The speed of fleeing forward is suddenly|suddenly accelerated

In the blink of an eye, the distance from the three pursuers has been reopened, about a thousand meters away.

"Damn it!

"No wonder the boss is thrown away by this brat, the speed of this brat is so fast!

Looking at Zhao Xuan who appeared a thousand meters away in the blink of an eye, the faces of the three of them suddenly became gloomy.

Just as the three of them were in a daze, Zhao Xuan had already moved hundreds of meters away from them.

One of them suddenly said unwillingly: "No! That kid's speed is too fast, we can't catch up!

The faces of the remaining two|people were also full of unwillingness.

Just when they were about to give up,


They will see.

Zhao Xuan, who was running towards the distance, trembled violently.

Followed by.

One follows.

He fell directly to the ground.

on the ground.

It took a second or two before he got up with the kneeling runner and continued to run forward.


The unwillingness on the faces of the three of them dissipated immediately.

The three of them glanced at each other sharply.

next moment!


Without saying a word, he chased after Zhao Xuan again.

Within a few seconds, the three of them had already caught up within 100 meters of Zhao Xuan.

And this time!

Zhao Xuan suddenly dodged like a "wolf fox", and got into a small alley beside the road.



with the wind

next moment.

The three arrived at the entrance of this dark alley one after another.

Before they could see the situation in the alley clearly.



A terrifying roar suddenly erupted from the alley,

Next up!


A strong wind like a knife cut suddenly came from the alley.

Before the three of them reacted.

Zhao Xuan, who was in the form of a dragon, had already rushed out of the alley.

Under the blessing of ten times the physique of the dragon man form!

Under the blessing of the real man's explosion of the one-second secret technique!

The next moment!

Zhao Xuan's fist had already ruthlessly landed on the head of the first pursuer.

0 flowers

Punch! !!!!!!

Terrible punch!!!!

Under this terrifying punch.

"Oh" sounded

Bright red blood and pale tofu are flying all over the sky,

Haven't waited for the remaining two|people to react.


Zhao Xuan had already killed in front of the second pursuer.


Bang out.

"Galla la la la!"

In the next moment, it fell hard under the man's chest.

The sound of ribs breaking resounded through the sky.

The vast and boundless power poured into his body in an instant, directly squeezing his heart,

After killing two pursuers in a row, Zhao Xuan didn't stop!

In the next moment, he was already in front of the third person.

This person has finally come to his senses now.

No way!

Zhao Xuan's speed was too fast.

too fast too fast!

He was just about to retreat when Zhao Xuan's fist was already on his head.



After the violent three-clam

Another big fresh watermelon burst

After Zhao Xuan swiftly picked up the hearts of the space relics that had fallen from them, he suppressed the life energy that was gushing out of the bones again.

After losing the nourishment of life energy, the counterattack of the secret technique in a second came immediately.

Zhao Xuan's face suddenly turned pale, and his breath became disordered.


That's what he is.

Forcibly suppressing the life energy that wanted to emerge from the bones, he followed Tae Kneeling and went back the same way.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo

When he ran after him, gasping for breath, he appeared in front of the remaining four people.

The four of them froze again

Zhao Xuan is still repeating the old trick

Show weakness to the enemy.

In a panic, he glanced in the direction he came this time.

One glance, then tremblingly took out a seventh-order energy bomb given to him by the young man from Kyushu before, and gritted his teeth

He rushed towards the direction of the remaining four people.

it looks!

A state of being forced and helpless, desperate, and can only fight to the death


The four suddenly laughed.

Followed by.

The four quickly dispersed, completely blocking the road

He didn't intend to let Zhao Xuan pass at all.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!

Zhao Xuan looked at the four people standing in front of him with 'panic' and 'crazy' all over his face, and roared angrily, "Don't force me! Don't force me! Get out of the way! Get out of here

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