Thinking about it, Zhao Xuan ran towards the distance again

Walk along the quaint streets.

I don't know how long after,

"Tap, tap, tap!

There was another sound of neat footsteps ahead.

Zhao Xuan didn't say anything!

rapid acceleration

Before the soldiers arrived, they rushed into the side alley ahead of time

Zhao Xuan just entered the alley a second ago.

next second!


A figure also rushed in.

The one who came in was a western girl with blond hair and blue eyes.

A long golden curly hair fell on her shoulders.

The emerald green eyes are like two crystal clear emeralds.

The chest is surging!

Enchanting figure!

Even a steel straight man like Zhao Xuan, when he saw this western girl, he couldn't help feeling a little amazed in his heart


This western girl is beautiful, really beautiful

It can be said that she is the most beautiful woman Zhao Xuan has ever seen in this life.

Both her appearance and her figure are perfect

Not only that!

She exuded a sense of charm all over her body.

What's more, it's still the natural power of charm, with every move, the charm is natural.

This western woman obviously also knew Zhao Xuan.

Seeing Zhao Xuan in the alley, she was taken aback for a moment, but she quickly recovered, and like Zhao Xuan, quickly stuck to the deepest part of the alley.

"Tap Tat Tat Tat!!

The sound of an orderly march, getting closer, getting closer,


Seeing this guard coming

A huge force suddenly came from Zhao Xuan's side

Followed by.

next second.


Zhao Xuan, who was defenseless, followed directly, and under this huge force, rushed out of the alley.


The patrolling guards from the ancient city happened to come to the entrance of the alley.


Zhao Xuan's complexion suddenly changed.

His originally drowsy mind suddenly became sober.

He turned his head sharply to look into the alley, and met the cold gaze of the western girl

Hired! ! !

Zhao Xuan suddenly realized that he had been tricked by that Western girl unconsciously.

Just now, he didn't have the slightest vigilance towards that western girl.

And when that western girl was only two or three steps away from him,

Without Siting's vigilance, what does it mean?

this means.

If that seventh-level Western girl just now suddenly shot at Zhao Xuan with all her strength, it would be basically impossible for Zhao Xuan to react and use the green dragon fruit to enter the dragon man form

Without the blessing of twice the physique of the green dragon fruit, it would be absolutely impossible for Zhao Xuan to eat it safely in the face of the full blow of the seventh-rank Tianjiao

It is very likely that she will be seriously injured in one blow.

Think of this.

Infinite anger swept across Zhao Xuan's whole body

Facing Zhao Xuan's anger, the sneer on the western girl's face became more intense

"Bitch|man, you are looking for death!

The voice just fell


Zhao Jiao directly talked about the dragon figure

Ten times the power increase.


Zhao Xuan slammed towards the western girl in the alley and killed her.

"Intruder, kill!"

And at this time

The team of sixth-rank ancient city guards suddenly made a voice without any human emotion at all.

Followed by.

Fifteen guards raised their spears one after another and charged towards Zhao Xuanwei.


Zhao Xuan slapped and slapped the four sixth-tier ancient city guards standing in front of him.

Under Zhao Xuan's terrifying power, the four sixth-tier guards were immediately sent flying, and one by one they crashed into the nearby ancient buildings.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The four guards immediately turned into a puddle of flesh.

He was instantly killed by Zhao Xuan with one move.


Zhao Xuan glanced at the undamaged walls of the ancient building, and his eyes froze.

To know!

Although Zhao Xuan didn't use all his strength in that stroke just now, he used at least [-]% to [-]% of his strength.

And with his current physique of 40000 points in the dragon form, even if he only used [-]% to [-]% of his strength, it would be extremely terrifying

Ordinary seventh-level ability users will definitely not be easy if they want to fight hard.

you could put it that way.

The power of Zhao Xuan's slap was enough to smash a seventh-order green brick into pieces


What does it mean that the wall of the ancient building that was hit hard by the four ancient city guards is still intact?

This means that the hardness of the walls of that ancient building will definitely not be worse than that of the seventh-order blue bricks

Thinking of this, Zhao Xuan couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Just a house in an ordinary residential area in the city is made of materials with a hardness no less than seventh-grade blue bricks. This shows how extraordinary the origin of this life city is.

Closer to home

After taking care of the four ancient city guards blocking the way, Zhao Xuan non-stop slashed at the western girl aggressively.

In the blink of an eye!

Zhao Xuan has already killed in front of her


With the full power of armed domineering and endless thunder power, he smashed out violently,


pointed at her head

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