Thirty punches!

Forty punches!

Fifty punches!

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Xuan had already punched dozens of punches at this eighth-rank Dzogchen general.

With every punch, Zhao Xuan exerted his full strength, it can be said that he used all his strength to feed him.


Rao is so.

The aura of the Golden Armored General is still very stable.

Just a little bit of ups and downs.

Here it is!

How terrifying is the king of the eighth-level Dzogchen realm?


For Zhao Xuan, it is a good thing to have ups and downs!

what does that mean?

this means--

If he continues to attack this Jinjiawei general who is in the eighth-level Dzogchen realm like this, he may really create a miracle today!

That is--

With the body of a sixth-level great master, kill the eighth-level Dzogchen king known as the quasi-ninth-level emperor!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

inside the yard.

The sound of violent collisions kept ringing,

With the blessing of a whole magic stalagmite, Zhao Xuan didn't have to worry about his physical strength being exhausted, and at the same time, he didn't have to worry about his injuries at all.

He engraved it in his mind.Thinking of nothing but punching.

Crazy! Crazy! Crazy!

This time, Zhao Xuan looked like a complete lunatic.

not crazy, not crazy


"Boom and boom!

After a hundred punches!

This kind of house located in a small independent courtyard collapsed under the action of the terrifying shock wave.

After losing the support of the wall of the house, General Jin Jiawei was smashed to the ground by Zhao Xuan directly.



The whole ground trembled violently.

And this time!

On the golden armor worn by General Jin Jiawei, dense cracks have already appeared.


His breath has also gradually begun to become disordered.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Zhao Xuan laughed wildly.


His fist is still non-stop, still fast, and still crazily, hitting the general Jinjiawei on the ground.

Terrifying shock waves continuously seeped into the ground from the body of the Golden Armored General.


earth shakes

And this time.

"Tap, tap, tap!

"Tap, tap, tap!

'Tat T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T "

From outside the small house, there were bursts of urgent but extremely neat marching sounds.

Don't even think about it!

It must have been those patrolling Golden Armored Guards who rushed over to support them.


In this regard.

Zhao Xuan didn't care about the Golden Armored Guards who were rushing to support them.

he's still in-one


Punch! Punch! Punch! Punch! Punch! Another punch!

at last!

at last!

Under Zhao Xuan's desperate attack.

"Gala la la la la la la la!

The incomparably crisp sound of bones breaking resounded through the sky.

The ribs of this Golden Armored Guard of the eighth-level Dzogchen realm couldn't hold up completely.

It broke at the sound.

And this moment.

A group of 15 Golden Armored Guards, all of whom are in the eighth-rank middle-rank realm, had already appeared at the door of this small house, rushing towards the small house one by one,


Zhao Xuan still ignored them!

Still ignoring the fifteen golden armored guards rushing towards him.

He's a very 'single-minded' man

in his head!

In his eyes!

in his mind!

Only the Jinjiawei general who is in the eighth-level Dzogchen realm in front of him


Zhao Xuan knew very well,

If I can't solve this eighth-level Dzogchen general Jin Jiawei in the first time.


Next, it is almost impossible for him to persist for [-] seconds in the siege of the eighth-level Dzogchen general Jin Jiawei and dozens of eighth-level middle-level Jin Jiaweis.

Chapter 170 Killing the eighth-order Dzogchen!

Zhao Xuan is a very sensible person!

In this moment of crisis!

If it was someone else, my heart would have been messed up.

But Zhao Xuan is different

He started from the beginning!

He has never stepped into this independent small courtyard!

When he learned from the big golden mouse that the guards in the yard were "slightly stronger" than himself!

He has already done it, no matter what the cost, first solve the determination of the treasure house guard in the courtyard.

It turns out.

Zhao Xuan's plan is incomparably correct


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