in the blink of an eye.

The warm current has flowed all over his body.

Wherever the warm current passed, Zhao Xuan even felt that all his cells were cheering.

The cells and organs began to frantically absorb the energy contained in this warm current.

It's like a greed|greedy mother-in-law's meal, constantly and crazily absorbing.

One second!

Two seconds!

Three seconds!

After three seconds.

The warmth dissipated.

Zhao Xuan felt his body at the moment, felt the abundant strength in his body, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

Next up!

He immediately opened his property panel

[Tiandao rewards system]

Name: Zhao Xuan

Age: 18

Mental Power: 546.53/646.53

Physique: 9856.23/10434.23

[ps: The data in Chapter 178 is wrong. In Chapter 178, the protagonist’s physique should already be 8934. I forgot to add it! Sorry, sorry! I’m very sorry! J

Abilities: Shaving (Extraordinary: 2900/640000), Iron Block (Extraordinary: 10100/640000), Paper Painting (Great Master: 3600/640000), Moon Step (Grand Master: 23

00/640000), Lanjiao (Extraordinary: 9100/640000), Pointing Spear (Great Master: 2400/640000), Swordsmanship (Grand Master: 1935/16000), Knowledgeable Satyr

Qi (Master: 73100/80000), Armed Color Haki (Master: 65100/80000), Overlord Color Haki (Grandmaster: 1220101/160000), Blue Dragon Fruit (

Grandmaster: 0/160000)

"One thousand five hundred points!!! One point!

"It actually directly increased my physical fitness by [-] points!!!!!

"Wow, awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!"

"Rebuilding my viscera once can increase my constitution by 200 points. Calculated in this way, the level increase of the green dragon fruit ability this time is equivalent to giving me a free white maid

Seven internal organs have been rebuilt!

"My physique is now over [-], and it's already over [-] without using the ability of the green dragon fruit!"

Look at your own properties panel.

Watch and watch, watch and watch.



Endless ecstasy swept Zhao Xuan's whole body.

In ecstasy.

Xing Xiangping


Zhao Xuan suddenly raised his head and laughed loudly.

His laughter is so rampant and exciting

His laughter is so wanton and excited.

The laughter was filled with strong arrogance.

Laughing, laughing.

Zhao Xuan only felt the domineering aura in the depths of his mind, and it suddenly rolled violently

When he reacted, Zhao Xuan found out.

The domineering arrogance that was already huge in the depths of my mind was once again amplified.

Zhao Xuan quickly glanced at his attribute panel


Then I found that the domineering proficiency of my domineering color on the panel suddenly increased by [-] points!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

this moment!

Zhao Xuan's smile is so bright,

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!'

Zhao Xuan's laughter echoed over and over again, over and over again, over the gate of the entire City of Life.


so arrogant


His arrogance has its own capital

Zhao Xuan didn't laugh for too long.


He came back to God

Glancing at the time.

At this moment, there are only 5 minutes left before the gate of Life City opens.

"Next, it's time to receive the goods!

Muttering, Zhao Xuan cast his gaze on Napes and his party of 37 people who were huddled near the gate of the city.

"Tap, tap, tap, tap!

Zhao Xuan took a step and came directly in front of Napes

After giving him a cold look, Zhao Xuan suddenly raised his head, looked around at everyone present, and said, "I can give you a chance to live!

Hear it!


Among the 37 people in Napes, many of them were filled with pain and despair, and a look of hope for life suddenly appeared on their faces.

"Five seconds!

Facing everyone's staring eyes, Zhao Xuan stretched out his right hand, and said again: "I'll give you five seconds! You have five seconds to take this

Hand over all the life stones you have obtained in the City of Life in the past three days!

As soon as this word comes out.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly froze.

They have gained a lot in the past three days

That's a lot of money

After handing in 70%, each of them can get at least [-] billion!

This is the resource that they have risked their lives for the past three days and worked so hard to get it.


Now let them hand it all over directly, do you think they will be happy?

Do not!

of course not!

When they heard Zhao Xuan's request, their first reaction in their hearts was to refuse, and they were not happy.

Just when they hesitated.


Zhao Xuan suddenly spoke.

The loud voice immediately rang in everyone's ears

Zhao Xuan started the countdown.

Zhao Yi just counted down to 3


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