By the time he woke up from Zhao Xuan's intimidation, it was too late for him to hide,

He could only forcefully take Zhao Xuan's terrifying punch

"Damn it!


The nigger's trembling | trembling roar immediately resounded through the clouds and snow.

at the same time!

He took a sharp breath.

Countless golden lights emanated from him

Golden Light!

See also the golden light realm iron block ability!

No, no!

He used more than just iron

At the same time as using the iron block ability, he also uses the paper drawing ability.

And his ability to paint on paper is also at the Golden Light Realm.

at the last minute!

His body suddenly leaned to the left

It made Zhao Xuan's iron fist that was supposed to hit his chest land heavily on his left shoulder.


Terrifying power instantly swept over his left shoulder.

His whole body, as if hit by a high-speed train, flew upside down suddenly, and finally hit the wall of a residential building heavily.


The whole house suddenly shook violently.

He just got up off the ground

"cough cough cough

In the extremely embarrassing coughing room


Zhao Xuan's fist struck again.

"Damn it!

That nigga tried to dodge

And this time!

Zhao Xuan's domineering arrogance burst out again, enveloping him in it

The nigga's body froze again


next moment!

Zhao Xuan's fist landed on him again.


Accompanied by a gulp of bright red blood, the nigger slammed into the wall of the ancient city house once again.

Zhao Xuan pressed on every step of the way!

He was not given any chance to breathe.


third punch

This time.

This nigger has no ability to dodge at all.

Zhao Xuan's fist finally landed on the nigger's chest as he wished.

Under the bombardment of huge force, a human-shaped indentation was smashed directly on the wall, and the black ghost was directly 'embedded' on the wall

This time!

Zhao Xuan didn't kill them all immediately

after all.

He also intends to learn some information about the ruins of this city of life from him?

and so.

Zhao Xuan suddenly dropped the nigger.

Turn around!


stepping on shaving

Without stopping, he killed the last nigger who was running desperately in the distance.

"Hmph, run? Can you run away?

Zhao Xuan was full of disdain.

To know.

Zhao Xuan in the form of a dragon man has a terrifying physique of 40000 points

Physique doesn't just represent strength.

Physique also includes speed.

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Xuan had already caught up with that black ghost.


A punch came out with a bang.

That nigger, never thought that Zhao Xuan's speed could be so fast

after all.

Zhao Xuancai is at the sixth rank!

In his opinion.

Zhao Xuan's power can reach the eighth level level, which is already very unbelievable.

and so!

He didn't think that Zhao Xuan's speed could reach the eighth level

After escaping for 80 meters, the nigger even had a smile of the rest of his life on his face.


He never imagined it.

Zhao Xuan was so fast!

Zhao Xuan can be so fast!

next moment!

Zhao Xuan's fist had already slammed into the black ghost's back.



Amid the impact of fists and back, the nigger jumped out, landed on his face, and landed heavily on the ground 30 meters away.

Because of the huge impact.

After he landed, his whole body slid more than ten meters above the ground, and finally stopped because he hit the wall of an ancient city house.

After stopping!

The first time this nigga got up off the ground



He ran away in a panic.

"Run? Can you run away?

Zhao Xuan sneered (from Zhao Mo), and stepped on the razor and chased after him.

"Damn it! Damn it, don't come here, don't come here!

Sensing Zhao Xuan who was rushing towards him, the black ghost became inexplicably flustered.

Countless lava erupted from his body|l

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