"Not enough! Not enough! Not enough! Not enough! Not enough! Even if you add the whole magic medicine stalagmite, it is only worth about 1350 billion life energy resources.

It is still far from the 7500 billion needed to break through to the realm of the seventh-order venerable!

As for the hearts of space relics he got from Huggins and others?

Although the hearts of those space relics are worth a lot of money.


The premise that the hearts of those spatial relics are worth money is that Zhao Xuan must first get out of the relics of the city of life.

If you can't get out, those spatial relic hearts are of no use to Zhao Xuan.


Zhao Xuan silently calculated in his heart, frowned and clenched his fists: "If I want to use my life energy to break through to the realm of a seventh-order venerable, I need to spend the next two and a half days

Within a short period of time, 6150 ordinary life stones were obtained, which is not a small amount!

"If I hunt and kill the Golden Armored Guard, maybe I can still do it!

"But! I'm sure I won't be able to hunt down the Golden Armored Guard in the future. With my strength, if I want to hunt down the Golden Armored Guard, it will take at least six to seven minutes even if I burst out with all my strength.

Six or seven minutes is enough time for Napes and his group to surround me!

"Damn it!"

Think of this.

Zhao Xuan frowned suddenly.


In the alley, it was quiet.

In the silence, time passes quietly

Tick ​​tock tick tock!

the passage of time

I don't know how long it will be.

Zhao Xuan's eyes suddenly raised

"That's right! That's right! That's right!

On his face, a strong ecstasy suddenly appeared.

"Although judging from my current life energy resources, it is completely not enough for me to temper my skull and break through to the seventh level! But!'

|I can use these life energies to temper my limbs again. Compared with the internal organs I tempered with life energy, the internal organs I tempered with spiritual power

The strength of the limbs is obviously much weaker!

"But if you want to use life energy to temper your limbs again, you have to start from the beginning, and you have to forcefully fall back to the fourth level.

Spending 500 billion worth of life energy to re-smelt the internal organs and advance to the sixth level will cause huge waste

This is unavoidable!

after all.

To temper the limbs, before tempering the internal organs, this is a practice rule in this world!

For example!

Just like the foundation of a house.

If you want to rebuild the foundation, you have to tear down the house and rebuild it.

If the house is not demolished, there is no way to rebuild the foundation.


In fact, if you want to forcibly rebuild the foundation, it's not impossible,

But the price is (Zhao Lihao)--

After a lot of resource consumption and forced reconstruction, the house will not be strong enough and will collapse easily.

In the silence, Zhao Xuan suddenly clenched his fists.

"Done! Isn't it just rebuilding! Isn't it just wasting a little life energy? If it doesn't break, it won't stand!

"As for wasted life energy!

"Hmph! When I finish tempering my limbs and viscera with life energy, and re-enter the realm of the sixth-order grand master, I will take everything back from you twice.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xuan made a thought, and opened the space of the ruins where he broke through to the sixth level before.

After getting in, the entrance to the relic space was immediately closed.


It's a deep breath!

After Zhao Xuan took a deep breath for a while, he finally made up his mind.

Can't stand without breaking! !!


Start the restorative exercise!

Chapter 160 Rampant!Wanton!

In the relic space



A violent wave emanated from Zhao Xuan's body,

Immediately after

His breath began to drop rapidly.

His complexion also gradually turned pale.

If Zhao Xuan opened his attribute panel to look at it at this moment, he would find it.

His total physical fitness is rapidly declining

one hundred!two hundred!three hundred!Four hundred!

In the blink of an eye, it has dropped almost a thousand points

"Huh, huh, huh

Because the total physical fitness dropped by a thousand points in a short period of time, an inexplicable feeling of weakness swept across Zhao Xuan's whole body.

No, no!

It's not a feeling of weakness.


This should be said to be a feeling of weakness.

Zhao Xuan has not felt so weak for a long time.

"The viscera and six internal organs have exited the refining state, next, it's the turn of the limbs!

Feeling his viscera and six internal organs that had become extremely weak due to forced reasoning in the tempered state, Zhao Xuan took a deep breath

He was just about to put his mental power on his limbs.


He seems to have noticed something

"No 753! No! No! No! No!

Zhao Xuan's eyes flashed suddenly.

His mental power quickly poured out of his brain, poured into his body, and poured into his internal organs, and he began to observe carefully.

The entire relic space became quiet again!

two seconds.

three seconds.

After a brief silence.

Zhao Xuan's expression gradually became agitated: "Although I have stripped all the life energy from the internal organs, and the internal organs have been refined, but

"My internal organs, after all, have been successfully quenched by life energy!

"So, even if all the life energy in them has been stripped at this moment, they have been tempered by life energy after all, so compared to before, they

Still much stronger!

What does that mean?

Take a balloon as an example.

After the balloon is inflated, it inflates, it becomes bigger.

If the air in the balloon is released, it will immediately become smaller and return to its original shape.

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