Sister Xia and her little assistant brought Ye Yingxin back from an outside performance, and they immediately saw Wu Shao who was sitting on the sofa watching TV with a natural expression.


Immediately, Sister Xia frowned, and then muttered for a while, with a little helplessness on her face,

"Yeah, my little aunt, you have such a big heart, you can still relax!"

Unexpectedly, Wu Shaoying just glanced at her lightly, then turned her head away.

"Yingying, really don't respond? As long as you respond, I will immediately launch a public relations plan. Hundreds of thousands of people have been hired to do it!" .00

Sister Xia tilted her head and stared at Wu Shaoying blankly, as if she wanted to see what she was thinking from her expression. "Don't respond, this matter is getting darker and darker

A trace of thought appeared on Wu Shaoying's face, then she lowered her head, and after thinking for a while, said.

I have just found a way to get along with Tang Zhenli, and I am still a thousand miles away from becoming a lover!Immediately, he whispered with a little resentment.

"The relationship is not confirmed yet! How should I respond!"

Sister Xia and the little assistant couldn't help but slightly rolled their eyes when they heard the words, feeling a little speechless in their hearts.

It's all said about this, dare this young lady has been thinking about this? ? ?

This is not on point at all, this focus is obviously crooked, okay?

Sister Xia and the little assistant looked at Wu Shaoying, whose expression had returned to calm, and felt a strange feeling in their hearts. Why did they feel that the person involved was less anxious than those non-participants?

And the state of the group at this time corresponds to the old saying, the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry...

Ye Yingxin's eyes trembled slightly, and there was an unnatural expression on her face,

Looking at Wu Shaoying's state at this time, I only felt more and more anxious in my heart.

I couldn't help but secretly let out a long sigh, feeling a little powerless in my heart,

What should I do to save you, my idol! ....Long.



Chapter 101 Wu Shaoying's Song!


Shangke, Planetary Engine Laboratory,

assistant office.

Qi Lu leaned over on his desk, with a tired look on his face, as if he would fall asleep in a second.

The same was true for the other four people beside them, and some of them even fell asleep on the table.

And they haven't closed their eyes for two days and two nights.

Everyone's table is full of piles of data, which are the data about the 'Zhuangba' launch vehicle engine that Tang Zhenli gave them before.

Only then did they know that during the months when Tang Gong disappeared, he was actually working on the rumored 'Zhuangba' project at the aerospace base!

And these two days and two nights were just to check and calculate one of the dozens of modules of the 'Zhuangba' engine, and during this time, they have completed the calculation of nearly ten modules,

You must know that the research and development period of the engine of the "Zhuangba" launch vehicle is strictly calculated, at least nearly ten years, and if the previous theoretical foundation is added, it is not "one zero" in a word. However, it is still under the premise of having a professional team.

And they completed one of the modules in two days and two nights. Although it was just a verification calculation, it was still quite remarkable.

After all, they are the proud ones who can be admitted to Longke University. Through the verification of these basic theories and practical materials, they have a specific concept of aerospace engines in their hearts.

This is also the reason why Tang Zhenli asked them to verify the calculation. This is actually to cultivate them on purpose, and the five people naturally have a faint feeling in their hearts.

Feel it, so I will be extra diligent.

With Tang Zhenli leading by example, the living habits of the five people also gradually changed under subjective and deliberate circumstances.There are currently six people in the lab, and they basically live and eat in the lab

Fortunately, the laboratory has all the necessary living facilities. Although it is definitely not as good as the student apartment, it can barely meet the needs of life.

Only with such an aggressive attitude can they be qualified to be Tang Zhenli's team in the future.

in the office,

In front of the computer, there was a hand-painted board, and Tang Zhenli was drawing something on the hand-painted board with an electronic stylus.From time to time, he manipulated the mouse to adjust some precise detail data, and at the same time marked it with a mark.

And on the computer screen, a prototype of a brand-new planetary engine stood out impressively.

It's just that there is only a general framework for now.

Under the premise of having a scientific research system, at this time, it is just a copy of the complete framework of the planetary engine in his mind to the computer.After a while, Tang Zhenli, who was also busy all night, seemed a little tired,

He yawned involuntarily, rubbed his forehead with his right hand, leaned his head back slightly, and closed his eyes.

Although the eyelids are heavy, but there is still a trace of thought in the mind, thinking about the next process in the mind, and then muttering to himself-sentence,

"According to this process, it will be possible to actually practice it after a while..."

And not long after he finished speaking, there was a steady breathing sound in the office.

Jinling Bieyuan, in Wu Shaoying's room,

A group of four people are sitting in front of the table, all looking at the computer screen intently, watching the syllables and characters beating, and then bursts of beautiful melodies...

"Yingying, is this really a song you wrote yourself?"

Sister Xia and the other three showed a hint of surprise in their eyes, and then it was Sister Xia who turned her head and said to Wu Shaoying, with a little surprise on her face.

"Yeah, what do you think..."

Wu Shaoying's pretty face was tense, so she looked at the three of them with a hint of nervousness and hope and said.

This is her first time writing a song, and she hopes to hear pertinent comments from the three of them.

"It's good, it's good,'s a love song! Don't you think about the possible repercussions in the future?" Compared to the little assistant and Ye Yingxin, Miss Xia obviously thought more.

"Yeah, if you only talk about the level of singing, it's obviously enough... But the fishing boats on the Internet haven't calmed down yet, Sister Yingying, you're going to blow up this whole thing again"

Hearing this, Xiao Yin couldn't help but glanced at Sister Xia, then came to his senses, and said to Wu Shaoying.

On the other hand, Wu Shaoying's eyes lit up when she heard the comments from Miss Xia and her little assistant, and a sweet smile appeared on her face.She didn't seem to hear the meaning behind their words, or rather, she really had other thoughts in her heart.

Under the stares of several people's strange eyes, Wu Shaoying glanced at the corner of his mouth, glanced at them, and said with a little joy,

"I've decided, release a song tomorrow!!!"

rm rm.

A look of confusion flashed across Sister Xia's face, and she just wanted to open her mouth to persuade her, but when she saw Wu Shaoying's expression, she hesitated to speak, and finally sighed secretly in her heart.

Forget it, she... just be happy.

On the other side, Ye Yingxin, who had been watching the whole process and hadn't spoken the whole time, had a cold look in her eyes, then she clenched her fists a little bit and gritted her teeth secretly.hateful!This feeling of watching idols sinking deeper and deeper into the quagmire without being able to stop it is simply torture!

At this juncture, Wu Shaoying decided to post a song, and it was a love song, and he wrote it for someone himself, the meaning of which is self-evident.

Even if the netizens don't know that this is written for Tang Zhenli, but after a little thought, they will definitely be able to figure out the flavor from it.

—- —|—

brother - day

"Xiao Yin, have all the major platforms been arranged? It's a big deal to release a song for the first time!"

In the villa, Miss Xia was looking at the little assistant with a serious face,

"Don't worry, Miss Xia, everything has been arranged!"

The little assistant also looked solemn and nodded...

Generally speaking, the first work of transformation is very important, which determines whether Wu Shaoying's transformation can be successful.

If one is not good, Wu Shaoying's popularity might plummet.

However, considering Wu Shaoying's current popularity, this possibility is very low.

Afterwards, as soon as Wu Shaoying's new song was released on major music platforms, although it did not create momentum in advance,

But in less than 10 minutes, it was instantly topped the hot search list.

The popularity of the national goddess is so terrifying!

And only then did all the fans know that their goddess and sister Tianxian had transformed into a singer.

However, it is clear that the attention of many netizens has been skewed. Now Wu Shaoying has been involved in scandals and has not responded positively. She just posted a love song...

The meaning of this is self-evident, so under the comments of Wu Shaoying's new song, there are few discussions about the song itself, and most of them are obsessed with guessing the meaning of Wu Shaoying's move.

For a while, netizens talked a lot,

"I'm sure that the goddess was cheated by a scumbag before, so she didn't respond. Can't you hear the meaning of this "Painting"? This implies that everything is fake and deceitful (341.8 million Thumbs up)

"Sister Tianxian was directly exposed, we will help you avenge, directly human flesh him, scumbag biss!!!" (245.8 million likes)

"Why do I feel like something is wrong... Will I post a love song if I'm cheated. 48..." (123.4 million likes)

"Same upstairs, I also feel weird..." (31.7 likes)


As more and more people listened to the new song released by Wu Shaoying, their brain circuits suddenly opened up.

With the ferment of all kinds of enthusiasm, all kinds of rumors are already flying all over the sky, and netizens hold their own opinions.

Although a small number of people are still rational about this, some fanatical fans can't help but misinterpret the meaning of Wu Shaoying's move, and spread it widely through various marketing accounts and self-media.

But in the end, when everyone wanted to continue to dig out the true face of the 'scumbag', they found that apart from the original post, it was difficult to find an alternative revelation

- Grid-connected 2 can only be a pity secretly, it failed to satisfy their desire to eat melons, and can only secretly wait for the day when the final revelation...

Chapter 102 The real machine No. [-]?Before the test!

a coffee shop,

As the head of Wu Shaoying's fan group, Liu Ling is naturally Wu Shaoying's number one fan girl,

At this time, she was wearing earphones. Since Wu Shaoying's new song was released, she has been in this state, and the single loops.

From time to time, she would beat the time to the melody. Suddenly, she took off her earphones and said to her boyfriend Su Ran who was sitting opposite,

"Why do I feel that idol's songs hide a wave of love?

"Huh? What?"

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