This is completely using her own future to defend the person in her heart! ! !

Wu Shaoying has always been the person who dares to love and hate, and has never changed!

Crystal IVI Empty

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Chapter 117 Single Press Conference, Wu Shaoying's


When there is a lot of discussion on the Internet, the few remaining true fans are still waiting for Wu Shaoying's clarification.

But at the end of the night, I waited for the announcement of Wu Shaoying's live single release.

Only now did all the netizens realize that Wu Shaoying is about to officially transform...

The previous single is about to be officially released!

However, at such an ambiguous time, instead of responding to the previous scandal, he chose to hold a single release conference instead? ?

For a while, all the netizens couldn't figure out what Wu Shaoying was thinking.

Based on the stain on Wu Shaoying's body now, I'm afraid not many people will go to the press conference....

This girl won't be fooled, right? ? ?

At the same time, the only remaining true fans are moved. Perhaps with this opportunity, they can take a good look at Wu Shaoying's attitude towards the previous scandal...

on the subway,

"Su Ran, shall we go to Yingbao's live press conference tomorrow?"

Liu Ling, head of Wu Shaoying's fan support group, turned to her boyfriend and said,

"I'm already a fan..."

When Su Ran heard this, there was a little hesitation on her face. If she wanted to say why no fans turned black, it might be because her 18-year-old girlfriend was still following her.

"No, I must go and see for myself, will you accompany me or not!"

Su Ran just wanted to refuse, but found that his girlfriend's hand had pinched his waist at some point, his body froze suddenly,

Immediately said righteously.

"Go, Lingling, I must go!"

Seeing this, Liu Ling showed a smile on her face, but in an instant, thinking of her idol's situation, the smile on her face suddenly subsided.She is being slandered on the Internet, so I must go and see for myself.

Big Brother,

Jinling Bieyuan,

A knock on the door came from outside, followed by Sister Xia's urgent voice,

"Yingying, ready to go

〃coming! "

Wu Shaoying took a final look at herself in front of the mirror, and after seeing that there was nothing serious, she turned and walked out of the room.

When Sister Xia saw Wu Shaoying who was dressed so ordinary, her face was a little bit astonished.

"Yingying, will you wear this for today's press conference?"

At this time, Wu Shaoying was simply wearing a casual suit, with a moon white short liner on his upper body, and tight slacks stretched his slender thighs straight.

Although this outfit is full of youthful atmosphere, it is enough to make people's eyes shine, but it doesn't match the formal occasion at all.

You know, such a grand occasion is generally dominated by dresses.

"What's wrong? I feel fine.

Seeing Miss Xia staring at her clothes, Wu Shaoying didn't feel anything wrong.

"I'm really scared of you, it's the first time we meet in public after more than half a year, your heart is too big...

Sister Xia nodded her little head, shook her head, and said helplessly, but let her go, this outfit looks okay.

At this time, Ye Yingxin and her little assistant also came over, and they were stunned for a moment when they looked at Wu Shaoying's clothes, but considering her temperament, I can understand

Then; Sister Xia seemed to have thought of something, her expression became a lot more serious, and she said to Wu Shaoying.

"Yingying, there may be a lot of tricky questions at the press conference later, so be careful!"

In fact, since Wu Shaoying's 'relationship' was exposed again yesterday, there have been mostly negative comments about her on the Internet, so the questions from the reporters at today's press conference can be imagined!

Paying attention to new songs is false, but asking about scandals is true.

Wu Shaoying also nodded when she heard the words, her eyes were lowered, and an unconscious light flashed through it. After learning about the hot spots on the Internet for the first time yesterday, she was mentally prepared.

"Okay, it's getting late, it's time to go!"

Seeing Wu Shaoying's calm appearance, Sister Xia felt a little more at ease.

She knew that Wu Shaoying was a smart person, although she was pure or simple in terms of feelings, but it was only limited to her own people.

After all, he can be regarded as someone who has been in the entertainment industry for nearly two years, and without any emotional intelligence, he can't get along!


At this time, there was a sound of horns outside the villa, and the pick-up car arrived.

So the group did not hesitate, and set off directly!

This time the single release conference was held in the film and television base on the outskirts of Yandu, not too close to the villa.

The previous online release can only be regarded as an informal release, this offline release is the official start of Wu Shaoying's transformation!

Finally, the vehicle carrying a group of people drove for a long time and finally arrived at the destination.

The press conference has not yet started, but there are already a lot of guns and short cannons set up outside. There is no way, Wu Shaoying's enthusiasm is too high now, even if it is not a good enthusiasm, but the news media will not care about it.

As long as there is traffic and the topic is hot enough, they dare to shoot anything.

Afterwards, when the reporters of the entertainment news saw the black commercial vehicle slowly driving in, their eyes lit up immediately, and the only one who could drive the car into the press conference was the owner!

Immediately, a group of people surrounded them like cats smelling fishy smell, and swarmed up after watching the long guns and short cannons.

Fortunately, the organizer arranged for security personnel. After the commercial vehicle stopped, they quickly used a human wall to pull up a protective circle, so that Wu Shaoying and his party could get off the car and walk to the main venue.

When Wu Shaoying got out of the car, the flashing lights in the venue immediately lit up.

The sound of "click" was endless, and it seemed very lively.

If the entertainment reporters present were not warned not to ask questions before the start of the press conference, the room at this time would have been even more lively.

In the end, Wu Shaoying and his group managed to enter the backstage of the main venue, but at the subsequent press conference, sister Xia and others could no longer accompany them.

According to the rules, there can only be one host and Wu Shaoying at the press conference.

"Yingying, go up and talk carefully, don't get duped!"

Backstage, Miss Xia looked at Wu Shaoying who was about to take the stage, but couldn't help reminding her.

"That's right, Sister Yingying, those media are the most hateful, they will take things out of context, so be careful!"

The little assistant also looked tense, and said to Wu Shaoying.

"Don't worry, I'm not a newcomer anymore, I know what to say and what not to say"

Wu Shaoying nodded when she heard the words, and said calmly.

In the end, Sister Xia looked at Wu Shaoying's back when she came to the stage, and she was still a little worried.

Although Wu Shaoying is not a newcomer... But facing the various speech skills of those media reporters, even a veteran in the entertainment industry, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not be caught by the trap.

In front of the stage, after Wu Shaoying took the stage, she did not elicit warm cheers as usual. On the contrary, most of the people present were entertainment journalists. Although there were quite a few fans, they all looked a little unhappy, obviously because they were also fans of the Internet. The fermented fishing boats have affected their attitude

Xinxuan Fou included Liu Ling and Su Ran. The fans all watched from the sidelines, so the atmosphere was naturally not too enthusiastic.

It can even be said to be a little cold, but even so, Wu Shaoying's expression remained the same without much fluctuation, and the media people who watched were surprised.

It stands to reason that the current Wu Shaoying can be said to be precarious, and may ruin her future at any time. It shouldn't be this expression... Looking closely at Wu Shaoying's state at this time, it seems that she has not been affected by the Internet at all. The clothes looked a little informal, and this scene made many media people fall into contemplation...

Thus, under the silent gaze of an entertainment media person, the press conference officially began!


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Chapter 118 Did We Misunderstand Sister Tianxian? ?

Yandu Huanshan Film and Television City,

The single press conference officially started. The specific process was firstly that the host asked about the specific creation process of the single and the difficulties encountered in it.

And these Wu Shaoying answered one by one, appearing calm and unhurried.

But these entertainment media don't care, they only care about the following free interview session.

It's not just that the media don't care, even the true fans who have always called on others to pay attention to Wu Shaoying's works are also interested in it.

After all, the new song single has been heard on major music platforms before, and this release is just a public process of Wu Shaoying's announcement of transformation.

Compared with the song itself, whether it is a true fan or the entertainment media, they are obviously more concerned about the current scandal that Wu Shaoying is involved in, and want to see what kind of response she will make.

"Okay, let's leave the time to the media of all parties, and please ask questions in an orderly manner!"

The host in the room seemed to realize what everyone was thinking, and quickly ended his session, giving time to the media.

All the media people's eyes lit up when they heard the words, and one by one held up the microphone and moved over. Wu Shaoying still had a calm expression, and he seemed calm and unhurried when facing the media, and he didn't feel uncomfortable because of it. A little flustered.

Seeing this, Liu Ling's heart skipped a beat in the crowd, and she couldn't help but tightly squeezed her boyfriend's hand. In fact, yesterday's scandal was quite stressful for fans like them who still believed in Wu Shaoying. I have some doubts faintly.

Doubt that the idol I have always admired is a duplicity like what is said on the Internet.

At this time, the first question was finally posed by a reporter from a major entertainment magazine,

"Hi Shaoying, how do you respond to yesterday's scandal?"

"No response, I already responded last year..."

Unexpectedly, Wu Shaoying, who answered her, spoke bluntly. As soon as the words came out, everyone present was stunned for a moment. They did not expect that Wu Shaoying's attitude was so tough.

The reporter was also taken aback when he heard the words, and then reluctantly gave up his position to other media. One question per family was agreed in advance, but the question was indeed a bit too direct.

Then another media reporter stepped forward and asked Wu Shaoying,

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