The more terrifying the better, let me see what will happen next!Boom~~~Boom~~~ The terrifying roar resounded crazily, and everything was impacted.

the other side.

Newgate also asked after a little thought: "Brother, are you joking?" "Huh?"

Ku Luo was taken aback, and then said gently: "Stinky boy, you really are, I never make fun of my relatives, these children are my relatives to me, I never make fun of them Just kidding, you should be very clear." "That's good!" "That's good!"

Newgate scratched his head in embarrassment and said: "Brother! You know, I didn't mean that. The main reason is that what you said is really scary. It turned out to be like this. I am also afraid that there is something wrong with Barrett. .""indeed!"

"If you change someone, it is indeed easy to have problems, and the mentality is unstable. Under such an impact, it is easy to have accidents." "But!"

Crow exhaled a wisp of green smoke, held the pipe, and said with a smile, "Don't forget, that little guy is Barrett! He wouldn't be so embarrassing, don't you think?" with a smile.

Kuluo is very gentle, that kid will not be defeated in the end because of such a thing!If he was defeated so easily, then Barrett wouldn't be Barrett anymore.

Stop it!


This man is so easy to defeat. "what!"

Tamago said weakly: "Father! Dabao! I'm going back to rest first, I'm really tired." "Go!" "Yeah!"

Tamago left, while Crow and Newgate walked underground, Crow asked: "Apart from the little guy Barrett, does anyone else have any questions?"

Newgate shook his head and said, "Brother! I have spread the energy among the captains of the team. Marco and Joz have not practiced it because they want to find you. The other children are fine. As for the ordinary members?" Shaking his head !

Newgate said very seriously: "It's not the time yet! At least it's not the time yet. We need to wait until the strength improves. At that time, it is more appropriate to popularize it." Ku Luo nodded and said: "The 1.9 It is indeed possible! These things are not things to be rushed, just take your time!"


Newgate also nodded.

Indeed it is!

These things are not things to rush.

this is normal!

Ku Luo very much agrees, the practice of energy is not a small problem, at least!Under the circumstances that there is no way to guarantee the side of the five old stars, it is still a small-scale practice, and after a substantial increase in strength, it is revealed.


It's too early to reveal, it's going to shoot the first bird, you know!The anti-kings of various dynasties, the first person to oppose, basically failed, the reason is very simple!What they were facing was a giant dragon that was not dead even though it appeared sick.

not to mention.

Now this giant dragon still has terrifying power.


Crow asked, "That's right! Has Dr. Vegapunk made any new research recently?" "Yes!"

"But I don't understand!"

Newgate is unreasonable and strong.

Then I just don't understand!

What can I do?

There is nothing I can do about it! "Hehehe~~~"

Seeing the appearance of this stinky boy, Ku Luo didn't say anything, but said gently: "It's just right! If you come here, then go and have a look." "Yeah!"

The two walked towards Vegapunk's research institute.

PS: 4000 word chapter!Daily six changes! ! !Bros!Kneel for support!Begging for collection!Beg for flowers!Begging for a monthly pass!Begging for a reward!Guiqiu evaluation! ! ! .

Chapter 83: Technology!energy!The Transformed Whitebeard Pirates!

boom! ! !

The roar resounded. "Idiot!" "Be serious!" "Sorry!"

"Hurry up and clean up." "But!"

"The explosion this time also proved the correctness of our experiment." "That's right!"

Just walked to the door of the laboratory.

Clow and Newgate just heard the deafening roar, which made them both shake their heads helplessly. It really is, it really is a scientist's research institute, and if one is not careful, there will be an explosion.


After the explosion, who knows what will happen next.


The laboratory door opened. "Huh?" "Ah!"

"Mr. Craw?" "Mr. Newgate!"

All the scientists were stunned. They always met with Newgate, but they didn't expect Mr. Clow to come back today. "Ahaha~~~"

Kuro smiled gently: "Everyone, where is Dr. Vegapunk?"

One of the scientists said: "Mr. Kuluo, the doctor is being forced to sleep. You know that his health is not particularly good! Although he has improved recently, if he doesn't take a good rest, he still can't do it." "so!"

"We have stipulated that the doctor must be forced to rest every day." "Good job." Crow nodded.


At this time, a voice came, and the scientist looked at the time and said: "It is indeed almost time, and it is time for the doctor to wake up." As expected, it creaked!

As the voice came, Vegapunk came out and said calmly: "Mr. Clow, you are back!"

Although he had just woken up, Vegapunk didn't feel any very tired feeling, instead he was full of human calm. "Oh?"

Kuro looked at Vegapunk, and said interestingly: "Dr. Vegapunk, are you planning to transform yourself into a cyborg?"

Under Crow's perception, Vegapunk can be said to have nothing to hide. I can feel that Vegapunk has undergone some modifications in some subtle places, such as the transformation of ten fingers, so that I can Get bigger while researching.


More locations, Vegapunk is no action. "Hahaha~~~"

Vegapunk chuckled and said: "Mr. Kuluo, I can't say that, I just have this idea, after all! If you want to transform into a transformed person, as long as you have enough resources, it is almost not a problem. "Hehehe~~~" Kuluo smiled without saying a word.


The technology tree of this world is really crooked!Basic equipment is almost non-existent, but what?It is actually possible to transform such an unbelievable transformed person.

Obviously there are weapons all over his body, but!It is very strange that he can eat and drink normally, and everything exists, and his life span is similar to that of normal people.

In the end is how to do it?

It's really very strange!


There are specializations in the art industry, and Kuro is not good at these things, and he didn't ask any questions. This is something he is not good at, so more inquiries are meaningless.You can say it without hesitation.

It is meaningless to study something that you are not good at.


Many things are most afraid of laymen leading experts, as long as you put forward your own requirements, it is of course the best if you can do it, if you can't do it!Then it's not your problem.

A smile emerged, and Crow shook his head gently and said: "Dr. Vegapunk, it's better not to be so anxious to transform, after all! You are already very clear about the discovery and extraction of energy. This kind of energy transformation is even more important. Excellent!" "Yes!"

Mentioning this matter, Vegapunk also smiled and said: "I also discovered this problem, it is undeniable! The changes brought about by the transformation of energy are really huge, even unimaginable things." to this matter.

Vegapunk also rubbed his brows and said: "Mr. Clow, Mr. Newgate, come here! Let's go inside and have a chat!"


Three people went to the interior of the laboratory, while others continued their research and work at hand.

after all!

These scientists are also very busy, it's not that they don't want to rest, actually!Their greatest hobby is research, especially under the leadership of Vegapunk, under the terrifying genius brain of Vegapunk.

Sometimes, as long as they follow Vegapunk, they can easily learn what they want to learn!This is the most joyful place!

with a smile.

The busyness starts right away.

Everyone started to get busy, and various experiments began to be processed.

the other side.

The three sat down inside the laboratory.

Kuro looked at the aquarium in front of him. In the aquarium, there are a lot of creatures in the deep sea. Seriously!That is to say, the huge aquarium of the Moby Dick would not be able to fit in an ordinary aquarium. "these are?"

Crow asks Vegapunk.

Just an idea. "

"After all, this is not what I'm focusing on now. This can only be said to be a little bit of research in normal times."

how to say!

This is really Versailles!

Vegapunk's words really make people think that Versailles, through the genes of ordinary creatures, developed the genes of phantom beasts, that is, the blood factors. This thing sounds extremely difficult, okay?

But what?

Vegapunk said that these are some of the leftovers I researched. What I really researched is not these simple things at all.

can only say.

In the face of such a scientific genius, Vegapunk's mind really crushes the whole world. "So……"

Crow asked interestingly: "Dr. Vegapunk, what have you been researching recently?" You know!

Recently, the Whitebeard Pirates have cultivated and controlled energy, and this is definitely good news for Vegapunk. If the energy can be perfectly mastered, the improvement will definitely be huge .

This is absolutely beyond doubt. "Hmm~~~"

Vegapunk thought for a while and said: "It is true that I have studied a little bit! But for the time being, it is just a little bit. After a little research on energy, I will summarize it with the magic circle and combine the two. I will control it now. The magic circle can already be controlled, and the magic circle can be replenished gradually, so it’s not a big problem.”


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