The blond man, who had erupted the ultimate secret technique and was restraining a golden armored general with his own strength, suddenly spoke.

Brush brush!


The four turned around again.

"Would you like to gather strength and kill a Golden Armored Guard first? Hmph! It's a good idea! But do you think I'll give you this chance?

far away.

Zhao Xuan sneered.

When the four turned around, he also turned


Once again, he quickly attacked and killed them.

This time!

Those four people didn't continue to talk to Zhao Xuan, but rushed back to the battlefield where they fought with the Jin Jiawei.

Cooperate with the two partners who used the ultimate secret technique

Among the six people, five people shot at the same time, and shot at one of the Jin Jiawei generals at the same time.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

With a terrifying collision sound, the golden halberd in the hand of the general of the Golden Armored Guard suddenly shattered.

Followed by.

The attack of the five of them suddenly landed on the general of the Golden Armored Guard.

The Golden Armored General suddenly flew upside down.

After landing on the ground, the Golden Armored General quickly got up,


Next up!

The attack of those five people fell towards him again.


After two consecutive attacks, General Yu Jiawei's originally incomparably strong aura suddenly weakened.

Those five people were very happy.


A hoarse scream suddenly came from not far away.

Brush brush brush brush!

The five turned their heads and saw Zhao Xuan punching one of their team members who was fighting with the Silver Armored Guards.

"Damn it!"


The five of them were furious immediately, and rushed toward Zhao Xuan to kill them.

Zhao Xuan punched the man in the head again, and then ran towards the distance without looking back.

Zhao Xuan's two punches did not actually kill that person.


Who made that unlucky guy so unlucky!

After he was thrown out by Zhao Xuan, he landed directly among the group of Silver Armored Guards


He was directly stabbed to the ground by two silver armor guards.

The five of them were about to chase and kill Zhao Xuanjian!

"Damn it! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up and take over, I won't be able to hold on here!"

Another man who used the ultimate secret technique and was fighting with General Jin Jiawei suddenly let out a scream

The five of them took a hard look at Zhao Xuan in the distance, turned around, and rushed to support the man.

Zhao Xuan originally wanted to leave directly.

After all, General Jin Jiawei has already died.

The remaining one couldn't last a few seconds under the siege of the six of them.

If Zhao Xuan rushes up to harass them now, he will easily be entangled by them


If he just left like this, Zhao Xuan would be a little bit unwilling


He then focused his attention on the dying General Jinjiawei who was blown away by them and flew four or fifty meters away.

his eyes lit up


(Zhao Lihao) Next moment!

Zhao Xuan had already rushed in front of the dying General Jin Jiawei.


It directly resulted in the seriously injured General Jin Jiawei,


After groping around it for a while, Zhao Xuan touched a life stone the size of a thumb.

"this is!!

Zhao Xuan's face was immediately filled with surprise: "High-grade life stone!

in surprise


not far away.

Under the joint attack of those six people, another Jin Jiawei general was also squeezed to the ground by them.

"It's time to withdraw!

Zhao Xuan grabbed the life stone, grasped the high-grade life stone, waved it in their direction a few times, turned his head and ran away


"court death!!!"

When the five people saw this, they were furious


We worked so hard to kill the Golden Armored Guard, but the spoils of war were cut off.

Grass! ! ! ! !


Infinite anger swept through their bodies

Although they were angry, they did not rush to chase and kill Zhao Xuan. Instead, they attacked together and beheaded the remaining nine silver armored guards one by one.


something that made them even angrier, happened word

They failed to find a high-grade life stone from the body of another golden armor guard

That is to say!

There were 14 of them, oh no, it should be said to be 13 now, they worked so hard to kill a team of Golden Armored Guards, and finally the big head they harvested was cut off by Zhao Xuan!

[Ask for a full order! Ask for more! Ask for a ticket! Oh! EDG is awesome! EDG is awesome! EDG is awesome! EDG is awesome! EDG is awesome! !]

Chapter 150 Five Harassment Tactics!

"Is this the high-grade life stone?

In an alley away from the group of people

Zhao Xuan looked at the life stone in his hand, with a smile on his face


Can he not be happy?

This time, he killed one of them, and even picked up a high-grade life stone for nothing

To know.

A high-quality life stone is outside, but it takes at least 70 billion to buy it

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