Of these 80 people, at least [-] died at the hands of Zhao Xuan.

"A big event! A big event is about to happen!! Friends!

this moment!

This idea was born in everyone's mind

Followed by.

They suddenly thought of something

That is--

Since every team that comes out of Life City can at least gain 7000 billion

Since Zhao Xuan killed so many people!

Since Philemon and others did not find the heart of the space relic on the corpses at the gate of the city.

doesn't that mean


Those who were killed by Zhao Xuan, all the gains in the City of Life in the past three days are all on Zhao Xuan at this moment?

The ones that died in the first place don't count.

Just counting the 37 people who died at the gate of the city

Six teams.

Each team counts the 7000 billion life energy resources they only harvested in three days

Great seven

In other words.

Zhao Xuan possessed at least 4 trillion life energy resources.

This is 4 trillion!

This is not 4

4 trillion, what kind of concept is this?

The concept of slow frying.

"Four trillion, that sixth-order brat now has at least 4 trillion worth of resources!

There is such a silence.

"Hoo. Hoo hoo. Hoo, hoo hoo

A series of heavy breathing sounds suddenly sounded.

a time.

The entire square was enveloped by the sound of heavy breathing.

Everyone's eyes turned red.

Everyone's heart was beating wildly.

An emotion called greed swept over their bodies.

In a greed|dream.

Followed by.

A question suddenly popped up in everyone's mind.

The question is - what about people?

What about Zhao Xuanren?

We also didn't see that little ghost named Zhao Xuan coming out of the ruins of the City of Life?

Could it be that he sneaked in among those rank-[-] kid teams in Kyushu and ran away?

No no no no!

No! No! No!

No! Absolutely not!

That Zhao Xuan was just a sixth-level kid, and the five people who followed Han Ping were all seventh-level venerables, and they were not the kind of existence who had just advanced to the seventh level.

That being the case.

So, where did that kid named Zhao Xuan go?

We didn't see him come out either?

and many more!and many more!and many more!

Since the kid didn't come out, and now the entrance to the city of life has been closed

Is it possible

An extremely absurd and unacceptable guess appeared in their minds

for a while!

Everyone frowned.

Right now!

A voice of inquiry suddenly sounded: "Coleman, aren't you Life Island going to give us an explanation?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Brush brush.

Everyone looked at it calmly, and found that the one who spoke was the ninth-rank emperor who spoke before, that is, Napes' grandfather Winston.


A ninth-tier emperor of Life City frowned.


Winston's eyes were red, and he said in a deep voice: "If the old man remembers correctly, the candidates to enter the ruins of the City of Life this year have already been determined. What did Zhao Xuan say|go


"About this, I have been confused too!

The ninth-rank emperor of the Life City had a gloomy face, and said: "Obviously three days ago, when the ruins of the Life City were opened, we were all there, and we all watched with our own eyes.

Those who choose to go in one by one, I can guarantee that among the people who entered the ruins of the city of life, there is no kid named Zhao Xuan!

"On this point, Morgans and the others should be able to testify for our Life Island!

"Because Morgans and the others were also present that day!

The voice fell.

Brush brush.

Everyone's eyes turned to the four or five ninth-tier emperors from other forces gathered together


Facing everyone's eyes, Morgans nodded and said: "Coleman is right, we happened to be there when the ruins of the City of Life opened that day, and I can say with certainty that

Among the people who talked about the ruins of Niu Ming City, there is no kid like Zhao Xuan!

'Did anything unexpected happen that day?

Winston asked: "For example, a certain candidate has some abnormalities or something? Is it possible that there is an eighth-level or even ninth-level imitation fruit ability user who uses his already

The awakened fruit ability disguised Zhao Xuan as a certain candidate, and then let him unknowingly mix into the ruins of the city of life?

"There are indeed abnormal words!

After thinking for a while, Morgans said: ""A female candidate from Dongpu came a bit late, and arrived at the scene only 5 minutes before the entrance of the city of life.

From what she said, it seems that they encountered a migrating sea king group on the way here, which delayed time!


Morgans said, and added: "I can be sure that the female candidate from Dongpu is definitely not the brat named Zhao Xuan pretending to be.

"Why did you say that?" Winston squinted his eyes and asked.

"very simple

Morgans glanced at a silent black man not far away, and said: "Kendini was also there that day, and Kendini is also a person with the ability to imitate fruits, and he has the ability to imitate fruit.

The development of imitation fruit can be said to be one of the best in this sea, and it is almost impossible to hide it from his eyes!huh, Kennedy?

Kendini nodded with a gloomy face, "I can be sure that among all the candidates who entered the ruins of the City of Life that day, none of them were pretending!"

The scene became quiet again,

After all was quiet, Winston spoke again: "Since you are so sure that there was no trace of the person named Zhao Xuan on the day when the ruins of the City of Life were opened, then

So how did he get in? Could it be that there are other channels to enter the ruins of the city of life! !!!!!!!!!

Speaking of which!

Winston's voice paused.

His eyes suddenly flickered violently.

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