Chapter 37 Abnormal!abnormal!Zhao Xuan is a pervert

Entrance to the ruins.

At the stele.

The moment the fifth stone tablet lit up.


There was an uproar.

"The fifth level is also passed! The fifth level is also passed!"

"How long is this!? Is there a minute?"

"No, absolutely not, at most 50 seconds!"

"The content of the assessment of the fifth level is to defeat a third-order mysterious bird, right? The strength of the third-order mysterious bird is not weak! Is it solved like this!?"

"If I remember correctly, the time for Miss Di to pass the fifth level seems to be 50 seconds, right?"

"Tsk tsk tsk!"


Everyone exclaimed one after another.

Even the young girl on the side, who had been cold-faced from the beginning, now had a look of surprise on her face.

Zhao Xuan was unaware of the exclamation of the crowd.

Right now!

He was in a hurry to deal with the attack of the three third-tier black birds in the sixth level.

Because the three mysterious birds cooperated with each other to a certain extent, Zhao Xuan was able to defend passively for a time, using iron blocks and his strong physique to forcefully eat their attacks.

In just a short while, Zhao Xuan's body was already covered with bright red scratches.

Fortunately, such a passive situation did not last for too long.

When the three mysterious birds came towards Zhao Xuanfei again, Zhao Xuan made a sudden move.

Point the gun!

The cold light arrives first, and the spear comes out like a dragon.

He poked hard on one of the mysterious birds.


Accompanied by the ear-piercing mournful cry, the black bird flew upside down, landed heavily on the ground a few meters away, and turned into a white light.

After solving one, the remaining two are easy to solve!

Zhao Xuan followed suit!

He stabbed the two black birds to the ground with finger guns one after another.

The sixth level, broken!

With a flash of white light, Zhao Xuan came to the seventh level!

at the same time.

Outside the ruins, in front of the stele.

A golden light quickly bloomed on the sixth stone tablet.

"The sixth level is also passed!"

"Finally passed, the next step is the six third-order black birds of the seventh level!"

"Zhao Xuan seems to be a little weak in succession. The fifth level only took 50 seconds, and the sixth level took almost 10 minutes to pass!"

"Miss Di's sixth level seems to have taken less than 5 minutes, right?"


There was a lot of discussion.

The young girl not far away showed a look of disappointment.

She shook her head and turned around.

Just about to leave.


I heard an unbelievable exclamation, and suddenly came from behind: "Pass, pass, pass, pass, pass, pass, pass... pass!!!!"


"What happened?"

When Di Ruqing heard this, he was taken aback for a moment.


She seemed to have thought of something.

An extremely bold but absurd guess came into her mind by chance.

She suddenly turned her head and looked at the stele!

When seeing the golden light blooming on the seventh stone tablet.


Pupils shrink.



At this moment.

The crowd's exclamation sounded one after another.

"Passed? Damn it!"

"What's the situation? What's the situation!?"

"This, this, this, this, this... How long has it been! Less than half a minute? Zhao Xuan has just passed the seventh level?"

"Didn't the seventh level require defeating six third-order black birds?"


this moment!

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

Completely dumbfounded.

My mind went blank.

They were not shocked because Zhao Xuan was able to defeat the third-order black bird.

Although the time it took for Zhao Xuan to pass the sixth level was exactly double that of Di Ruqing.

But in their view, it should be no problem for Zhao Xuan to pass the seventh level.

but! !

They never expected that Zhao Xuan could be so fast!

Half a minute!

what does this mean?

This means that Zhao Xuan passed the seventh level completely with a crushing attitude.

This also means:


In the first six levels, he didn't use all his strength at all.

That's why everyone was so shocked.

Actually this is the case.

The moment he entered the examination space of the seventh level, Zhao Xuan was attacked by six black birds.

Although he successfully resisted the first round of attack by the six black birds with iron blocks.


However, under the attack of Xuanniao, his face was left with a bloodstain.


Zhao Xuan became angry.

In his words it is.

You can hit me, but don't hit me in the face.

So ever.

He directly activated the green dragon fruit ability.

Under Longwei.

The movements of the six mysterious birds froze suddenly, and their speed suddenly slowed down.

This gave Zhao Xuan an opportunity to take advantage of.


He was stabbed to death by Zhao Xuan with a finger gun one after another.


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