttering to himself.

But before that, the planetary engine must be worked out first.

In the selfless research, time is also passing by quickly.

Before you know it, the weather is getting warmer.

Some landscape trees such as sweet-scented osmanthus, ginkgo, and elm in Longke University gradually sprouted buds.

Chirping birds are jumping happily on the branches, and a spring-like atmosphere permeates the campus.

Jinling Bieyuan,

Sister Xia and the little assistant looked at Wu Shaoying who was rushing to the school, looked at each other, and could see the strangeness in each other's eyes.

"Holding your breath like this, could it be that you have contacted the missing person?"

Sister Xia said in a daze, then looked at the little assistant.

"I don't know, the love brain can't understand..."

The little assistant shook his head innocently, shrugged, then thought of something, and said with a smile on his face.

"Sister Xia, the trending search has not dropped in the past few days,"

Sister Xia obviously knew about it, and said with a strange expression,

"Is this considered a fool's blessing..."

Since Wu Shaoying has not appeared in public for a long time, the fans are a little dissatisfied. Under pressure, they can only announce the fact that Wu Shaoying went back to school to continue her studies...

As expected, I thought that many fans would lose their fans. Unexpectedly, a wave of passer-by fans was harvested instead. There was a lot of discussion on the Internet, and netizens all made one-sided comments.

"I can make this kind of decision when I am popular, and I can study in school, Lu Zhuanfan, Wu Shaoying... Sister Tianxian, I love it!" (86 likes)

"Fierce and brave retreat, my goddess is really not a mortal, I have read Reuters, she is very serious about her studies, she is not late every day, does not leave early, and often goes in and out of the library..." (57.8 likes)

"From now on, I will only recognize Wu Shaoying as my sister Tianxian!!!" (33.6 likes)


Even people who were previously indifferent to Wu Shaoying changed one after another, without the slightest suspicion that it was hype.

The reason is also very simple. It has been more than half a year since Wu Shaoying disappeared from the public eye. If it were an ordinary traffic star, he would have died out long ago. It is impossible for someone to hype his stardom.

And let me ask who can go to school to continue studying when he is popular, this is a taboo in the entertainment industry!

—Actors with major backgrounds usually hang their school status in school when they are filming. Few of them put their studies first, and really devote themselves to their studies!

Therefore, Wu Shaoying's behavior, under the interpretation of many netizens, can only be sincere and eager to learn!

Moreover, this behavior lasts for half a year, and if it is so serious for a day, it may be acting, but if it is so serious for half a year, no one believes that it is acting.

During the debt, Wu Shaoying's popularity rose instead of falling.



Chapter 97 Feels like something big will happen! !

Jinling Bieyuan,

room on the second floor,

Wu Shaoying sat in front of the table, looking at the lyrics and music that took nearly half a year to compose, with a satisfied look on her face, and kept humming the familiar melody that she was no longer familiar with.

"I drew you as a flower, a blooming flower..."

The beautiful tune and lyrics were sung by Wu Shaoying's unique voice, which added a touch of dreaminess to the room...

After a long time,

Satisfied, Wu Shaoying threw herself and buried her whole body on the soft bed.

Then I saw her take out her mobile phone, with a tangled look on her face, it took a long while before she made up her mind,

Immediately, her delicate white fingers began to slide on the screen, and after finding the avatar that hadn't changed for thousands of years, she sent a message.

"Do you have time? "

Then she was ready to wait for a long reply, but to her surprise, at this time, she was unexpectedly synchronized with Tang Zhenli.

Tang Zhenli replied impressively,


18 Under the joy in her heart, the expression on Wu Shaoying's face was also flexible and vivid. After editing the information, she hurriedly went to Tang Zhen for a haircut.

"How about the old place tomorrow afternoon?"

Planetary Engine Laboratory,

In Tang Zhenli's office,

At this time, he was resting his head on the cushion of the seat, holding a mobile phone in his hand, typing a word slowly,


It has been nearly a month since I came back from the space base, and I have been stuck in the laboratory during this time.

Rao Tang Zhenli couldn't help but feel chest tightness and shortness of breath.

Tang Zhenli relaxed slightly, with a relaxed smile on his face. The idea of ​​the planetary engine is proceeding in an orderly manner, which is undoubtedly the best encouragement for him.

"After a while, it may be time to conduct practical experiments..."

Tang Zhenli looked at the new design blueprint after it was pulled down again, and muttered in his mouth.

The next afternoon,

Jinling Bieyuan,

"Well, how about this one?"

Wu Shaoying took a standing posture and showed it to several other people. At this time, she was wearing a pure white thin casual jacket on the upper body, and a simple pair of tight jeans underneath, stretching her slender thighs. more straight.

"The trousers are ok, the clothes are not good, the color doesn't match the season..."

Sister Xia made a pertinent comment, and Wu Shaoying's face tightened when she heard the words, and then she stomped silently towards the room.

Now is the time for the season change, and since we haven't seen each other for a long time, it is natural for Tang Zhenli to see a different version of himself....

After Wu Shaoying returned to the room, Miss Xia and the little assistant looked at each other, and they could see the helplessness in each other's eyes.

"You don't have to guess what's going on..."

Sister Xia muttered helplessly, with an inexplicable look on her face.

Afterwards, Wu Shaoying changed a few more to show them, and finally chose a green coat,

After changing, Wu Shaoying's face became more joyful, put on the mask, and said something sullenly,

"Sister Xia, this afternoon, I will take a leave of absence..."

After finishing speaking, Wu Shaoying hurried out of the villa.


Sister Xia and the little assistant each showed a speechless expression on their faces, looked at each other, and sighed at the same time.

Now they are getting more and more helpless with Wu Shaoying...

On the other side, Ye Yingxin's eyes were still fixed at the door, she thought of something, bit her lips lightly, and clenched her fists slightly.

Just after Wu Shaoying, who was dressed in fairy clothes and lost her appearance, walked out of the villa,

In a hidden corner, two paparazzi looked intently at the DSLR in front of them, and then the dark and reflective lens directly shot dozens of close-ups at Wu Shaoying.

Ever since the news of Wu Shaoying's 2 study at Longguo Drama Academy was announced, there are paparazzi waiting in the school every day, just for Wu Shaoying's first-hand information

In the end, Cui still fought for the school officials to come forward, and secretly filming is prohibited on campus, so this trend was put an end to it.

However, some paparazzi used special channels to find out some basic information about Wu Shaoying, such as the two people who were secretly filming at this time.

"How about it, is it clear?"

At this time, a paparazzi asked, and the accomplice who was asked nodded immediately.

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