Because of the huge inertia.

Zhao Xuan rolled dozens of times on the ground, and then stopped because he hit the wall of the ancient house.

The whole person is dying.

"Hmph! Vulnerable!"

Seeing this, Huggins snorted coldly with disdain,

Right now!

He saw Zhao Xuan suddenly opened a crack at the entrance of the ruins


Tremblingly, he took out a large stalagmite full of terrifying life energy.

"That is!!!!

When Huggins saw this, his eyes widened.

"Miraculous medicine! Miraculous medicine! Miraculous medicine! Miraculous medicine! Miraculous medicine! That is miraculous medicine! There is a whole plant of miraculous medicine in Zhao Xuan's hands!

Huggins suddenly became ecstatic

In ecstasy, he saw that Zhao Xuanzheng was trembling, and was about to take a stalagmite magic medicine and stuff it into his mouth.

"Damn it!

"Shut up!

Huggins' roar resounded through Yunxue immediately.

Next up!

He rushed towards Zhao Xuan violently.


He was planning to snatch the magic medicine from Zhao Xuan's hand before Zhao Xuan brought the stalagmite magic medicine to his mouth.

In an instant!

Huggins has already killed in front of Zhao Xuan

Ten meters!

Eight meters!

Six meters!

Four meters!

Two meters!

When he reached the position two meters in front of Zhao Xuan

Zhao Xuan suddenly swallowed the small stalagmite medicine that he had held in his mouth in advance.

at the same time!

He let go of the life energy that he had been trying to suppress that wanted to escape from his bones to repair his body.

[5000+ chapters!]

Chapter 140 Five Lore

"Show, show, show!

That moment.

Vast life energy swept across Zhao Xuan's whole body.

No no no no no!

More than just his whole body.

At the moment when he swallowed the small stalagmite of the magic medicine that he contained in his mouth in advance.

The moment he let go of the life energy deposited in his bones that had been suppressed all this time!

Because of the limited carrying capacity of his body!

Countless life energy radiated from his body along his pores.

Zhao Xuan's entire body, within half a meter around him, was filled with a layer of rich life energy.

These life energies even faintly showed signs of liquefaction because they were too dense.

If you look at it from a distance, it seems that Zhao Xuan's whole body is suddenly enveloped by a thin layer of white mist

In the time of zero point zero zero zero one second.

Zhao Xuan's body, which was extremely weak due to the one-second backlash of the secret technique and the deliberate heavy blow from Huggins, instantly returned to its peak|peak state


almost the same time.

The one-second secret technique was launched again.



Punch with all your might.

An iron fist entwined with strong armed domineering and endless thunder power.

Soaring into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, Huggins had already been attacked and killed.

Huggins, really strong!

This, Zhao Xuan had to admit


In order to ensure that he could kill him instantly, Zhao Xuan performed a lot of tricks!

Zhao Xuan's state just now was really dying.

In addition to his attention at this moment, it can be said that almost all of it is on the magic medicine stalagmite held in the palm of Zhao Xuan's left hand.

and so!

Wait until he reacts.

740 Zhao Xuan's Fist Has Already Hit Before His Face

this moment!

A terrifying sense of crisis swept Huggins' whole body

"Not good! Not good! Not good! Not good! Not good!

In his mind, there was a voice screaming frantically.

this moment!

The cold hair all over his body stood up quietly

this moment!

"Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!

His heart beat violently

this moment!

Thick uneasiness swept over his whole body.

"Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

this moment!

These four characters involuntarily appeared in his mind


Huggins yelled out loudly.


He also directly launched his ultimate secret technique.

[Yuexi Forum] The latest address of the forum:

A breath beyond the seventh level burst out from his body|

The power of the eighth order!


With the blessing of the ultimate secret technique, Huggins also has the fighting power of an eighth-order king.


No matter what!

The timing of Zhao Xuan's punch was really good.

When Huggins was only one meter away from him!

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