Shi Ji glanced at the two of them, and said confidently: "Wang Zhi, I agree to your invitation. This time, the alliance will last until Brother Edward is defeated or beheaded."

Wang Zhi nodded.


Shi Ji left, while Wang Zhi narrowed his eyes and said: "Kaido, you actually got this information, it seems that you are not easy!"

Kaido sneered and said, "Who is simple among the pirates? No more nonsense! I have a top-level Superman, but I am not interested in Superman Devil Fruits. The animal in your hand It’s a devil fruit, I’m more interested.”

"Let's go, let's talk."

"No problem at all."

Wang Zhi and Kaido also left.

that's it.

The anti-"Edward Brothers" alliance, although there is no paper contract, has gradually taken shape.

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Five people were involved.

As for whether there will be more in the future?

That is an unclear thing!

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Chapter 49: The Deadly Fight of the Vice-Captain!

Coalition Against Brother Edward.

at this point.

Of course Crow knew.

"Jie ha ha ha ha~~~"

Shi Ji laughed loudly and said, "Kuluo, that guy Wang Zhi has found my head, and he's joining forces to deal with the two of you brothers!"



With a smile on his face, Kuro spit out a wisp of blue smoke; "Ski, you agree."

Shi Ji nodded without hesitation and said, "Of course I agree. I am looking forward to the chance to kill you two brothers after such a hard time."

Ku Luo nodded and said: "Not bad, I am also looking forward to your fluttering fruit, so just take this opportunity and grab it."


"Jie ha ha ha ha~~~"

The two looked at each other and laughed.


Shi Ke just left, and Newgate crossed his arms and said: "Brother! This matter needs to be vigilant. With the number of opponents and Shi Ji's strength, it will be very troublesome if it is not handled well. "

On the contrary, Ku Luo said calmly; "Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, since the opponent has chosen to fight, it is meaningless to dodge."

Speaking of it.

Ku Luo suddenly said: "Try it, this is a gift for you."


Ku Luo cut out Cong Yun from the space ring, and threw it to Newgate casually.


Newgate subconsciously caught Cong Yunqie.



A terrifying air wave burst out, and strands of terrifying aura erupted above Cong Yunqie, obviously!Cong Yunqie and Newgate fit very well.

Newgate caught Cong Yunqie, and he didn't thank Cong Yunqie. Instead, he said carelessly: "No wonder! So you prepared this for me, brother. I'm still thinking about it! You don't need a weapon, brother. How can you fight with Silver?" The ax snatches Cong Yunqie."

For Crow, things that are not of interest, even if they are worth a thousand dollars, are not of interest at all.

Normally, Ku Luo would never be interested in a weapon like Cong Yunqie, but now he took the initiative to get it, obviously there are other reasons.

That's right.

This is for Newgate.

Kuro said casually: "It is indeed a gift for you. This weapon should be very suitable for you to use. There is still a long way to go in the future. Everything must be prepared."

"Goo la la la~"

Newgate laughed and said, "Brother! Don't worry! If those guys dare to make trouble, I will kill them."

Holding Cong Yunqie, Newgate is very heroic. For a strong man like him who is good at using naginata, a supreme sharp knife like Cong Yunqie is simply a perfect blessing. It is really a blessing for Newgate's improvement. Too big, to an astonishing degree.

"Let's go and enjoy the banquet."

"Okay, big brother!"

The two brothers also joined the banquet.

The other crew members also saw Newgate's Cong Yunqie, and immediately understood what it meant.

The specific situation is clear to everyone.

Of course.

Everyone is very clear that without any accidents, the current Edward Brothers and the Anti-Edward Alliance have come to the fore, and the ghost knows what the next situation will be like.

It's better for ordinary pirates like them not to casually participate in it.


"Boys! Today is a big announcement!"

Lockes drank heroically, laughed and said: "The strength of the Lockes Pirates has been thoroughly resounded, the next step! It is to determine the position of the vice-captain of the Lockes Pirates. The method of determination is very simple. 12 A cadre will be killed, and the last person left will be the deputy captain, if he dies! Then you are too weak!"


Following Lockes' words, the entire banquet fell into silence.

Everyone never imagined that the selection of the vice-captain turned out to be in such a way.

Who can think of this?

It's so terrifying!



Immediately afterwards, crazy roars erupted, and countless people erupted in terrifying madness, everyone roaring recklessly.

This is what the Lockes Pirates are looking forward to the most!

As the deputy captain of the Rocks Pirates, of course he has to show his strength to overwhelm the pack.


At this time, Heitan Muchan suddenly said: "Captain, I quit, surrender!"

Rocks nodded and said: "Of course it's no problem, if you quit, you will quit."

Others are no exception.

In terms of hard strength, Heitan Muchan is indeed not strong. The most important thing is that Heitan Muchan and Heitan Chanwan are one. Heitan Muchan participated alone, wouldn't that make her die?


Zhepu also chose to quit.

Zhepu is very self-aware, he is definitely not the opponent of those monsters, in this case, it is better to quit.

Lockes didn't care, but looked at the remaining ten people and said, "Is there anyone else who wants to quit?"

"Goo la la la~"

"Jie ha ha ha ha~~~"

"Of course not!"

"This fight!"

"I've been looking forward to it for a long time!"

Everyone was murderous, and John, Wang Zhi, and Silver Ax were all staring at Kuro.



From the beginning to the end, Kuro just maintained a calm posture. You must know that he got a very good devil fruit in this attack.

Through this devil fruit, another Kulo card can be created, and it is a very good Kulo card.

Breathing out a wisp of green smoke, Kuro didn't care about other people's eyes, but thought in his heart: "The biggest problem in this kind of battle is the problem of magic power. Apart from magic power, other things are not too big a problem. It seems ! Still have to raise the sword to fight!"

Shaking his head with emotion, the matter was settled like this.

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Chapter 50: Defeating Green Pepper, Destroying John, and Fighting Bondi



Stepping on the isolated island, this isolated island is very large and filled with a large number of ferocious beasts.

This place was chosen as the location for the battle of the vice-captain of the Rocks Pirates.

At this moment.

All ten cadres have already landed.

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